Yeah, my mum is a nurse and my dad is a vet, so they know quite a bit abour diseaces (I NEVER get to spell that right! xD) and stuff.
So I asked them what gangrene was, coz I was reading Queen As It Began - an english book, and as I'm a dane, I didn't know all the words.
They told me what it was, and also told me, that drug addics often get it. I tried to explain, that he got it because of a dirty needle, before going to Aussie.
Then I later asked that hepatitis was, and AGAIN drug addics often get that too!
So now my parent are absolutely convinced, that Brian used to do drugs!
I simply refuse to believe it, and I've got really mad with my parents xD
Brian doing drugs... Tut! What an insult!
(And I apologize for my poor english xD)
Yeah, they weren't good model citizens, like The Beatles or Johnny Cash.
Tell your Mom and Dad to wake up and that you've been addicted for years. That oughtta shock 'em back to reality.
Administer The Shocker.
Lol xD
Scarely (is that a word? xD) my mum said: "There are more addics out there, than you think..."
Really sounded like she was referring to someone I know o_O (Someone I know, but don't know is doing drugs. You get my point? xD)
Maybe my mum herself?! Ö But yeah, I should definitely try some of your suggestions B-)
Lol xD
Scarely (is that a word? xD) my mum said: "There are more addics out there, than you think..."
Really sounded like she was referring to someone I know o_O (Someone I know, but don't know is doing drugs. You get my point? xD)
Maybe my mum herself?! Ö But yeah, I should definitely try some of your suggestions B-)
I don't think anyone uses drugs. Drugs use us. They want to destroy us to take over the world. But it is in fact the evil cereals that are controlling the drugs. The cereals are simply the drugs' overlords. And I predict that the year 2012, Brian May will be revealed as the leader of the cereals, and he will then marry a blank piece of paper. Preferably blank. With no stuff written on it. Or drawn.
Mr.Sewer10 wrote: brian realy did? but hes such a healthfreak? his kids are not eve alowed to go to mcdonals! he does never smoke but he uses drugs? explanation needed....did other memebers use drugs?
Apparently your parents did. Or maybe you're from Arkansas?
Explanation: Not all drugs are smoked
Mr.Sewer10 wrote: brian realy did? but hes such a healthfreak? his kids are not eve alowed to go to mcdonals! he does never smoke but he uses drugs? explanation needed....did other memebers use drugs?
Apparently your parents did. Or maybe you're from Arkansas?
Explanation: Not all drugs are smoked
Explanation: Someone so steadfastly against smoking is not likely to partake in such an illicit and equally devastating activity.