Bohardy 16.09.2006 17:17 |
I did post this a little while back (link, but no-one seemed to notice, or perhaps care. But, yeah. I have it on very good authority that we won't be seeing the proposed Singles Boxset until probably 2008. As I said in the other post, it was initially put back to spring 2007, before more recently being shelved for a more indefinite period. I have no information as to why this is the case. I just know that it is. Which sucks arse. Thoughts? |
akindofmagic 16.09.2006 17:26 |
Sorry to say but that's not news to us. Greg Brooks told a year ago that the box sets will not see the light of day until 2009. Maybe later. |
Maz 16.09.2006 17:38 |
akindofmagic wrote: Sorry to say but that's not news to us. Greg Brooks told a year ago that the box sets will not see the light of day until 2009. Maybe later.Wrong box sets. I believe GB was referring to the near-mythical box sets that have been promised since 2000. News of this singles set came out of nowhere earlier this Spring. As for the news of 2008, can't say I am surprised nor exactly upset, especially if rumors of a Q+PR album come to fruition. Personally, this singles set sounds like a great project, but if QP can manage to release some interesting product, I'll still be happy. For me, QP could release a DVD set, whether live or GVH3, and I'd be content for a little while longer. If QP could *just* release something interesting (ie 70s live show, BBC sessions), most of us would forget about long-overdue promises and collections. It's these blatant re-hashes that become irritating. |
Bobby_brown 16.09.2006 18:00 |
This is new to me. I never heard that the singles Box-set was canceled for this year. Where did you guys heard that? Take care |
Bohardy 16.09.2006 19:51 |
Zeni's right, akindofmagic. I'm talking about the boxset release that's to contain every song, and every version of every song that has ever been released on a single anywhere in the world. Not the 'full' boxset of rarities that's been promised to us for years upon years. This singles set had been confirmed as being released for this Christmas, and for me seemed like the most interesting Queen-related release since the Freddie boxset. I agree with all but possibly one of your points Zeni. If you're saying you won't be upset about this being put on the backburner if the Q+PR album is realised, then we differ in opinion; I would much rather this boxset than that album. But that aside, new 'interesting' product would offset somewhat the disappointment of this set not being released. But as this set was pretty much at the production (manufacture and pressing) stage when it was shelved, I find it hard to see why any other product would precede its release. Except for a shitty Q+PR album... |
John S Stuart 16.09.2006 20:30 |
Bobby_brown wrote: This is new to me. I never heard that the singles Box-set was canceled for this year. Where did you guys heard that?Queenonline link "Kes: I'll answer key points of the above post with bulletpoints as other methods obviously aren't working. 1). The Anthology boxsets are going to be bookend products. By "bookend" it's meant, "after" Brian and Roger walk away from Queen. This then means the Anthologies are most likely "shelved" until they (Brian and Roger) stop being involved with the product. 2). The singles box "might" not be the "next" thing in the pipeline. "That" could be another retro live concert, or maybe something else. However, the singles box is there, like other things, waiting. 3). "They" are selling merchantable produce to the record buying public. Fans, per se, buy only about 5%-10% of the merchantable produce that is sold. Put your business head on, and tell us what you'd do, if you were them, or the record company? Whatever the "fans" buy, they buy of their own free choice, no guns to the backs of the head enter the equation". Edit: Here endeth quotation - as depicted by the use of the above (") quotation (") marks. |
newcastle 86 16.09.2006 21:48 |
get over it stuart hes got u beat,,,,,,,,,,,, |
Saint Jiub 16.09.2006 22:01 |
John S Stuart wrote: 3). "They" are selling merchantable produce to the record buying public. Fans, per se, buy only about 5%-10% of the merchantable produce that is sold. Put your business head on, and tell us what you'd do, if you were them, or the record company? Whatever the "fans" buy, they buy of their own free choice, no guns to the backs of the head enter the equation.I do not understand why the record companies can not keep both the fans and the general public happy. It is bad enough that Queen Productions ignore fans, but QP seems to enjoy rubbing salt in the wounds by endlessly giving empty promises as well as an obnoxious spokesman/archivist. Will QP bypass the x-mas season without releasing anything? ... or will QP rest on their laurels and be satisfied with the rehashed Freddie stuff released 4 months before x-mas? |
John S Stuart 16.09.2006 22:10 |
newcastle 86 wrote: get over it stuart hes got u beat,,,,,,,,,,,,? |
Maz 16.09.2006 22:12 |
