Hello all. A day at the races is one of my favorite albums. Who else here likes it, and what are your favorite songs? I love Teo torriate and you take my breath away the best.
Queen mercury
It's my favorite album by them. A great follow up to "Opera". It contains 4 of my all time favorite songs by them.
Somebody to love
Tie your mother down
Good old fashion lover boy
Long away
Definetely one of my favorite Queen albums. Kind of true when people call it a toned down version of A Night At The Opera. Can't say I like it as much as it's predecessor, but it's got some great songs. Tie You Mother Down is of course a classic, great hard rock song. The Millionaire Waltz is very cool, and the last of those Mercury-composed mini rock-operas unless you want to count Bicycle Race. Somebody To Love is one of the greatest songs ever composed, and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy has always been a favorite of mine. Teo Torriate is a beautiful closer. All in all, an not quite an "essential" rock album like Opera, but great nonetheless.
OMG I'm so hooked on "a day at the races"!!!! My fave songs are Teo Torriatte, The Millionaire Watlz, the whole album, really!!!!! It's amazing.
deleted user 12.10.2006 17:21
I LOVE A Day at the Races! I personally like... I guess I don't have a favorite. I love all the songs so much. Probably one of my favorite Queen albums, too (so far). :)
Overall from beginning to end my favorite album...the only song I don't really like a lot is "you take my breath away" But My favorite is "Teo Toriatte"
Great Record!
A day at the races is my 2nd favourite album after QueenII. I have a lot of memories about my ex when I listen to it.
Furthermore the harmonies on the album are so fanfuckingtastic.
deleted user 15.10.2006 17:33
I love Teo Torriatte. It's one of a very few Queen songs that I say are better than others (I usually say that every Queen song is a jewel and can't be compared with anything else.. even other Queen songs) but this is one of the best...
As a whole I like this album very well!