Jailhouse Rock
WWRY (fast)
Let Me Entertain You
Play the Game
Death on 2 Legs
Killer Queen
I"m in Love with...
Get down, make love
Need your loving tonight
Save me
Now I'm Here
Dragon Attack/Now I'm here
Love of my Life
Keep Yourself Alive
Drum solo
Battle Theme
The Hero
Brighton Rock
Crazy Little thing...
Tie your mother down
Another one Bites the dust
Sheer Heart attack
We are the champions
God save the Queen
Files are in mp3 format, and sound quality is VERY GOOD. Please visit my Sharing the Music section @ link
~Pred. wrote: any chance this can be posted in FLAC?
I can tell by the sound that this person doesn't have the original copy. The sound is so digitally garbled. It sounds like a third or fourth generation of mp3.
~Pred. wrote: any chance this can be posted in FLAC?
I can tell by the sound that this person doesn't have the original copy. The sound is so digitally garbled. It sounds like a third or fourth generation of mp3.
Like a cover from a remix of a remix from a Paris Hilton discarded song from an unreleased album she "recorded" when she was 12.
Thank you for sharing but CD2 was removed. :-(
Rapidshare can't promise 30 days anymore because they have deleted quite a lot of files lately, that wasn't more than 2 or 3 weeks old. ;-(
PBB wrote: Thank you for sharing but CD2 was removed. :-(
Rapidshare can't promise 30 days anymore because they have deleted quite a lot of files lately, that wasn't more than 2 or 3 weeks old. ;-(
Hi PBB and all queenzoners. I uploaded again. The links are here.
Tanoshinde kudasai!
PBB wrote: Thank you for sharing but CD2 was removed. :-(
Rapidshare can't promise 30 days anymore because they have deleted quite a lot of files lately, that wasn't more than 2 or 3 weeks old. ;-(
Hi PBB and all queenzoners. I uploaded again. The links are here.
Tanoshinde kudasai!