Hey darlings. Has anyone written a queen fan fiction? I'm in the middle of a novil. It's a romance with Freddie. Lol. If you all would like to read it, by the way, I can post what I have and you all can add ideas. Thanks.
Queen Mercury
Okay. I'm not sure how to post this, cause it has six chapters so far and a part of chapter seven. Do you all have msn? I can send you it or something. It's about me and Freddie. Lol.
I don't have MSN, but try posting it in a Queenzone blog--if you have one--and maybe we can all read it. Go to blogs in the Talk section of this site and create a blog for those stories. Hope this helps, good luck.
Okay. Where it says create a blog, it takes you to this title thing, that's what I put, but what are all the other fields for? What is description and all that?
Queen Mercury wrote: Okay. Where it says create a blog, it takes you to this title thing, that's what I put, but what are all the other fields for? What is description and all that?
Well, according blog settings, there is a title, which means you have to put the title of your blog. Next, the URL, is the location of your blog, which means you have to put your username then.queenzone.com. It means that it will be addressed for people to find your blog to read it. Description I guess means what are going to write about. The Stat Counter, however, is optional. Once you're done adding your blog, click submit and your blog will be displayed in your Queenzone profile. Well, that's the best I can do with the help of the Queenzone FAQ.
Well...congratulations for you are such creative people! It is amazing what music can do!
In fact I do really enjoy their music,that is all, but I am so happy for you indeed.It's so nice to get such positive and creative interaction.Good luck with your thread!
Best wishes,
I think I can change the publish settings. I think the link for the blog might be in my profile. I saved it as rough draft. Or should I have put, publish for the whole world to see?
Queen Mercury wrote: I think I can change the publish settings. I think the link for the blog might be in my profile. I saved it as rough draft. Or should I have put, publish for the whole world to see?
Publish it 'cause I'm dying to see the story, please?
Okay QUeen rocks. I see the link there, but it won't let me open it. The blog is in my profile, but it says the page can not be displayed. I was going to post chapter 2 and so on.
Queen Mercury wrote: Okay QUeen rocks. I see the link there, but it won't let me open it. The blog is in my profile, but it says the page can not be displayed. I was going to post chapter 2 and so on.
Well, maybe you can ask those who write blogs. There must be something that I did wrong, I'm sorry:(
I'm sorry if it disterbs you sir. Queen rocks, I have the fan fiction in a blog now. It's in my profile and you can see the title as freddie mercury fan fiction.
Queen Mercury wrote: I'm sorry if it disterbs you sir. Queen rocks, I have the fan fiction in a blog now. It's in my profile and you can see the title as freddie mercury fan fiction.
I also saw it in the blogs section, but I couldn't get into it to read it, what happened?
Okay Queen Rocks. I changed the setting on the web site. You can try again now, and I would start at the bottom of the blog. It's not posting the entries in order. Lol. I hope it works for you. Hugs.
Good luck.
Darnet! Okay. I'll ask. The other thing you can do is to maybe click on the other link if it's below it. The queenmercury@queenzone thing. I'm not sure if it's by there, but I will deffinantly ask someone and make another tread