Not very wise this, if money is the only reason for the sale.
Wholesales are never interesting to the people that realy are willing to pay. Because they already have most of it.
It's always more beneficial to sell everything seperately.
For instance, I already have most that is in this collection. But there are 2 or three items I'd bid big for if they were sold seperately.
Ah well, a new fan buying this would have all the luck in a day if they win this. That's one hell of a collection. It's all offical though, most people can go out and buy it.
In the photos it shows a sketch of Freddie Mercury and i have the exact same one hangong on my wall in my bedroom! Im a young fan and i would definately bid for this if i had the money because there isnt any other way that i could get all the original stuff as i wasnt even born when most of that stuff came out!
jeroen wrote: Not very wise this, if money is the only reason for the sale.
Wholesales are never interesting to the people that realy are willing to pay. Because they already have most of it.
It's always more beneficial to sell everything seperately.
For instance, I already have most that is in this collection. But there are 2 or three items I'd bid big for if they were sold seperately.
exactly!! thats what i thought when i saw it..but i guess Queen fans could buy it then sell everything they already had back on ebay! lol..
all that collecting..damn..
Very average collection in my opinion, nothing quite rare at all...I made a quick calculation and the whole thing is worth 500-600 EUR max. The signed LP is a fake, that's very obvious.
Yes I saw the signatures on the NATO record in the frame and I thought ' FAKE '
He says he had it valued at £3000
By whom exactly ??
He did well to get £700
but if you sold that lot of seperatley I think you would make a lot more
I'd be extremely suspiscious.
I got the following email 7 hours BEFORE THE AUCTION ENDED!!!!
Dear eBayer,
The seller is making this Second Chance Offer because the high bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a duplicate item for sale.
The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy, you will be able to exchange Feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction, such as fraud protection.
To take advantage of this opportunity, please act quickly and CONTACT THE SELLER AT :
Another email from another address after I responded:
Ebayer wrote
Hello ,
You bid on my auction (My HUGE Queen Freddie Mercury COLLECTION For Sale!!).
The auction is already closed but my winner didnt't respond to my emails.
I contact you because i want to give you the second chance offer for this item.
The price will be your highest bid!If you are interested just give me a reply.
You have the chance to buy this item at your last bid amount wich means more cheap !!!!
I'll wait your email asap to give you the next steps to finish this deal, if you are interested of course.
Wait a reply with your decision.
Thank you!
This time the email address was
I bid $210.00 and now he's offering it to me for that price?
But if any of you want to try, tell him you're me and you're more than welcome to it.
Ebayer wrote
yes the item is still open but I cannot contact the highest bidder . So I would like to sell the item to you for 300GBP.
Also I would like to take this transaction through an escrow company for better security for both me and you.
Escrow transactions work like this :
1. we agree on the transaction details - price , shipping time etc...
2. I send the package using the escrow company 3. they notify you of package receipt and send you payment instructions 4. you send the payment 5. they verify the payment and deliver the package 6. you verify the package contents and if it is like described the company releases the payment or returns the payment to you if the product is not as described .
The escrow company I use is link if you accept the transaction please send me your name and address for the shipment and escrow transaction.
Yes, this way you can't track down the individual as easy when you open your box of fakes. By the way, I was the 6th highest bidder.