All of a sudden my mum asks me if I wanna go to the theater with her to see that musical :D..
I was so happy that I started to scream and jump all over :D..So tomorrow I'm going to see a Queen musical.. I just dont know anything about this one, apart from that it is a musical with Queens music.
Can anyone please give me some information about it?
<font color=FFFFOO>FreMe Mercury wrote: All of a sudden my mum asks me if I wanna go to the theater with her to see that musical :D..
I was so happy that I started to scream and jump all over :D..So tomorrow I'm going to see a Queen musical.. I just dont know anything about this one, apart from that it is a musical with Queens music.
Can anyone please give me some information about it?
First of all, it isn't called "We Are The Champions" It is "We Will Rock You" Obviously you wanted to post this for humour?
<font color=FFFFOO>FreMe Mercury wrote: All of a sudden my mum asks me if I wanna go to the theater with her to see that musical :D..
I was so happy that I started to scream and jump all over :D..So tomorrow I'm going to see a Queen musical.. I just dont know anything about this one, apart from that it is a musical with Queens music.
Can anyone please give me some information about it?
First of all, it isn't called "We Are The Champions" It is "We Will Rock You" Obviously you wanted to post this for humour?
No, this musical is called We Are The Champions :S.. I did'nt hear about befor a few weeks ago in a radio comercial, and YES it is Queens music they use... But that's all know :P
<font color=FFFFOO>FreMe Mercury wrote: All of a sudden my mum asks me if I wanna go to the theater with her to see that musical :D..
I was so happy that I started to scream and jump all over :D..So tomorrow I'm going to see a Queen musical.. I just dont know anything about this one, apart from that it is a musical with Queens music.
Can anyone please give me some information about it?
First of all, it isn't called "We Are The Champions" It is "We Will Rock You" Obviously you wanted to post this for humour?
No, this musical is called We Are The Champions :S.. I did'nt hear about befor a few weeks ago in a radio comercial, and YES it is Queens music they use... But that's all know :P
Sheesh, who cares.. It's Queens music, so I wondered if anybody had evr heard of it :S.. maybe it's a special show in Denmark or something, I dont know.. I still think it's cool!
maybe it a Tribute band your seeing because their Musical show is called we will rock you and they wont change it to we are the champion so it might be something else
where is the link of the show your seeing ? i look it up cant see anything
dont know if it the nearerst but that 1 big show in germany but i beleive maybe your seeing a tribute band but anyway who cares as long as your gonna rock and enjoy the show if you havent seen the big show like we will rock you beg your mum to take you there it will blow your mind ;) it worth going believe me ask others that seen it they will tell you :)
dont know where i pick germany from lol i have a family out there and must be thinking of them and germany and the show too lol then i realise this is denmark she talking about my mistake but then again the show is in germany anyway not sure if they have 1 in denmark ? anyone know ?
There is no production of We Will Rock You in Denmark. That's for sure. I think I remember a show under the We are the champions name but I don't know a lot about it. A quick search on Google revealed the following (the page was in German and this was a rough translation):
"it's a spectacular Musical-show over largest successes of Queen and over the phenomenon Freddie Mercury... Johnny Zatylny in the role of Freddie Mercury captivates by his nearly uncanny similarity in appearance and voice..."
So it appears to be a tribute musical of some sort, but I don't think it's a tribute band but something related to the story of Queen with a guy that kinda resembles Freddie. You can check the following page and get more information: link.
My German is pretty basic and I had to use the Altavista translator to get what I said in the previous paragraph.
This post refers to a tribute band called
Magic - A Kind of Queen.
It is their latest tour that is called "We are the champions".
I have seen them perform very locally to me last year and they are awesome.
I have tickets booked to see them again in april of next year.
Well worth the ticket price to hear a lot of old classics and regulars performed as well as "newer" Queen stuff that was never performed live. i.e: Breakthru, Innuendo and such.
Okay, that was absolutely amazing!
It was'nt really a musical, like my mum said it would be, but a special coverband concert...
A bunch of Germans had dressed up like Queen (they did'nt really look that much like them apart from the guy who played Brian.. He was SO HOTTT!!!!!!! And the costumes where well maid) And then they sang their songs and performed with *Queen moves*.. And they were SO good! It included a bass, drumm and guitar solo, and they could play fucking well! And they had this amazing lightshow, and.. Oh it was all there.. apart fom a decent audience :/
Most of them were from 40-60 so it took them a while to get to sing along and clap along as they wanted us to :D
I was seconds from headbanging and play airguitar, but did'nt xD
I did pull my mum up in front with me during one of the songs where we stood up to (we had seats, but I did'nt care!)
And I sang alog of full hart and stuff.. I'm SO glad that I could'nt see myself xD! But it was great, it really was!
And in the end some of the younger audience gave it some more life ;).. I got the bands autographs btw :D