Hey, have been considering picking up one of these pedals for a while now and was just wondering whether there were any types of guitar it just shouldn't be used with. I know it'll sound best with a red special replica, and its possible to fit it to fender single coil or gibson humbucker pick-ups, but does it still sound any good without one of these guitars?
I have a descent epiphone Les Paul, fitted with Gibson-style humbuckers, I know this won't sound as good as with the above guitars, but would it still be worth the investment?
Oh, and one more thing, I'm thinking or ordering from America, it comes out as being cheaper than buying here in the UK, even after postage. Any special considerations required?
The pedal were specifically made to be used with all kinds of guitars, but I'd go for the single coils (Fender types) because that's what the Red Special has.
The pedal has separate settings for different guitars though (Red Special/single coil/humbuckers), so it should still be worth the investment.
Be sure to check out customs regulations in your country, I've had some nasty surprises with stuff ordered from the US.
I have found it's still pretty good with my Les Paul, but yes the single coil I think gives a better result, however, IMO it's still well worth the investment.
Definately well worth the investment. I play a Strat w/a single coil and a custom humbucker, and either one used with the RS set for "Red Special" create a tremendous, fat sound.
Basically, from what I gather, the real loss in not having a Red Special replica is, more than similarity with the Red Special sound, the massive range capable with channeling the different pickups in and out of phase.
I flugged it into a single coil Strat, different models (a single coil and a humbucker-) Ibanez and all three sound pretty alright.
Indeed all 'reular' guitars haven't got as much settings as the Red Special, but with this pedal i noticed the volumenob and tonenobs are very sensitive and effect the sound significantly, so it's still very much open for variation.
Also adding a little bit of chorus and some STEREO (wether it be a stereo-amp with a bit of ping-pong or multiple amplifier with slight dealy) will significantly improve your 'massive' sound.
Been fooling around with the pedal for about a week or two now, and I just love it.