Alrighty, I need some advice from those who have lotsa Queen books ( *cough*, Jessie- Z, *COUGH* )... ;-)
Which is the next one I should get? I've got The Early Years, Mercury and Me, and As It Began. What else is a good choice? And could someone point one out that is particularly interesting, or stands out? Thanks for any help. :-)
Okay... You must get Peter Freestones book next! Do you have that? You should get It's A Kind Of Magic book. That's all about quotes from each member. A big book full of it! Very interesting.... :D
Diehard and loyal Queenfan Frieda Schraauwers from Dongen, Holland, who was a personall friend of and with all Queenies and who has met them several times, and even presented gold-discs to the band!...has drawn (by her own hand) a book called : "Queen, in the picture". On september 16th, 1992, she gave Brian a copy when he was in Holland for the "Veronica Unicef charity auction", where he did "Too Much Love Will Kill You" for the very first time after the "Tribute To Freddie Mercury". This book is absolutely gobsmacking, and should be released in my opinion. She gave me a copy and signed it to me...and i have hardly ever seen anything like it, or anything that comes even close to this...the whole Queen story from a to z in black and white ink-drawings...not like Jef Simonet (absolutly fab too !) but serious and truth all over. That would be the book i could recommend...but i guess it is impossible to get a copy nowadays....
Queen books are VERY hard to come by, atleast in stores, but I suppose it's not so bad on the internet. I have Queen: As It Began, and it was really good. I'm a die hard queen, fan and there was still new information in it. I would reccomend it very much. Freddie should get a good biography that covers all of his life. Anyone know of any?
I've got all 3 Laura Jackson books, which are Mercury: The King of Queen, Queen: The Definitive Biography and Queen and I: The Brian May Story. I've heard that they are inaccurate, but I find them quite interesting.
I don't have any Queen books, but someone scanned one for and sent it to me. I need more though? Can anyone help? I read a book by Lesley Ann Jones or something like that called Freddie Mercury, the difinnative biography. It's not a bad book.
the best and most complete, definitive story on Freddie as an artist, is in the box-set of "The Solo Collection" including 10 cd's and 2 dvd's. THAT is the ultimate item if someone wants to be completely informed about him. It is not just, or only the discs, it is this book that makes it one of my best items about Freddie. There are zillions of anecdotes and recordingstories, inside info and beautiful pictures in this item. I think it is still available. I regularly see this item for sale on various sites. The fanclub release called "gluttons for punishment"on the south-american tour is also very good. And "Queen, a magic tour" too. "Queen, a visual documentary" by Ken Dean, and ofcourse the book of our good friend and very privileged Queen-archivist is on the wannahaves list too. "Queen" by Mick St.Michael. The books of Mick Rock ofcourse, and i think that collecting all fanclub magazines is a good thing to do to become complete with old Queen-info too. If you want to see what they look like, go to: link and click on the link that says: fanclubmags - NEW then you can see almost all the covers of issues from 1976 up to nowadays....i added some scans myself last week, so now that is as complete as one can get it these days, with some luck, and a lot of money! At fanclub meetings you can find most of them for sale, as fans tend to get rid of them now we have the internet. To me,. these real and paper books, are the best and genuine thingto have on Queen. It is history and directly coming from them for info and the fanclub. (Wich i think deserves better than to dissapear because of the iternet. We should ALL be more respectful to and supportive of Jacky and OUR -longest running in the world!- fanclub, and remain or become paying members again! These issues, especially from the very first years have loads of inside information that you won't find in any other book at all. Not to forget the gobsmacking and unique pictures that Queen themselves have put in them through the years! LETS GIVE OUR FANCLUB A BOOST, by bringing in new fans and register (again). cheers. Basje
Queen - A Magic Tour doesn't provide much info, only pictures.
I would normally ignore all of Basje's ramblings, but I couldn't let that mis-information pass.
I also have the Freddie Mercury box set - it is amazing and some of the best reads out there regarding Queen - but I also have As It Began by Jacky and Jim Jenkins - it is excellent also! Really try to get that As It Began!!!
I've just started reading Freddie Mercury - A Life, In His Own Words. It works quite well for something made up from interviews. It really reads like a book. I was pleasantly surprised. And there's a ton of excellent pics in it too.
Unfortunately I received a heavily damaged copy from as usual (they've fucked me over numerous times with used items that were supposed to be new, stuff that wasn't protected in the shipping process, etc.) so I'm just gonna toss it to a thrift store or something when I'm done. I can't stand having fucked-up items and I'm not gonna wait for them to send yet another damaged copy like they did with my Solo Collection.
Fuck it! Fuck it all! I must be cursed!
Sorry, please continue.