Deacon Fan 24.08.2006 18:50 |
If Brian May and Roger Taylor, both of the rock group Queen were to get into a nasty fight which led to fisticuffs (my first time ever using that word!) who do you think would win the fight? I've been thinking about this.. dreaming.. well fantasizing really.. it's a very exciting thought really... and though Roger's health seems to be somewhat in question lately, he's still such a cool badass I think he'd whip poodle-boy's arse. Though the hair may be an advantage of some sort.. hmm... |
M a t i a s M a y 24.08.2006 18:52 |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.08.2006 18:54 |
Brian's a big softy. My guess is Roger may win. But Brian has more brains and can just put Roger back in his place. Anyways, may the best man win!!!!! xD |
deleted user 24.08.2006 18:59 |
oh, roger's smarter than he looks. even brian's said so. |
7 seas of Rhye 24.08.2006 18:59 |
Yeah Roger seems tougher. But didn't he once spray hairspray in Brian's face? That's a very girly way to fight. I don't know who would win but it would be fun to watch. |
deleted user 24.08.2006 19:20 |
7 seas of Rhye wrote: Yeah Roger seems tougher. But didn't he once spray hairspray in Brian's face?seriously?! lol, that is so typical! |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.08.2006 20:18 |
macbethscrazywife wrote: oh, roger's smarter than he looks. even brian's said so.I didn't say Roger was totally thick. It just appears that Brian uses his brains more. Anyway, the goodie goodies are always the people to watch out for. Cunning, diveous and ready to strike when no one least expects it to happen. ;) |
rocks. 24.08.2006 20:43 |
Heehee, I have to say Rog...I dunno, something about him tells me he's a dirty fighter, and the dirty fighters always win! :D |
Fireplace 24.08.2006 21:11 |
Roger will just flash his judo-badge (or was it karate?) and Brian will recoil in a panic. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.08.2006 21:35 |
Okay, my bet is on Brian now. Sorry Roger!!! =P |
it was electric7 24.08.2006 22:17 |
Roger would win but Brian will say something back to Roger using words that are like 16 letters long to defend himself and Roger will be like 'Wtf?" |
rocks. 24.08.2006 22:20 |
it was electric7 wrote: Roger would win but Brian will say something back to Roger using words that are like 16 letters long to defend himself and Roger will be like 'Wtf?"jeez, whats with people thinking Roger is stupid! I cant remember where, but I read Brian saying Roger is one of THE smartest guys he knows, and nothing gets by him. So, my money is still on roger. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.08.2006 22:33 |
it was electric7 24.08.2006 22:42 |
This made me think of the fight from 'The Flava of Love' TV show when one girl spat in the other girls hair... |
AmeriQueen 24.08.2006 23:04 |
Brian's bigger, but Roger plays the drums so I imagine Roger would win. I think Freddie would whip both of their asses back in the day. Deacon would be the 0 - 3 fighter. |
7 seas of Rhye 24.08.2006 23:07 |
AmeriQueen wrote: Brian's bigger, but Roger plays the drums so I imagine Roger would win. I think Freddie would whip both of their asses back in the day. Deacon would be the 0 - 3 fighter.Yeah Freddie could definetly beat them both up. He was a boxer. |
rocks. 24.08.2006 23:46 |
it was electric7 wrote: This made me think of the fight from 'The Flava of Love' TV show when one girl spat in the other girls hair...Oh my god, I saw that, it was HYSTERICAL!! ROFL!! Im sooo glad that ugly bitch ho didnt win, lol. |
7 seas of Rhye 24.08.2006 23:51 |
WhatMustHeThink wrote:I actually wanted New York to win because she wanted to win the most. Also New York and Flav are both stupid so they deserve each was electric7 wrote: This made me think of the fight from 'The Flava of Love' TV show when one girl spat in the other girls hair...Oh my god, I saw that, it was HYSTERICAL!! ROFL!! Im sooo glad that ugly bitch ho didnt win, lol. |
wembley86 24.08.2006 23:55 |
i would see them ready to do and all of the sudden freddie appears and bitch slaps them both and tells them to knock it off. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 24.08.2006 23:55 |
I'm Brian's cheerleader... *chants* Gooooooooooo Brian gooooooooooooo Brian... B-R-I-A-N!!! =) |
7 seas of Rhye 24.08.2006 23:57 |
wembley86 wrote: i would see them ready to do and all of the sudden freddie appears and bitch slaps them both and tells them to knock it off.HAHAHA! I could totally picture that! |
rocks. 25.08.2006 00:07 |
