Dear lovely adoring masses.
It is not widely known, on this site I mean, but actually I am a very kind and generous chap - a right "smasher", according to my mother. No... really, it is true. Even John Stuart secretly likes me hugely. He sent me some flowers the other day, on my birthday.
To prove this BEYOND ANY DOUBT, I will share something with you that is very funny - assuming that you have never seen it before.
1. Women do not generally find it remtely funny, ever, for some reason, I find. It seems to be a Monty Python type 'man' thing.
2. This humour might not translate well to certain countries.
That said... this is enormously amusing. So make the most if Greg fans, because I don't usually give anything away, as you know.
Go look at all these DOG JUDO clips. If you don't think them funny, you must be dead. There can be no other explanation.
Good evening to you all. link
Watch this, then search for the other 5 Dog Judo's, and don't say I never give you anything, ever again.
by the way... I thought I'd gone to the correct place to post this item this time, but I think I'm probably wrong again. At least I avoided the Serious Discussion bit, and that's progress, right?
Okay, maybe I'm from one of those country in which this humour cannot be understand, but anyway, I don't see what's so funny about this...Must a real remote degree of humour that I cannot understand.
Can anyone explain this to me, please?
Queen Archivist wrote: by the way... I thought I'd gone to the correct place to post this item this time, but I think I'm probably wrong again. At least I avoided the Serious Discussion bit, and that's progress, right?
WRONG!! Queen - General Discussion?? Is this related to Queen in any way? Don't think so.
Try Personal.