Bohardy wrote: I agree with all but possibly one of your points Zeni. If you're saying you won't be upset about this being put on the backburner if the Q+PR album is realised, then we differ in opinion; I would much rather this boxset than that album.All things being equal, I would agree with you. If this were a buffet line of Queen products, I'd certainly take more from the Singles cart than the Q+PR table. But to me, a Q+PR album signifies something new and ongoing, as opposed to yet another Greatest Hits release. I realize that QP is a company with profits to consider and, as a result, they wouldn't dare "flood the market" with releases. Give me something new and interesting, and a lot of the anger would go away. |
akindofmagic 16.09.2006 22:32 |
Bohardy wrote: Zeni's right, akindofmagic. I'm talking about the boxset release that's to contain every song, and every version of every song that has ever been released on a single anywhere in the world. Not the 'full' boxset of rarities that's been promised to us for years upon years. This singles set had been confirmed as being released for this Christmas, and for me seemed like the most interesting Queen-related release since the Freddie boxset. I agree with all but possibly one of your points Zeni. If you're saying you won't be upset about this being put on the backburner if the Q+PR album is realised, then we differ in opinion; I would much rather this boxset than that album. But that aside, new 'interesting' product would offset somewhat the disappointment of this set not being released. But as this set was pretty much at the production (manufacture and pressing) stage when it was shelved, I find it hard to see why any other product would precede its release. Except for a shitty Q+PR album...Yep, you're right. i didn't see the «singles» word on your statement. |
Saint Jiub 16.09.2006 23:42 |
Zeni wrote:I realize that QP is a company with profits to consider and, as a result, they wouldn't dare "flood the market" with releases.I would think that a rehash release could be put out the same year as a fan release without risking flooding the market. |
thewho? 17.09.2006 00:21 |
I'd rather have some new video releases than having this shit with Q+PR's going on I want the real Queen. Q+PR isn't, its nothing but two FORMER (Queen) members and some other singer I say Q+PR is to blame for this excruciating delay of new material, box sets, etc. |
Sebastian 17.09.2006 00:30 |
Maybe they cancelled the singles' box-set because Greg felt bad that people in QZ weren't willing to do his job of finding worldwide #1 hits. |
Maz 17.09.2006 01:42 |
Mike Van wrote: Does QP think that throwing the fans an occasional bone will compromise the box set?Here's what I think: 1- There is a finite amount of material that can be released. Whether that is 5 products or 500, we simply don't know. Regardless, QP has to have an idea of how they want to deal with this stuff. 2- Queen has always been controlling when it comes to their material, especially over the music. As much as I'd love several high-quality concerts on CD or DVD (notice I did not say limited internet release in 128K), I can't imagine Brian approving it unless it was up to his high standards. This, in my view, limits what we can expect them to release. If there is a finite amount of material with rigid standards to be approved, I simply can't picture QP opening the floodgates when re-hashes still manage to come in at #2 in the UK music charts. |
DAZH 17.09.2006 06:03 |
AmeriQueen 17.09.2006 07:08 |
We don't care because we have been lied to again and again... and again... and again.... Until a member of Queen says something, or the box set is in my freaking hands, I will pay no heed to the constant bullshit of the Queen Box Set. It's just like when I was a kid and said, "Where in the hell are the X-Men, Spider-man, Fantastic Four and other Marvel comic movies????" Like then, same as now... eventually they will wake up and figure it out. |
Bobby_brown 17.09.2006 17:12 |
John S Stuart wrote:Thanks for the answer.Bobby_brown wrote: This is new to me. I never heard that the singles Box-set was canceled for this year. Where did you guys heard that?Queenonline link "Kes: I'll answer key points of the above post with bulletpoints as other methods obviously aren't working. . I´m sorry for my ignorance, i don´t read the Queenonline Forum because i don´t have time, and i prefer the Queenzone forum. But, who is this Ken?- Apart from being the moderator, is this information from the inside, or it´s just what he thinks? Take care |
Deacon Fan 17.09.2006 18:04 |
Bobby_brown wrote: But, who is this Ken?-Kes actually. Nobody special. Some bitter old idiot who likes to play god. Definitely not a source for any type of accurate info. |
Bobby_brown 17.09.2006 18:13 |
Mikahl Cougar Mellencamp wrote:OK, thanks for the answer (even though i got his name wrong: I meant Kes ando not Ken).Bobby_brown wrote: But, who is this Ken?-Kes actually. Nobody special. Some bitter old idiot who likes to play god. Definitely not a source for any type of accurate info. Take care |
Fireplace 17.09.2006 18:14 |