7 seas of Rhye wrote:EUGH, but she was so....arrogant and cocky and ANNOYING!! And deluded...ok, so maybe her anf Falva Flav DO fit, but Hoopz was awesome :DWhatMustHeThink wrote:I actually wanted New York to win because she wanted to win the most. Also New York and Flav are both stupid so they deserve each was electric7 wrote: This made me think of the fight from 'The Flava of Love' TV show when one girl spat in the other girls hair...Oh my god, I saw that, it was HYSTERICAL!! ROFL!! Im sooo glad that ugly bitch ho didnt win, lol. |
The prophet's song 25.08.2006 01:10 |
Well, seen as Brian is the tallest member of Queen and Roger was one of the shortest, I can invisage Roger trying his best to hit Brian, but Brian is towering over him with his hand on Rogers head holding him out of arms reach, while Roger is still swinging madly at nothing...and Brian could stand on Roger's feet with his cloggs, and I know from experiance, a clogg on the foot hurts. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 02:15 |
I'd say they would both get knocked out, Brian can use the red special to hit Roger, and Roger can through a tantrum and use his drum kit, like the time he nearly hit Freddie when he threw it across stage.... Peace on Earth. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 02:16 |
The prophet's song wrote: Well, seen as Brian is the tallest member of Queen and Roger was one of the shortest, I can invisage Roger trying his best to hit Brian, but Brian is towering over him with his hand on Rogers head holding himWhen I read that, I automatically thought that Roger would be going for Brian's balls, and Brian was making him suck his cock. |
great king rat 1138 25.08.2006 03:37 |
Roger's a big man, but he's in bad shape, however, brian would go straight down with one swift smack to one of those knitting needle legs of his. Or Roger could fight dirty (which personally I think he would) and break Brian's hands. That would keep the Grumpy bastard out of the limelight for a while... |
deleted user 25.08.2006 04:14 |
haha :P |
The prophet's song 25.08.2006 04:22 |
<font color="Red">HotMagicJazzingTheRace wrote:Noo, gosh, I don't think like that lol!The prophet's song wrote: Well, seen as Brian is the tallest member of Queen and Roger was one of the shortest, I can invisage Roger trying his best to hit Brian, but Brian is towering over him with his hand on Rogers head holding himWhen I read that, I automatically thought that Roger would be going for Brian's balls, and Brian was making him suck his cock. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 04:41 |
WhatMustHeThink wrote:yeah, i saw that clip too, somewhere on youtube. it's like with the beatles, calling john THE smart beatles, like the other ones aren't...i vote roger, cuz he probably has more fighting experience:)it was electric7 wrote: Roger would win but Brian will say something back to Roger using words that are like 16 letters long to defend himself and Roger will be like 'Wtf?"jeez, whats with people thinking Roger is stupid! I cant remember where, but I read Brian saying Roger is one of THE smartest guys he knows, and nothing gets by him. So, my money is still on roger. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 04:49 |
The prophet's song wrote:I do :p<font color="Red">HotMagicJazzingTheRace wrote:Noo, gosh, I don't think like that lol!The prophet's song wrote: Well, seen as Brian is the tallest member of Queen and Roger was one of the shortest, I can invisage Roger trying his best to hit Brian, but Brian is towering over him with his hand on Rogers head holding himWhen I read that, I automatically thought that Roger would be going for Brian's balls, and Brian was making him suck his cock. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 04:57 |
if john deacon really does stalk these forums, i'm sure we've chased him off by now:P |
deleted user 25.08.2006 05:22 |
macbethscrazywife wrote: if john deacon really does stalk these forums, i'm sure we've chased him off by now:PHaha, True |
Fireplace 25.08.2006 07:31 |
great king rat 1138 wrote: Roger's a big man, but he's in bad shape, however, brian would go straight down with one swift smack to one of those knitting needle legs of his.Well, it's obvious you're no drummer. Try touring with a major rock band for a year, doing 2 hours of drumming every night, and then returning "out of shape". I don't think that's possible. |
eenaweena 25.08.2006 07:39 |
hands down brian. partially roger... well coz roger took drugs... and he'd prolly feel the side effects during a fight. :) i still love roger nonetheless. :) i imagine john yanking both their ears, though. just to end the fight. :) |
deleted user 25.08.2006 11:08 |
