deleted user 20.09.2006 21:26 |
A Tragic Travesty In the mid-seventies, the egotistical pop-star Freddie Mercury made one of the most insulting pieces of music ever. Freddie Mercury disgraced the good name of opera. Opera is a musical art-form that preceded rock and roll by CENTURIES. Doubtlessly it will live on long after the strains of Queen have passed from memory. In his "masterpiece", "Bohemian Rhapsody", Mr. Mercury has created a despicable opera parody. He has dumbed it down and made it accessible to the masses. This would be forgivable if his song inspired people to go see "La Bohème" or another REAL opera, but there is no evidence of this having ever occurred. Instead, he gave the public a false impression of one of music's great art-forms (which, judging by the fact the song in question is referred to as an "opera" or "mini-opera", has stuck). How could any decent human being call what's basically six minutes of simplified pop rubbish an "opera" ? Doubtlessly, you can carry off ANYTHING with a little "charisma" (used in the vulgar sense of "nicely-shaped cheekbones and tight trousers") - the primary vocalist on the track (Mercury himself), thankfully, does not really attempt to imitate operatic vocal style (instead produces a sound with a rather light, almost girlish, timbre – somewhat akin to being strangled or kicked in the privates). The song subscribes to the notion that if anything is vague enough, it can be easily mistaken for genius. By far, the most repugnant portion of the song is what is referred to as "the mock opera" - the middle section of the song. It's made up of nonsensical repetitive verses, in a crude parody of 1) opera plots and 2) the aria. For fuck's sake - if he just learned Italian (or any other respectable language), maybe he would realise that all operas do NOT have the same plot. This is a degrading assumption and entirely untrue. As for the second issue, an operatic aria does indeed include repetitive elements, but is a showcase of the human voice and is NOT the entire opera, but a portion (an aria not connected to an opera is a different case entirely). All the "mock opera" section of "Bohemian Rhapsody" showcases is the drummer's (Roger Taylor) bizarre vocal range, which is in itself an insult to the venerated castrati of days past. The song is one of the most obnoxious high-profile blows to opera (which is greatly misunderstood and mocked by the public) and should be condemned. ADDENDUM : Though you may feel compelled, please do not quote this entire post (or be cheeky and do something along the lines of quoting it and removing only one word). ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO : This is a 'satire'. Anyone who is really offended in such a manner is a twat. |
SK 20.09.2006 21:33 |
<3 |
Gone. 20.09.2006 21:34 |
SK wrote: <3 |
Carol! the Musical 20.09.2006 21:55 |
Hmmm... you could really get a job as a music critic! And nice double entendre. xD |
deleted user 20.09.2006 23:22 |
Freddie Mercury lived his life haunted by the fact that he could never be "Queen of the Night". |
Adolfo and the spiders from Mercury 21.09.2006 03:27 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: A Tragic Travesty In the mid-seventies, the egotistical pop-star Freddie Mercury made one of the most insulting pieces of music ever. Freddie Mercury disgraced the good name of opera. Opera is a musical art-form that preceded rock and roll by CENTURIES. Doubtlessly it will live on long after the strains of Queen have passed from memory. In his "masterpiece", "Bohemian Rhapsody", Mr. Mercury has created a despicable opera parody. He has dumbed it down and made it accessible to the masses. This would be forgivable if his song inspired people to go see "La Bohème" or another REAL opera, but there is no evidence of this having ever occurred. Instead, he gave the public a false impression of one of music's great art-forms (which, judging by the fact the song in question is referred to as an "opera" or "mini-opera", has stuck). How could any decent human being call what's basically six minutes of simplified pop rubbish an "opera" ? Doubtlessly, you can carry off ANYTHING with a little "charisma" (used in the vulgar sense of "nicely-shaped cheekbones and tight trousers") - the primary vocalist on the track (Mercury himself), thankfully, does not really attempt to imitate operatic vocal style (instead produces a sound with a rather light, almost girlish, timbre – somewhat akin to being strangled or kicked in the privates). The song subscribes to the notion that if anything is vague enough, it can be easily mistaken for genius. By far, the most repugnant portion of the song is what is referred to as "the mock opera" - the middle section of the song. It's made up of nonsensical repetitive verses, in a crude parody of 1) opera plots and 2) the aria. For fuck's sake - if he just learned Italian (or any other respectable language), maybe he would realise that all operas do NOT have the same plot. This is a degrading assumption and entirely untrue. As for the second issue, an operatic aria does indeed include repetitive elements, but is a showcase of the human voice and is NOT the entire opera, but a portion (an aria not connected to an opera is a different case entirely). All the "mock opera" section of "Bohemian Rhapsody" showcases is the drummer's (Roger Taylor) bizarre vocal range, which is in itself an insult to the venerated castrati of days past. The song is one of the most obnoxious high-profile blows to opera (which is greatly misunderstood and mocked by the public) and should be condemned.I say: go suck a dick, and while at it, get fuck in the arse, asshole sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido! |
The Fairy King 21.09.2006 04:39 |
If you don't get the song, ok...but don't bash it. God i hate those asshole critics. |
zaiga 21.09.2006 05:15 |
Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Anyway, the wind blows. |
deleted user 21.09.2006 06:03 |
Carry on, Carry on, As If Nothing Really Matters |
deleted user 21.09.2006 06:48 |
Thank you to everyone who realised this is actually intended to be a non-serious entity sometimes reffered to as a "joke". And a HUGE thank-you to the band Queen, for having a sense of humour and not taking themselves seriously. "'Bohemian Rhapsody' didn't just come out of thin air. I did a bit of research, although it was tongue in cheek and it was a mock opera. Why not? I certainly wasn't saying I was an opera fanatic and I knew everything thing about it." - Freddie Mercury. |
SK 21.09.2006 06:48 |
Nice job lol |
Bohemian Rahpsody 21.09.2006 07:47 |
Now you have said it is a joke, I understand, and thought it was well done, perhaps you should say that at the end of you're post, as I didn't realise that this was a joke, as others didn't. All in all though, well done. B.R |
zaiga 21.09.2006 07:53 |
Bohemian Rahpsody wrote: Now you have said it is a joke, I understand, and thought it was well done, perhaps you should say that at the end of you're post, as I didn't realise that this was a joke, as others didn't. All in all though, well done.Well, a joke is never really funny when you have to explain it. As a rule you can assume that whenever someone says something here on Queenzone, there is a 99% chance it is bollocks. |
Tannya 21.09.2006 09:23 |
OK It seems that you´re a HUGE QUEEN FAN because you´ve been listening to Bohemian Raphsody over and over and OVER AGAIN. Great!!! OBVIOUSLY you LOVE that song... |
deleted user 21.09.2006 09:24 |
zaiga wrote: Well, a joke is never really funny when you have to explain it.There have been many satirists thoughtout history who have been misunderstood. This is a different type of humour than someone getting slapped in the face by a fish. So, I revise, it's not really a "joke" as in "funny ha-ha", but as in "satirical". Also, the one time I did write a post that evaluated "Bohemian Rhapsody" in view of Queen’s total musical accomplishments, people pretty much ignored it and went back to bickering and insulting each other and being very one-sided (well, I believe the first post had bad grammar and stated that the song was the best song ever). Also, people here tend to get upset way too easily, especially about subjects of little importance, like William Hung “ruining Freddie’s image” or whatever. |
una999 21.09.2006 09:41 |
That guy needs to relax - how can u have such anger towards a song - what would he think of a killer?? Anyway who cares if its opera or not - the song rocks and its a vocal showpiece rather than a musical one (like if comparing it to trained musicians) |
deleted user 21.09.2006 12:10 |
Fine. Despite the fact that I REALLY didn't want to do it, I added "Addendum Two" which states that I'm not being serious. I really didn't want to do that... I only did it for people who might not have time to read the rest of the thread, since I don't really care if people call me a twat or anything. |
