AmeriQueen 29.10.2006 00:40 |
I have another new Queen member dream, one that has about a 0.0000000000000000000001% chance of ever happening, but oooohhh it would be cool!!! ADAM ANT!!! He could play bass for Queen as good as anyone, add another great lead-capable voice to the mix, offer a couple of classics appropriate with the exising Q + PR sound(Vive Le Rock and Wonderful come immediately to mind). I know Queen and Ant have little in common other than being British Rock acts(Ant a little on the punk side) from the 1970's, but at least for my personal taste in music, top 3 songwriters of all time which I am not sure the order are Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Adam Ant. There must be some common appeal for at least one person to pair them as their top two favorites. Ant is trying to come back. If Marco Pirroni(Adam Ant's comerade and writing partner/guitarist for the last 25 or so years is not available because of his current band, health or potential retirement(like ol' Deacy) Ant could ease back by going to bass which is probably his strongest ability(sings, drums, guitars, plays horns and piano all as well). One intriguing element to my Xmas wish is that dam Ant is about as close to Freddie as their is in terms of over the top flamboyance/stage persona. He is a phenomenal live performer, and would bring theatricality back to Queen, and lastly, one song for sure that he would blow Paul away with and take to his lead vocal efforts is 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'. He was meant to cover that song somehow. Come on, get behind me with this. Isn't it odd that Adam Ant's 1st book ever, 'Stand and Deliver' - (Autobiograpy) and Brian's first Book Bang! both came out this month? I'm telling you, it's fate. Brian's had bouts with depression and he's admitted suicidal thoughts in the past. Maybe he could extend his advice and help Adam get back with his life and good mental by sharing his life lessons and personal perspective on their bouts with depression in the past. Anyway, I think it would be truly incredible for all involved, and most of all, for me DAMN IT!! Lastly, they put a cherry on top by replacing Jamie Moses with Marco Pirroni. And next, I woke up from my dream. P.S. R.I.P. Red Aurebach - NBA Legend 10/31/06. He did as much for the game of basketball as anyone in history, making the Boston Celtics the most successful pro team in history. |
user name 29.10.2006 01:07 |
I read half of that thinking you were referring to the Hanna-Barbera cartoon superhero, Atom Ant. |
Megamike The GREAT 29.10.2006 10:28 |
AmeriQueen wrote: I have another new Queen member dream, one that has about a 0.0000000000000000000001% chance of ever happening, but oooohhh it would be cool!!! ADAM ANT!!! He could play bass for Queen as good as anyone, add another great lead-capable voice to the mix, offer a couple of classics appropriate with the exising Q + PR sound(Vive Le Rock and Wonderful come immediately to mind). I know Queen and Ant have little in common other than being British Rock acts(Ant a little on the punk side) from the 1970's, but at least for my personal taste in music, top 3 songwriters of all time which I am not sure the order are Freddie Mercury, Brian May and Adam Ant. There must be some common appeal for at least one person to pair them as their top two favorites. Ant is trying to come back. If Marco Pirroni(Adam Ant's comerade and writing partner/guitarist for the last 25 or so years is not available because of his current band, health or potential retirement(like ol' Deacy) Ant could ease back by going to bass which is probably his strongest ability(sings, drums, guitars, plays horns and piano all as well). One intriguing element to my Xmas wish is that dam Ant is about as close to Freddie as their is in terms of over the top flamboyance/stage persona. He is a phenomenal live performer, and would bring theatricality back to Queen, and lastly, one song for sure that he would blow Paul away with and take to his lead vocal efforts is 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'. He was meant to cover that song somehow. Come on, get behind me with this. Isn't it odd that Adam Ant's 1st book ever, 'Stand and Deliver' - (Autobiograpy) and Brian's first Book Bang! both came out this month? I'm telling you, it's fate. Brian's had bouts with depression and he's admitted suicidal thoughts in the past. Maybe he could extend his advice and help Adam get back with his life and good mental by sharing his life lessons and personal perspective on their bouts with depression in the past. Anyway, I think it would be truly incredible for all involved, and most of all, for me DAMN IT!! Lastly, they put a cherry on top by replacing Jamie Moses with Marco Pirroni. And next, I woke up from my dream. [/quote] P.S. R.I.P. Red Aurebach - NBA Legend 10/31/06.Wow.. Adam Ant.. now THAT's a name I've not heard in a long time.. LOL Either you are GREAT at fortelling the future.. or you kinda got the date messed up.. as OCT 31 hasn't even arrived yet.. LOL |