WhatMustHeThink wrote:Yeah he has definitely said Roger is 'intelluctually extremely bright' and that he has trouble keeping up with Roger unless he has his wits about him and doesn't sleep. Plus Rog is also a BSc in Biology. As for the fight oh GOD would I love to see that. I think Roger would win. Brian doesn't seem like the type for fisticuffs (what a great word). I hope they'd make up again after punching the living hell outta one was electric7 wrote: Roger would win but Brian will say something back to Roger using words that are like 16 letters long to defend himself and Roger will be like 'Wtf?"jeez, whats with people thinking Roger is stupid! I cant remember where, but I read Brian saying Roger is one of THE smartest guys he knows, and nothing gets by him. So, my money is still on roger. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 11:12 |
It'd be just like in that episode of FRIENDS when Rachel and Monica got into a major Bitchfight and started rolling around on the floor after they both flicked each other. And Freddie and John'd both take on the role of Phoebe and pull them apart by their ears and not letting go till they apologise. I can totally imagine Freddie saying 'If we were in prison you'd be like my bitches,' |
eenaweena 25.08.2006 11:20 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: It'd be just like in that episode of FRIENDS when Rachel and Monica got into a major Bitchfight and started rolling around on the floor after they both flicked each other. And Freddie and John'd both take on the role of Phoebe and pull them apart by their ears and not letting go till they apologise. I can totally imagine Freddie saying 'If we were in prison you'd be like my bitches,'lol! i remember that episode!!! |
RETROLOVE 25.08.2006 11:30 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: I can totally imagine Freddie saying 'If we were in prison you'd be like my bitches,'Ha Ha!! Yeah I could see Freddie saying that... As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...they just need to stick to doing what they do best....playing music...but if I had to choose, I think if they both fought it the ring, I think Brian would actually win the first couple of rounds, and then Roger would do a surprise comeback and tie his showlaces together while he wasnt looking, and Brian would fall down, and then Roger would the long hair is Roger's advantage!!! This thread is hilarious!!! |
RETROLOVE 25.08.2006 11:36 |
7 seas of Rhye wrote: Yeah Roger seems tougher. But didn't he once spray hairspray in Brian's face? That's a very girly way to fight. I don't know who would win but it would be fun to watch.Oh my god, that is girly!!! I actually did read about them getting into a fight (Brian and Roger) when "The Works" album was out. I heard they were fighting (forgive me if the dates are wrong) and they were fighting in the studio??? ((And yes, I mean fist fighting!!!)) I read that they got into a fight at their hotel back in the 70's (1977?) and they were really fighting, and I heard they knocked the door down, and Freddie was sitting in the room in his underwear eating cornflakes???? |
RETROLOVE 25.08.2006 11:38 |
Mikahl wrote: and though Roger's health seems to be somewhat in question latelyWhats wrong with Roger, he doesnt have cancer does he? |
deleted user 25.08.2006 12:01 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
Poo, again 25.08.2006 14:09 |
Roger would win. He's simply cooler. |
k.dodo 25.08.2006 14:35 |
Chuck Norris wins... or maybe John |
zitface42 25.08.2006 14:56 |
Brian built the Red Special. He's capable of anything. |
deleted user 25.08.2006 15:44 |
roger would probably win, years of drumming build up some big muscles even if they arent as visible externally,you can give a might hit with drumming arms! Brians arms probably wouldnt give as much force from years of guitaring and scientific experiments |
its_a_hard_life 26994 25.08.2006 15:45 |
zitface42 wrote: Brian built the Red Special. He's capable of anything.HAHAHAHAHA... I love your thinking dude. :D |
flash! 28068 25.08.2006 15:51 |
Roger is so gorgeous for a man! And Brian has those beautiful, girlish curls! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY!!! ;) |
rocks. 25.08.2006 16:05 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: It'd be just like in that episode of FRIENDS when Rachel and Monica got into a major Bitchfight and started rolling around on the floor after they both flicked each other. And Freddie and John'd both take on the role of Phoebe and pull them apart by their ears and not letting go till they apologise. I can totally imagine Freddie saying 'If we were in prison you'd be like my bitches,'ROFLMAO!! I love Pheobe on Friends, she's absolutly hysterical....haha, that fight episode was the best, all because of the damn eyedrops, haha! |
its_a_hard_life 26994 25.08.2006 16:41 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote: Roger is so gorgeous for a man! And Brian has those beautiful, girlish curls! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY!!! ;)THAT'S GOOD YA CAN'T DECIDE... COS IF YA SAID ROGER... HMMMMM... I'D TAKE FREDDIE AWAY FROM YA... HEHEHEHEHE. |
