Sorry for the negativity, but I just have to say this..... WHO ON THE F@#$%$# PLANET ACTUALLY GIVES A RAT'S ASS???!?!?!?!?!!????
Has anyone ever read the story of 'We Will Rock You'? I read the synopsis of Ben Elton's play. There very well could be something more stupid sounding in this world... I just can't prove it. The guy took lyrics from Queen songs and combined it all into characters and a story that sounds cheesey, except that word isn't strong enough to communicate the sheer lameness of this story. And oh goodie, a bunch of wannabe theatrical singers and musicians(not Queen) will be performing HITS from Queen's catalogue. Wow! Not only can I see a story that is dorkier than a Star Trek costume contest, but I can hear the butchering of Queen's music. Wow, what a treat!
I absolutely cannot stand that stupid play, and yes, I have not seen it. Reading the synopsis made me flinch with embarrasment. I wouldn't be caught dead at that play, especially if anyone who knew me was there. The taunts about me being a Queen retard would NEVER end. And how could I defend a play of Queen covers tied into a story about... I can't even speak of the plot without first putting in a pocket protector, eating my own snot and whatever other nerd-like extremeties go along with a person who reads the plot of that play and still actually pays money to see it.
I love Queen with all my heart and mean them no disrespect, but I cannot imagine any Queen-esque piece of theatre in the future being created that stands a chance of out lameing the utter and complete stupidity of Ben Elton's retardation. What is worst of all is that Brian May and Roger Taylor actually support and take a hand in producing this play.
So in short, I cannot wait until this abomination runs it's course and Queen's image is no longer a victim of Geek-ed horror! God bless the next person who walks up and slaps Ben Elton hard in the face. Ben Elton, ha. And to think someone out there could use a good liver... That's what sickens me.
How cool. Who? If they don't wanna say, I'm sure I speak for everybody here: Good Luck.
However, I must also agree with AmeriQueen. This really sounds so campy and dull, I think it'd be better watching it with your eyes closed and just listen to the music.
Not sure, but why would DeNiro be involved? I'm sure a lot of actors/actresses like Queen. Does this show actually make that much of a profit?
Oh, De Niro's original press conference with Queen was ridiculous. He seems to like Queen about as much as he would a giant rash. The interviewers were making fools of themselves by continuing to attempt to ask DeNiro questions. It was like talking to a brick wall.
The sooner this goofy play ends, the better. I am especially bitter because Brian's work with the play 2 years ago led to his decision to cancel his appearance here in Dallas, TX at Clapton's Crossroads festival. I went through some hoops to get good seats and had to end up selling them because of that stupid play. Oh well, at least his agenda changed quickly after that.
Have you guys heard about Elton writing a sequel for it? He might as well write 'Weekend at Bernies 3' while he's at it.
AmeriQueen wrote: Sorry for the negativity, but I just have to say this..... WHO ON THE F@#$%$# PLANET ACTUALLY GIVES A RAT'S ASS???!?!?!?!?!!????
Has anyone ever read the story of 'We Will Rock You'? I read the synopsis of Ben Elton's play. There very well could be something more stupid sounding in this world... I just can't prove it. The guy took lyrics from Queen songs and combined it all into characters and a story that sounds cheesey, except that word isn't strong enough to communicate the sheer lameness of this story. And oh goodie, a bunch of wannabe theatrical singers and musicians(not Queen) will be performing HITS from Queen's catalogue. Wow! Not only can I see a story that is dorkier than a Star Trek costume contest, but I can hear the butchering of Queen's music. Wow, what a treat!
I absolutely cannot stand that stupid play, and yes, I have not seen it. Reading the synopsis made me flinch with embarrasment. I wouldn't be caught dead at that play, especially if anyone who knew me was there. The taunts about me being a Queen retard would NEVER end. And how could I defend a play of Queen covers tied into a story about... I can't even speak of the plot without first putting in a pocket protector, eating my own snot and whatever other nerd-like extremeties go along with a person who reads the plot of that play and still actually pays money to see it.
I love Queen with all my heart and mean them no disrespect, but I cannot imagine any Queen-esque piece of theatre in the future being created that stands a chance of out lameing the utter and complete stupidity of Ben Elton's retardation. What is worst of all is that Brian May and Roger Taylor actually support and take a hand in producing this play.
So in short, I cannot wait until this abomination runs it's course and Queen's image is no longer a victim of Geek-ed horror! God bless the next person who walks up and slaps Ben Elton hard in the face. Ben Elton, ha. And to think someone out there could use a good liver... That's what sickens me.
^ :D!!!!!!! Well said. I agree....and you took the words out of my mouth.....and I agree....Did I mention that I agree? I, too, haven't seen the musical. But I wouldn't want to. and AmeriQueen just explained it. :D! *bows down*
¼Microwave wrote: How cool. Who? If they don't wanna say, I'm sure I speak for everybody here: Good Luck.
It's me. Thanks for the consolation wishes.
AmeriQueen wrote: And oh goodie, a bunch of wannabe theatrical singers and musicians(not Queen) will be performing HITS from Queen's catalogue.
I guess being granted an audition for this musical by Brian May has degraded me to being a wannabe musician, as well as all the other musicians and actors, too. Come to think of it, I guess all theatre people are wannabes too. You call us wannabes, as if we are all required to strive to create original works and attain worldwide stardom, and that anything below that achievement is unacceptable. Give me a break! Maybe some people are happy getting a part in a pro musical that will pay five figures. Ever thought of that?
If I get the gig, I promise, I'll do my best to make the guitar sound as uncheesy as possible, just for you.