<font color="66CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote: i asked a question!
i better get an answer, or i quit!:P
I have that answer for you.....
How do you keep a retard in suspence?
I'll tell you tomorrow!
that's pretty funny!
i did get an answer though, for all you naysayers.
he said...
"You better quit now..."
hm...well, i guess if you ask a stupid question...
okay. i feel bad because we're all being mean and silly and not answering this guy's question, which isn't completely illegitimate.
from interviews with roger, brian and peter freestone, i get the impression that john took freddie's death really hard, and doing things with queen just wasn't the same any more. it was probably more complicated than that though.
I agree we are being rude, but how can anyone here know the answer to that? Only John knows if he misses Queen. We can all say "Yes he does", or "Hell no, that's why he quit", but we do not have the right to speak on his behalf, do we?
Crezchi wrote: I agree we are being rude, but how can anyone here know the answer to that? Only John knows if he misses Queen. We can all say "Yes he does", or "Hell no, that's why he quit", but we do not have the right to speak on his behalf, do we?
nah, we can't, but this IS a question that rog and bri get asked a lot. not the "does he miss it" one, but the "why isn't he still in it" one. so, argentinian queener, i would suggest checking out the roger taylor interview on queenonline. it's under features, the link that says, "QOL Interviews Roger Taylor."
another thing i think brian said was that he thought john wasn't as into being famous as the rest of them were. food for thought.
ArgentinianQueener wrote: What do you think about it?? Why did he retire from music??
I'll answer your question hun. I think John misses Queen. I heard that he keeps in contact with Brian and Roger. The reason he retired is because Freddie's death was very hard on him. He was very close to Freddie and it would've been upsetting for him to play, because he knew that it wouldn't have been the same and bring back too many memories. That, and he just wanted to spend more time with his family. If my memory serves me right, he still works with Queen but he just dosen't play with them anymore. I hope that helps. Sorry that everyone else was rude.
he quit cos when Freddie went he thought that that was the end of an era and he wanted to have more time with his kids
prob cos his dad died when he was quite young (dats on the biography part of this site)