flash! 28068 25.08.2006 17:04 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:NOOOOOOOO YA WON'T, DARRRLING! FREDDIE IS THE ONE FOR ME. YOU CAN HAVE..... BRIAN. :D<font color=red>Flash! wrote: Roger is so gorgeous for a man! And Brian has those beautiful, girlish curls! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY!!! ;)THAT'S GOOD YA CAN'T DECIDE... COS IF YA SAID ROGER... HMMMMM... I'D TAKE FREDDIE AWAY FROM YA... HEHEHEHEHE. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 25.08.2006 18:39 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You'd never steal Brian from me, would you? =(<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:NOOOOOOOO YA WON'T, DARRRLING! FREDDIE IS THE ONE FOR ME. YOU CAN HAVE..... BRIAN. :D<font color=red>Flash! wrote: Roger is so gorgeous for a man! And Brian has those beautiful, girlish curls! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY!!! ;)THAT'S GOOD YA CAN'T DECIDE... COS IF YA SAID ROGER... HMMMMM... I'D TAKE FREDDIE AWAY FROM YA... HEHEHEHEHE. |
JoxerTheDeityPirate 25.08.2006 19:07 |
ok,this is bizzare but i dreamt this scenario the other was celebrity death match and the pair of them were beating the holy c@ap out of each other.roger stabbed brian in the eyes with a drumstick and brian was gonna club roger with the fireplace but thought better of it.while brian oohed and aahed over this john crept into the ring and smashed brian over the head with the deacy amp knocking him senseless and then stone cold stunnered roger and it finished with a double countout.john then posed like hulk hogan and gave everyone the bird and inherited all the royalties from future sales,and people say drugs dont! |
deleted user 26.08.2006 04:26 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:Cancer!Mikahl wrote: and though Roger's health seems to be somewhat in question latelyWhats wrong with Roger, he doesnt have cancer does he? Yes, Cancer On The Ass |
flash! 28068 26.08.2006 12:05 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:Of course not, darling! But... i might have to come round every once in a while and run my fingers through his lovely hair *sighs*<font color=red>Flash! wrote:You'd never steal Brian from me, would you? =(<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:NOOOOOOOO YA WON'T, DARRRLING! FREDDIE IS THE ONE FOR ME. YOU CAN HAVE..... BRIAN. :D<font color=red>Flash! wrote: Roger is so gorgeous for a man! And Brian has those beautiful, girlish curls! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE! THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY!!! ;)THAT'S GOOD YA CAN'T DECIDE... COS IF YA SAID ROGER... HMMMMM... I'D TAKE FREDDIE AWAY FROM YA... HEHEHEHEHE. |
Rikke 26.08.2006 15:14 |
Oh my! I'm crying with laughter! xD Well, Fireplace got it before me - would have said, that Roger would flash his "judo-certificate" (aka student card xD). I cracked up woth laughter on that one, when he warned the skinheads xD Well, I think a guitar can hit harder than a drumstick, but though, Brian probably would waste his precious guitar on a fight xD After all, Brian is a peacefull man, and I bet he couldn't get himself to his Rog xD Maybe Brian would use a telescope! Hahaha! xD Ok, my bet? -I think they'd be even B) |
rocks. 26.08.2006 22:26 |
It's settled, Freddie would win: link Heehee, its a Roger interview on XM radio and at 4:49 he talks about how Freddie used to punch out barmen and how they used to wrestle quite alot :P |
deleted user 26.08.2006 23:41 |
WhatMustHeThink wrote: It's settled, Freddie would win: link Heehee, its a Roger interview on XM radio and at 4:49 he talks about how Freddie used to punch out barmen and how they used to wrestle quite alot :Pthat's fantastic!! thanks so much for sharing! he he, my reaction was much the same as the host...i love it when the interviewer is a big fan:) |
rocks. 27.08.2006 01:28 |
<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:heehee, I burst out laughing and my mum was like ;| at me, lmaoWhatMustHeThink wrote: It's settled, Freddie would win: link Heehee, its a Roger interview on XM radio and at 4:49 he talks about how Freddie used to punch out barmen and how they used to wrestle quite alot :Pthat's fantastic!! thanks so much for sharing! he he, my reaction was much the same as the host...i love it when the interviewer is a big fan:) |
deleted user 27.08.2006 01:36 |
i wonder what the barman said? maybe, "i think you've had too much to drink, fred." lol. |
Gone. 27.08.2006 12:15 |
GO GO GO GOOOOOOO ROGER!!!! *jumps up and down* WOOT!!!! *cheers hysterically*...but...I'm sure while Roger is getting prepared to fight, Brian will think of some kind of device to kick his ass......hmmmmmm...oh well...GOOOOOO BRIAN!!!! GO GO GO !!!! |
