Just read the news about Justin Hawkins (of The Darkness fame) having quit the band, citing addiction to drugs.
Personally I think it's a shame. I didn't think the Darkness sounded remotely like Queen at all (more like a poppier ACDC) but I thought their music was quite refreshing and a throwback to good old fashioned rock music. Alot better than alot of this nu metal stuff and despondent eternally depressed stoner rock.
Justin said that he couldn't handle the cocaine/ rock star lifestyle and this is why he's quitting. I then wryly thought to myself, he ain't as tough as our Freddie! From what, 1975 - 1984 Freddie partied like there's no tomorrow. And from what I read, he was quite the cocaine user as well lol. It took alot more than cocaine to take down Freddie.
So yup just one of my daily musings. I hope Justin sorts himself out and returns to the band cos even though they're not a patch on our beloved Queen they're pretty catchy.
As a fan of the Darkness, I think its a terrible shame.
After fighting against the bastards at the NME etc for god knows how long theyve self destructed in a way to have the NME take the piss for ever more.
And although I respect Hawkins decision to call it quits and fight his addiction on his own terms, I cant see why he couldnt be a bit stronger, and try to continue in the band - none of the others are taking it as far as I know, and surely if he wants rid he could remove any bad influences in the entourage.
It was different for Freddie - the 70's were a different time - there was less social pressure on Celebs to kick the habit, and it was less hidden - Hawkins had kept the extent of his addiction secret from everyone.
I kinda hope they dont carry on without him - I think he was the x factor in the band, so the best hope for them is that he decides to rejoin in time.
Another good band bites the dust then!
Im waiting for the "Oh the Darkness sucks because they sound like Queen" dooshbags to come into this thread.
But yeah it sucks that Justin is out of the band. I personally like them.
deleted user 22.10.2006 18:02
ooooooo thanks for that i was just gona research as to what the guy on Brian May's site was on about..this is the first i've heard of it.
I don't think the band will be much without him..i think The Darkness are a fun upbeat band..hope they'l join together eventually!!
deleted user 22.10.2006 19:20
He's proabably just going to quit until he's sober and healthy.