Micrówave 21.09.2006 12:22 |
Adolfo wrote: I say: go suck... , and while at it, get .... sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido!Okay the first part I got, but since I can only speak one language, so let's see what Altavista Babelfish says: sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido!translated: sos puto of the excrement that does not deserve to enter aki, pudrete malparido!Someone help me understand. I feel like I'm missing, I don't know, something... |
kagezan1313 21.09.2006 12:56 |
LMAO! Excellent work, Audacity! Very clever - my only suggestion is to follow fatty's example by not reappearing to comfort those too dimwitted to see the genius and humour of your posts. Let them rage, the sad little fops. I'm just glad this wasn't a quote from some actual opera periodical - there's nowhere in the world I wouldn't fly to have a word with a journalist publishing this in seriousness. |
deleted user 21.09.2006 15:32 |
Mircrowave! wrote:I think it means "Shit whore that does not deserve to be here, rot you wicked bitch !"Adolfo wrote: I say: go suck... , and while at it, get .... sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido!Someone help me understand. I feel like I'm missing, I don't know, something... The part that threw me off was that I'm not used to being addressed as a male. But I guess that's what I get for calling myself Charles... |
Katicas..(L) 21.09.2006 15:58 |
i think Bohemian Rhapsody a wkd song! im going to have it played at my funeal. |
deleted user 21.09.2006 16:02 |
A wicked song ? I'm having "Stairway to Heaven" followed by "Highway to Hell" played at my funeral. And maybe then ... maybe "Party". |
Wiley 21.09.2006 16:20 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: I'm having "Stairway to Heaven" followed by "Highway to Hell" played at my funeral. And maybe then ... maybe "Party".Oh.. that is just GREAT! haha :). Nice way to go. Specially the final part. |
drinkovarious 21.09.2006 17:45 |
Joke Or Not... Bohemian is just a good pop rock song... nothin more than that and freddie knew it... dont come now with crazy things like that his 'comp' skillz were only compared to bach or anything...Very good Song : Yes Modern Piece of Art : Yes Innovative song for 70's: Yes Everyone is able create a Bohemian : No Only Mcfly can create something similar: NO Maybe Robbie Williams : Ha AH ha ha NO! |
Baneé 21.09.2006 23:05 |
Mircrowave! wrote:Ok, It'd be something like this:Adolfo wrote: I say: go suck... , and while at it, get .... sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido!Okay the first part I got, but since I can only speak one language, so let's see what Altavista Babelfish says:sos un puto de la mierda que no merece entrar aki, pudrete malparido!translated:sos puto of the excrement that does not deserve to enter aki, pudrete malparido!Someone help me understand. I feel like I'm missing, I don't know, something... "You're an asshole who doesn't deserve to enter here, fuck you, fucker!" |
deleted user 21.09.2006 23:19 |
Baneé wrote: Ok, It'd be something like this: "You're an asshole who doesn't deserve to enter here, fuck you, fucker!"I think the "Shit whore that does not deserve to be here, rot you wicked bitch !" that I posted on the previous page is more accurate (but, alas, I could be wrong). But yours is certianly a more creative interpretation. |
The Real Wizard 22.09.2006 11:14 |
If this topic wasn't mostly filled with teenagers who are blindly pro-Queen, then perhaps this could be a decent discussion. I think the first post was an excellent and very thought-provoking one (copied/pasted from another source, unfortunately omitting the name of the reviewer). It's certainly not satire. It's a genuine review. I have never heard a review of Bohemian Rhapsody from the perspective of a devoted fan of opera. They raised some very good points. How much opera have we all listened to? Can the middle section of Bohemian Rhapsdoy compare to it in any way? Is it a fair portrayal of opera? Do people who sing or write operas feel like opera has been ridiculed to some extent by BoRhap being in the mainstream? Has it actually inspired people to see operas? Or has it perhaps made people's attention spans for opera even less, because the opera section is only a minute long - leading into a hard rock section? Perhaps they see Bohemian Rhapsody, especially that middle part of the song, as an example of how modern art has sunk low - compared to the quality of true opera. How about this... are fans of opera insulted by the fact that we call albums by The Who "rock operas"? Does that give opera music a good name? Does that inspire people to listen to more opera music? These are all fair questions, and worth discussing. But I won't be overly optimistic and actually think this discussion will happen here. In that case, prove me wrong, people! |