Poo, again 27.08.2006 12:45 |
Roger always wins. Even when he loses. |
flash! 28068 27.08.2006 13:18 |
<font color=pink>The Millionaire Waltz wrote: Roger always wins. Even when he loses.Brian told me to tell you that he doesn't like you anymore. |
RETROLOVE 28.08.2006 01:26 |
<font color="Olive">MagicAtTheOpera wrote:Alrighty then....((rolling my eyes, and shaking my head in dismay!!))<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:Cancer! Yes, Cancer On The AssMikahl wrote: and though Roger's health seems to be somewhat in question latelyWhats wrong with Roger, he doesnt have cancer does he? |
RETROLOVE 28.08.2006 01:27 |
<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Mmmmmm, no I dont think so...too busy singing and taking his piano<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
RETROLOVE 28.08.2006 01:27 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:LOL!!<font color=pink>The Millionaire Waltz wrote: Roger always wins. Even when he loses.Brian told me to tell you that he doesn't like you anymore. |
deleted user 28.08.2006 01:56 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:link<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Mmmmmm, no I dont think so...too busy singing and taking his piano<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. nya. |
deleted user 28.08.2006 01:57 |
doesn't look very good at it, though, does he;) |
RETROLOVE 28.08.2006 06:38 |
<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote: doesn't look very good at it, though, does he;)Oh okay, so he did actually box? He really doesnt look like the fight type?? It looks like he was losing the fight their, he looks like please go easy on just by looks, it dont look like any of Queen's members can really fight ((maybe, just maybe John)) but thats about it. Wow...from boxing, to ballet, to opera...what an |
RETROLOVE 28.08.2006 06:48 |
<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
7Innuendo7 28.08.2006 11:07 |
Roger knocks Brian into the Scottish Highlands in one punch, then falls over with a coronary. sorry Rog. then John Deacon and Jim Beach stroll over and start playing rock, paper scissors for the clothes ;) |
Rikke 28.08.2006 13:37 |
As far as I remember, Freddie was actually quite good a boxing ;o) |
its_a_hard_life 26994 28.08.2006 13:48 |
WHO WON THEN????? *prays* PLEASE LET IT BE BRIAN!!! =) |
deleted user 28.08.2006 15:13 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU!<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job. |
Gone. 28.08.2006 16:14 |
Go Go Go!!!!! Go....ummm....ROGER!!! WOOT! |
Baneé 28.08.2006 16:35 |
I bet 100% of my salary than Roger is going to win. (Look Rog, if you lose, you´ll find me some accomodation ok?) THAT´S MY MAN! |
its_a_hard_life 26994 28.08.2006 16:46 |
deleted user 28.08.2006 17:09 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:he he...i bet mick jagger won, cdm always favors the older guy!<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
RETROLOVE 29.08.2006 00:26 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The |
flash! 28068 29.08.2006 12:15 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
deleted user 29.08.2006 14:22 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:NOOOOOO!! COME BACK. I think Queen would win against the Who!! They are younger and fitter anyways.<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
deleted user 29.08.2006 14:22 |
Ooh I hope this thread never dies its so much fun |
Gone. 29.08.2006 14:30 |
*cheerleads for Roger* LETS GOO! GOOOOO!!!! What's this? Roger sends a punch to Brian...nearly missing the punch, Brian smashes the red special onto the head of Roger! OUCH! THATS GOTTA HURT!!! Is he allright? *checks* and yes! He is fine and healthy! GO BRIAN GOOOOO BRIAN! |
RETROLOVE 30.08.2006 02:44 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I'm sorry Flash, you know I'm a Queen fan for life, but do you honestly think Queen could beat up The Who? I just dont see it :) but they (Queen) could probably run away from them pretty<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
flash! 28068 30.08.2006 10:33 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:No, no... sorry.. you've done it now. I officially hate you. *leaves dramatically... again*<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I'm sorry Flash, you know I'm a Queen fan for life, but do you honestly think Queen could beat up The Who? I just dont see it :) but they (Queen) could probably run away from them pretty<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
deleted user 30.08.2006 17:37 |
LAUGHING SO HARD.....NEED OXYGEN! You are all so funny! |
