I'm not asking this to depress anyone, as I just figured I can't be the only one who thinks of this on occasion. It's almost hard to explain what I mean, but is there anyone hear who hears a specific song and gets goosebumps when listening to the words in accordance to the close promixmity of when his death was? I guess I'll explain what I mean. The words of Innuendo just strike a real thick chord with me, especially the end of the song when he just tells the audience to keep on smiling and whatever will be will be...This song was released in January of 1991, not far before Freddie's passing. Of course, Freddie knew his death was soon to come, and to think of the words he left us, I don't know. They just inspire me and give me goosebumps. But certain songs make me pensive about Freddie and the legacy he left...specifically Innuendo and of course "Show Must Go on"...What about you?
deleted user 04.09.2006 04:46
'I've walked too long in this loneley lane, I've had enough of this same old game
I'm a man of the world and they say that I'm strong, but my heart is heavy and my hope is gone...'
I think these lines are very emotional, also because of the power in Freddie's voice. I don't understand how he was still able to sing so well, so close to his death. I think this is the most beautiful he ever sung.
I Absolutly agree with you!! Innuendo and Mother love are those kind of songs!....
I also heard about a song Freddie wrotte in 1991, but was not released, it was called "Face it alone"...and was very long, like 8 o 9 minutes! I wish I can read or listen to it....very sad and strong at the same time!...Have you ever heard about that song? Anybody?
"I'd like to go back one time, on a rollercoaster ride, when life's just a game..."
Those lines almost make me cry. Tthe way he sings it, and thinking that at that point, he and few others knew, that one more rollercoaster ride was never to happen for Freddie...
And: "A hand above the water, an angel reaching for the sky. Is it raining in Heaven? Do you want us to cry?" and about the entire song just breaks my heart.. "One by one, only the good die young, they're only flying too close to the sun..." and so on.. Jeez.. So sad :ó(
"The Show Must Go On" always gets me. I always wonder about what Freddie went thru when I listen to this song, because you can hear the pain in Freddie's voice. This is one of my Favorite Queen songs, but it always makes me think.
There are songs that I can hear frequently without bringing up any particular memories, and then suddenly they can remind me of good or bad things.
Hard to explain, I know.
This sounds kind of stupid, but I've always thought it was kind of ironic that "Keep Yourself ALIVE" was Queen's first single and that putting it as the B-side to The Show Must Go On sounded kind of sick.
SweetestSightEverSeen wrote: This sounds kind of stupid, but I've always thought it was kind of ironic that "Keep Yourself ALIVE" was Queen's first single and that putting it as the B-side to The Show Must Go On sounded kind of sick.
I thought that was strange, too. If I was alive to just see that, I'd be like, "Okay, it's official. Freddie's going to die."
I know it was a bit before his death but at the time Was It All Worth It and the reason for me thinking is he knew he was suffering and he was not getting any better but give the man credit he did tried his best and worked.Happy Birthday Freddie may you rest in peace Sir.
The show must go on and No-one but you (only the good die young) they make me sad all the time and yet I LOVE those songs!
deleted user 04.09.2006 18:48
These are the days of our lives always makes me think of him and the things I read about his suffering with AIDS.Its then I give time to think of the man himself
'The March of the Black Queen' reminds me that 'Bohemian Rhapsody', the biggest hit of all time, was no greater than this late 'Queen II' track that didn't even get released. In recent years, I have been treated to such Freddie gems as "Love Making Love", "Holding On" and "Nobody Understands Me". To know that such tracks were thrown away, not ever intended for release, amazes me. What else is out there???
AmeriQueen wrote: 'The March of the Black Queen' reminds me that 'Bohemian Rhapsody', the biggest hit of all time, was no greater than this late 'Queen II' track that didn't even get released. In recent years, I have been treated to such Freddie gems as "Love Making Love", "Holding On" and "Nobody Understands Me". To know that such tracks were thrown away, not ever intended for release, amazes me. What else is out there???
You can hear them if you buy the Freddie Mercury solo collection. 10 CDs and 2 Dvds!...Pretty cool.
I love "love making love" and "Holding on"...
If you can, go buying it!