Boy Thomas Raker 22.09.2006 11:39 |
Well, I'm up for a go then. I haven't listened to very much opera as it all sounds very similar to my ears. I believe Freddie called the middle section 'mock opera', and while it was heavily researched and planned, I would doubt that he'd call it 'opera' proper. This is similar to the call and response gospel vocals of STL. They're not really gospel vocals, but they're Queen's take on what they'd create from gospel music. I would hazard a guess that true opera fans would dismiss Bohemian Rhapsody much as I'd dismiss the 'talent' on shows like American Idol. Opera, like jazz, is difficult to embrace, and takes a commitment. For ADD addled folks like myself, I'd go squirrelly listening to hours of opera, so Bohemian Rhapsody fits the bill nicely. The reason that I've always like Queen over other good bands is the diversity in tackling other genres (opera, gospel, punk, disco, funk) and making them into a Queen style. For instance, AC/DC is a great rock band, but their catalogue isn't as diverse as Queen and after a while I personally tire of hearing the same type of song for 10 straight cuts on an album. |
Micrówave 22.09.2006 12:17 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote:Profanity is so American. While I found the English insult very offensive, these two interpretations are quite fun.Baneé wrote: Ok, It'd be something like this: "You're an asshole who doesn't deserve to enter here, fuck you, fucker!"I think the "Shit whore that does not deserve to be here, rot you wicked bitch !" that I posted on the previous page is more accurate (but, alas, I could be wrong). But yours is certianly a more creative interpretation. 1. "You don't deserve to enter here" sounds so polite, rendering the other 3 vulagarities harmless. In fact, "fucker" is more of a friendly term. 2. "Shit whore". What is that? Conjuring up a vision completely distracts from the rest of the comment. Is it a working gal who prefers.... I don't even want to go there. See what I mean? Thanks guys, it's good to know who deserves to enter here. |
deleted user 22.09.2006 12:19 |
Sir GH<br><h6>ah yeah</h6> wrote: I think the first post was an excellent and very thought-provoking one (copied/pasted from another source, unfortunately omitting the name of the reviewer). It's certainly not satire. It's a genuine review. I have never heard a review of Bohemian Rhapsody from the perspective of a devoted fan of opera. They raised some very good points.Well, I'm very sorry, but I did actuall write the thing, so the by-line can read "Kelley Farrick" (My real name, which Charles is not). The fact that (if you're serious) you think this is a real review - I'll take that as a compliment. I DID write it from a pro-opera point of view. I have opera in my music collection and wrote it from the point of view of someone who would be seriously offended by a "mock opera". It was very important to me to not just make up lies, but to create something that could be genuinely true. Also, since I don't have much time right now, I would like to add to your idea - about getting people interested in opera. "Bohemian Rhapsody" didn't do that for me. If any sort of "popular music" helped with that spark, it would probably be the song "Barcelona" (I don't have the album, just the one song). That and a whole ton of other environmental facotors such as my mom taking me to musicals and having a month of listening to nothing but Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons". And now lunch-time is almost over... |
The Real Wizard 22.09.2006 12:37 |
Thanks for the reply, Kelley. Your review does perhaps bring to the forefront the feelings of many fans of opera. Food for thought. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 22.09.2006 12:38 |
gemokiD wrote: i think Bohemian Rhapsody a wkd song! im going to have it played at my funeal.Hahahaha.... |