AmeriQueen wrote: Until a member of Queen says something, or the box set is in my freaking hands, I will pay no heed to the constant bullshit of the Queen Box Set. It's just like when I was a kid and said, "Where in the hell are the X-Men, Spider-man, Fantastic Four and other Marvel comic movies????" Like then, same as now... eventually they will wake up and figure it out.Yup, when we've been dead and gone for 200 years. The next QP release will be called "Paul Rodgers' Greatest Hits", and the worst part is that it will be better than anything Roger & Brian still have up their sleeves (Pepsi/Britney, 5ive, Robbie, Greatest Hits 3 to 25, Best of Greatest Hits, Best of Best of Greatest Hits, Hittest Greats, Bested Tits, Hated Bits etc.) |
DreaminQueen 20.09.2006 17:17 |
Hmm... Perhaps before I'm 200, ill actually live to see the announcement "in 20 years from this day, QP will finally release their long anticipated Queen Singles Boxset" In which case i'll have my nurses aid turn up the oxygen tank and keep cranking the morphine because id atleast like to be buried with this box set... Maybe I have better hope for a new Guns N Roses album?? *shrugs sholders* But I dont think that because Brian and Roger booked STUDIO TIME with Mr. Rodgers is the cause of the delay. Although, with such prolific musicians going into play around in a studio, its highly unlikely taht nothing will come from it... |
eissek 27.09.2006 16:59 |
“Some bitter old idiot who likes to play god?” The qualification for this unprovoked pre-empitive and rather vindictive diagnosis is based on what exactly? Oh Bubbles, you might talk some sense if people weren’t forever famously blowing you. The ultimate qualification for your statement is based in seeing if I turn out to be right, or not. Better hope the person you so bitterly attack is wrong, or you’ll look a complete see you next Tuesday, won’t you? While you’re waiting for that, expect one of the next major Queen releases to be a gig “the faithful” will probably all already have, only this time it will also be available on double CD as well as the visual format. If people were upset by the Q+PR live album, and then by the Freddie album, then my prediction is just watch this space. As I was once told, often it’s not what you know, but who you know. |
Deacon Fan 27.09.2006 18:35 |
Yeah I spent a little while at QOL until his bitter, bitchy replies to people (when he should have just shut up) annoyed me enough. I was amused however when he argued that the first BBC session DID NOT contain any elements from the first album's backing tracks. People would ask legitimate questions and this asshole would jump in with statements like "who cares?'. From a regular board member this might be alright, but somehow this idiot became a moderator of sorts. So with that type of person 'above' the common folk, I was not interested in hanging around to watch anymore. |
Bohardy 27.09.2006 19:32 |
essiek = Kessie backwards. Kessie = Kes? |
AlexRocks 27.09.2006 19:33 |
O.k. someone somewhere might have said the box set were to be bookend projects but I don't see that as the case whatsoever on the basis that...well there is no reason for that. You all have to understand there are strategic ways to release things and that includes some years where nothing may happen! No one lied to anyone about anything. Plans is a business...Queen aren't anyone's slaves. You all want them to do this right. It would suck to have product released and then go out of print. That's why is important for them to be strategic so that the product sells. What would be worse is if they flood the market (and as much as the gripers say they haven't done that at all) and then the stores start not releasing there material or become very selective to it because it doesn't sell. I believe over the years we will see all of this material from the vaults released along with new material from Queen + Paul Rodgers of which I am awaiting like a mad-man and have been for years now... |
AlexRocks 27.09.2006 19:37 |
Can someone remind me the name of what the singles box set was supposed to be? Something about using the name "The Works" again even though that was already done for the limited edition box set in 1984 called "The Complete Works"...which is why I thought something seemed suspicious about it being released at all...there already had been a box set with this similar name! I don't know... |
eissek 27.09.2006 20:08 |
Bubbles. The strangest thing of all is that you come across as being at least as much of an asshole, if not half as much again, on here. By being so negative about other people, who up until that point hadn't and wouldn't have commented on you, you are doing exactly the same, if not worse, to them as you accuse them of doing to you. Pots and kettles spring to mind. I'm not idiot enough to think you represent the good people, in other words, the majority here at QZ, a few of who, know me a bit better than you seem to. |
eissek 27.09.2006 20:17 |
