I think some songs like my fairy king, white queen, the march of the black queen could have had an interesting approach with synths (soft and clever...).
What do you think?
For comparison I suppose, but pointless when they're perfect the way they are :)
That's one of the huge differences between Queen and groups they were compared to, such as 'prog rock' groups. Queen created this amazing sound from scratch while their peers were experimenting with synths.
Synths weren't very good in the 70s so they would have been limited creatively and the music would sound dated.
Using voice, piano, guitar, bass and drums as their main musical textures the 70s music has a timeless quality to it. Some of their early synth use sounds dated even when the songwriting was good.
Hmmm..well if they used it as creatively as Pete Townshend used Synths on the album "Who's Next"(The Who-1971), then perhaps, it would have been cool for them to use Synths