rocks. 22.09.2006 13:09 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: A wicked song ? I'm having "Stairway to Heaven" followed by "Highway to Hell" played at my funeral. And maybe then ... maybe "Party".I might be digging my own grave by saying this, because I will probably recieve a fucking huge flame, but I must one of the like, 2 people on earth who HATES Stairway To Heaven. Absolutly cant stand it. |
Micrówave 22.09.2006 14:29 |
*sends fireball* nah, scratch that. *sends huge flamer* |
The Real Wizard 23.09.2006 15:43 |
Sir GH<br><h6>ah yeah</h6> wrote: But I won't be overly optimistic and actually think this discussion will happen here.Boy, was I ever right. |
deleted user 23.09.2006 16:51 |
Well, I TRIED... |
Baneé 23.09.2006 19:20 |
Mircrowave! wrote:Thanks for the explanation Micro, I'm from Argentina and don't know many english insults. At least, I tried. :P<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote:Profanity is so American. While I found the English insult very offensive, these two interpretations are quite fun. 1. "You don't deserve to enter here" sounds so polite, rendering the other 3 vulagarities harmless. In fact, "fucker" is more of a friendly term. 2. "Shit whore". What is that? Conjuring up a vision completely distracts from the rest of the comment. Is it a working gal who prefers.... I don't even want to go there. See what I mean? Thanks guys, it's good to know who deserves to enter here.Baneé wrote: Ok, It'd be something like this: "You're an asshole who doesn't deserve to enter here, fuck you, fucker!"I think the "Shit whore that does not deserve to be here, rot you wicked bitch !" that I posted on the previous page is more accurate (but, alas, I could be wrong). But yours is certianly a more creative interpretation. |
AmeriQueen 23.09.2006 21:03 |
What a retard! First off, I don't get the sattire comment at the bottom. I assume your post is how you feel, otherwise you seem more of an idiot than the Bo Rhap bash makes you seem. I'll go on assuming you really feel this way. A) It's not an opera, it's a rock epic that contains an operatic section. If you want Freddie opera, go listen to the Barcelona cd. B) 'Pop rubbish'? I hear a melodic piano score with beautiful vocals singling the likes of a ballad, but slowly building up, eventually into one of the most perfect guitar solos ever played. Then we have the operatic part which is vocal creative genius. Finally it goes ballistic into rock before slowing back towards the front for it's finale. The lyrics, like most of Freddie's lyrics, is aimed to be poetic in usage of words, signifying ideas and meaning, but never anything definitive and concrete. My favorite thing about Queen's philosophy towards music, is that they NEVER take themselves too seriously. Most bands, if they could right like that, would be trying to create something extremely serious with the lyrics, trying to be musical souls, releasing their angst into music creation. And what is with this 'Audacity of Charles' name? I assume it has something to do with Prince Charles. People, it's the 21st century now. I love you brits, but can we all grow up and say adios to this outdated, ridiculous 'royal family' crap? |
deleted user 23.09.2006 21:50 |
Sometimes, I don't hate myself, but there are moments when I don't love myself quite as much.
This thread was created because of people freaking out about other people "wrecking Freddie's image".
The "satire" bit is because the large part about opera plots and arias is entirely speculative - and the tone in general is totally overblown.
So, Hi, I'm Charles - nice to meet you. I'm not always serious and I never take anything seriously or personally.
There are some other posts that explain this better, but I don't feel like quoting them here.
Although I suspect England is a very nice place, I have never been there.
Right, here it is :
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: And a HUGE thank-you to the band Queen, for having a sense of humour and not taking themselves seriously. "'Bohemian Rhapsody' didn't just come out of thin air. I did a bit of research, although it was tongue in cheek and it was a mock opera. Why not? I certainly wasn't saying I was an opera fanatic and I knew everything thing about it." - Freddie Mercury. |
The Real Wizard 24.09.2006 03:29 |
<font color=red>The Audacity of Charles wrote: Well, I TRIED...With the exception of your post, of course! Two or three people in a realm of 300+ really isn't a "discussion". |