Hey guys,
It looks like the new Freddie solo album is actually doing better in the UK than "Return of the Champions," which only reached #12 and disappeared from the top 20 after the second week.
I might say that this indicates that Freddie Mercury alone is more popular than the combination of Paul Rodgers, Brian May and Roger Taylor. It is especially striking, since the latter three guys basically had the opportunity to promote their new album, unlike Freddie. Am I not correct in making this observation?
OK Mike,
I did not notice that you beat me to it on this topic! I guess that I should read the posts before making a post! Oh well, at least I put in my opinion.
One thing though - Freddie is still dead and will not be going on tour any time soon. Til then, I'll continue to appreciate what Brian, Roger and Paul are doing. If you don't like that, then PLEASE feel free to stay home and listen to your 20 year old recordings.
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: If there would be a Brian and Roger Greatest Hits it would've kicked Freddie's solo stuff in the butt.
Yeah BRIAN'S would!!!!! No comment on Roger.....
deleted user 20.09.2006 14:49
^ What's wrong with Roger's solo stuff? I like his the best, that Happiness? album is bloody brilliant.