rocks. 29.10.2006 12:40 |
Ew, adam ant? gross.... |
mattsmith 29.10.2006 14:44 |
Queen has no "Bass situation". Danny Miranda is fine!! |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 29.10.2006 14:53 |
its official.the worlds gone mad! adam ant is gonna be too busy soon doing bushwhacker trials with ant n dec. ive now got the awful image of brian as diana dors doing the prince charming dance.aah! |
Back2TheLight 29.10.2006 15:04 |
Adam Ant?? Nah...Leave Danny Miranda...he's an excellent bass player!! |
david (galashiels) 29.10.2006 16:28 |
isnt adam and locked up in a nut house? |
Raf 29.10.2006 16:40 |
<b><font color=666600>Music Man wrote: I read half of that thinking you were referring to the Hanna-Barbera cartoon superhero, Atom Ant.End topic. XD |
Crezchi 30.10.2006 00:56 |
Adam Ant? LMFAO!!! Hahahahahaha, Danny is a hell of a bassist. Adam is not a unique bassist in my opinion, just slides by. Why do you think he hasn't sold a recording in years? Except for those cd's at the carwash and the yuppies who will buy it at Big-Lots. lol Adam Ant. lol |
Raf 30.10.2006 03:53 |
Just a quick question... How can you offer a "solution" when there isn't a problem? Danny plays the bass, period. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 30.10.2006 06:22 |
prince charming,prince charming ridicule is nothing to be scared off! aaaaaaahhhhhhh! no brian,not the wand,please!!! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! |
Micrówave 30.10.2006 13:14 |
Can someone tell me why DANNY IS A GREAT BASS PLAYER? A few of you think that he's the next coming, so please enlighten me. 1. His tone sounds like mud. You do need to mix in a little high end in that thing, but Danny doesn't. Is that something that really good players do? 2. He holds his instrument and plays it like a guitar. No fingering technique that I see. A guitarist turned bass player perhaps? How about just go get a nobody, so you don't have to pay them that much? I mean besides Danny. |
Crezchi 30.10.2006 14:46 |
Everybody's a fucking critic. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 31.10.2006 16:05 |
perhaps its because john is no longer a member of queen? |
Megamike The GREAT 31.10.2006 16:19 |
½Microwave wrote: Can someone tell me why DANNY IS A GREAT BASS PLAYER? A few of you think that he's the next coming, so please enlighten me. 1. His tone sounds like mud. You do need to mix in a little high end in that thing, but Danny doesn't. Is that something that really good players do? 2. He holds his instrument and plays it like a guitar. No fingering technique that I see. A guitarist turned bass player perhaps? How about just go get a nobody, so you don't have to pay them that much? I mean besides Danny.Ok.. I have been really quite on this.. but I have to say it.. WHAT MAKES JOHN so freakin great? he was a decent song writer.. and an AVERAGE bass player.. watch his style.. he isn't all that hot.. and if he wants to retire.. LET HIM.. I for one don't miss him.. I think Danny does a great job. but I think the talent of Queen was in Brian and Freddie.. my 2 cents worth.. FLAME ON!!! |
Micrówave 31.10.2006 17:07 |
A DECENT songwriter? After The Game came out, John took over for writing the best Queen songs. |
AmeriQueen 01.11.2006 05:50 |
Well I would say the response I got is exacty what I expected. Granted, it's a silly idea of mine, but I still like it. Say what you want, the guy has talent. His talent may or may not mix well with Queen, but seeing as they are my top 2 favorite acts, I am curious. We all know that Queen + PR is plenty enough talent for one band, so who really needs another bigshot. As for Danny Miranda... He's fine. His presence doesn't interfere with Queen, which is good. |
7Innuendo7 01.11.2006 07:49 |
Danny nailed the Dragon Attack solo on the US tour, strong performance throughout. The only other player I'd want to hear w/ Brian and Roger at this point is Gail Dorsey (Bowie) |
AmeriQueen 01.11.2006 12:01 |
I would imagine Rick Savage would jump at bass opportunities if Def Leppard weren't in the midst of a comeback. Not that he's that great, but he is a Queen freak. |