As regards the sessions containing elements of recordings made outside the BBC centre at Langham Place, then I'm sorry to say that I think I said something along the lines of "It would be hard to believe that Queen then cheated the spirit of the sessions, which was meant to be a live recording with only the one chance of an overdub run through the heads". As far as I'm aware, The Beatles adhered to completely live recordings without ANY overdubs, and would probably have fainted if anyone suggested backing tapes. The BBC had previous used these guidelines to allow genuine musical talent to come in there and shine through, and not be corrupted by people taking backing tracks in there. THAT is just one step away from a bloody Stock Aitken and Waterman style BBC session. Even in 1978 the BBC were still adamant that everything recorded onto a BBC session had all originated within their studios. |
Adam Baboolal 28.09.2006 06:21 |
AlexRocks wrote: O.k. someone somewhere might have said the box set were to be bookend projects but I don't see that as the case whatsoever on the basis that...well there is no reason for that. You all have to understand there are strategic ways to release things and that includes some years where nothing may happen! No one lied to anyone about anything. Plans is a business...Queen aren't anyone's slaves. You all want them to do this right. It would suck to have product released and then go out of print. That's why is important for them to be strategic so that the product sells. What would be worse is if they flood the market (and as much as the gripers say they haven't done that at all) and then the stores start not releasing there material or become very selective to it because it doesn't sell. I believe over the years we will see all of this material from the vaults released along with new material from Queen + Paul Rodgers of which I am awaiting like a mad-man and have been for years now...Totally agree. But I don't know that everything from the vaults will be released. I can only put this down to hearing new demo stuff from Freddie, recently! Adam. |
Benn 28.09.2006 07:24 |
Essiek, re: >The BBC had previous used these guidelines to allow genuine musical talent to come in there and shine through, and not be corrupted by people taking backing tracks in there. THAT is just one step away from a bloody Stock Aitken and Waterman style BBC session. Absolutely - can you imagine.....a Rick Astley at The BBC release.....? >Even in 1978 the BBC were still adamant that everything recorded onto a BBC session had all originated within their studios. Not true - as early as 1967, the BBC were allowing the use of externally recorded material into their sessions. The Who's John Entwistle took a tape of the studio version of "I Can See For Miles" in to IBC Studios and then recorded a completely new bass track for use in the broadcast. They also re-recorded material there and at De Lane Lea from the "A Quick One" and "The Who Sell Out" albums that made it to the BBC. As well as this, in 1970, they recorded material at IBC for use on Top Gear. Simply because they didn;t trust the BBC's engineers to capture their sound properly. |
kestrel101 18.02.2008 12:09 |
Sorry, probably the wrong place, but I'd never seen this webpage before... link |
Darren1977 20.02.2008 13:04 |
It's quite simple, if everyone refused to buy the new QPR album,go to the your etc., it might get through to their thick skulls that we the fans who got them to where they are today, might realise that we would much prefer all the unreleased stuff instead of the new album. Don't get me wrong a new album is still great but as most fans have all the recorded stuff albums/dvd's etc, we still want the "dirty laundry" as RT once called it. We all had a massive discussion here around six months ago and asked Greg Brooks directly if he had an inkling of what the band were doing, but he never came back with any news. We have had the Number Ones Project and the Live Project but nothing was done with either of them, but who knows maybe they are beavering around in the studio working away,i doubt it , but it would be great if they sent out the odd press release to let us know of any progress... Someone mentioned earlier of the boxes being planned for 2000, eight years ago , but no string 'em along until the next re-issue. |
kestrel101 21.02.2008 11:21 |
Not buying the Q+PR album would make them realise that, we, the fans don't want a Q+PR album? OK, but by that time they've already done it, and it's already part of the 20/20 hindsight club. Even if it only sells ONE copy, it's still going to happen, and so will whatever tour Brian has up his sleeve. The "anthologies" will still happen in their own given time, as will anything else they put out. The track record of this band suggests that "we" will get about one thing we don't already have, in amongst about four things we do have. Someone big has decided that's what we get, whether we bloody well like it or not. That's not Stepford-ism, it's just the "real life" seemingly how it accords to Queen's marketing machine. |
Roger's Beard 25.02.2008 05:25 |
Let them get the QPR album & 2008 tour out of the way and then I reckon we'll start to see what we've all been (im)patiently waiting for all these years. I just feel for those fans who have departed this realm without hearing all the fruits from the promised land... |