Can anybody pls help me to get this dvd. I tried to buy it on ebay, but the seller never sent it.. I tried to get it when shared but got sticked at 27.8 %..... can anybody help me or put it on rapidshare? PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE
I completely agree, someone needs to share this video with us. I was at the Milwaukee show, and I've been searching ever since for video of the concert.
p.s. Sorry about the ebay thing. I actually saw the dvd on ebay, but decided against buying it...good thing, too
Crezchi, well I was meaning I would contact u and send it via mail.... to the others.... well i totally agree with you alll and if i get it i promise i'll share it....
shiningstarprod wrote: Crezchi, well I was meaning I would contact u and send it via mail.... to the others.... well i totally agree with you alll and if i get it i promise i'll share it....
Actually, i don't want anything from you! You have the same username as one of those assholes on Ebay that sell QUEEN bootleg DVD'S!! Leave dude!