RETROLOVE 30.08.2006 23:59 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:***Runs after Flash***<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:No, no... sorry.. you've done it now. I officially hate you. *leaves dramatically... again*<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I'm sorry Flash, you know I'm a Queen fan for life, but do you honestly think Queen could beat up The Who? I just dont see it :) but they (Queen) could probably run away from them pretty<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. Please dont hate me...okay, okay, Queen can kick the who's asses!! But please...dont take what I say seriously, I was drunk when I wrote that!! |
flash! 28068 31.08.2006 10:17 |
<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:Ok... ok, you've reassured me, dear. Thanks. That just hurt alot to read. And coming from you of all people aswell...<font color=red>Flash! wrote:***Runs after Flash*** Please dont hate me...okay, okay, Queen can kick the who's asses!! But please...dont take what I say seriously, I was drunk when I wrote that!!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:No, no... sorry.. you've done it now. I officially hate you. *leaves dramatically... again*<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I'm sorry Flash, you know I'm a Queen fan for life, but do you honestly think Queen could beat up The Who? I just dont see it :) but they (Queen) could probably run away from them pretty<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. Wait, you were drunk? Tut! Typical! Do you usually slag off Queen when you're legless? |
MarkieKnopflie 03.09.2006 08:27 |
Oh i guess Bri could hit Roger very hard if he wanted to.Roger is very strong i think... Brian is not so weak as he looks sometimes... |
RETROLOVE 04.09.2006 00:40 |
<font color=red>Flash! wrote:Yeah, just messing with you, we all know that Queen could seriously put all the members of the Who in the hosptial in a heartbeat, I mean come on...Freddie Mercury, he could seriously kick some ass!!!! LOL<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:Ok... ok, you've reassured me, dear. Thanks. That just hurt alot to read. And coming from you of all people aswell... Wait, you were drunk? Tut! Typical! Do you usually slag off Queen when you're legless?<font color=red>Flash! wrote:***Runs after Flash*** Please dont hate me...okay, okay, Queen can kick the who's asses!! But please...dont take what I say seriously, I was drunk when I wrote that!!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:No, no... sorry.. you've done it now. I officially hate you. *leaves dramatically... again*<font color=red>Flash! wrote:I'm sorry Flash, you know I'm a Queen fan for life, but do you honestly think Queen could beat up The Who? I just dont see it :) but they (Queen) could probably run away from them pretty<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:YOU...YOU.... TRAITOR! And i trusted you!!! I'm so ashamed and hurt! *dramatically leaves*the GIRLZ are back in town wrote:Yeah, they really do need to stick to their day What about THE WHO VS Queen....who do you guys think would win...I'm sorry, but my money is the The<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:I would have LOVED to have seen that. GO GO MICK JAGGER I LOOOOVE YOU! Course we all know that in a fight with the Stones frontman poor ol' Bri and Roggie don't stand a chance. Sorry boys love you anyway but don't give up the day job.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Oh funny that you mention celebrity deathmatch...they actually had an episode where the beatles were on, along with Mick Jagger Vs Steve Tyler...that show was funny, real sarcastic!<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. |
Katicas..(L) 03.10.2006 16:55 |
mayniac316 03.10.2006 19:19 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: MY MONEYS ON BRIAN.... THERE!!!! BRIAN PLEASE WIN... YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! *claps*Yeah!! GO BRIAN!! BEAT HIS ASS! *starts Brian chant* |
Gone. 03.10.2006 20:09 |
mayniac316<h6>Madam May</h6> wrote:What...what about WOGER!? Dwon't wyou cware abwout WOGER!? ;_;! WOGER!<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: MY MONEYS ON BRIAN.... THERE!!!! BRIAN PLEASE WIN... YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! *claps*Yeah!! GO BRIAN!! BEAT HIS ASS! *starts Brian chant* |
deleted user 03.10.2006 20:29 |
<font color="#FF006">GetDown!<h6>MakeLuv wrote:I love Roger! Here is how the scene would go down:mayniac316<h6>Madam May</h6> wrote:What...what about WOGER!? Dwon't wyou cware abwout WOGER!? ;_;! WOGER!<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: MY MONEYS ON BRIAN.... THERE!!!! BRIAN PLEASE WIN... YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! *claps*Yeah!! GO BRIAN!! BEAT HIS ASS! *starts Brian chant* R-Roger B-Brian E-(Elizabeth because "B" is already taken by Brian)me *Something random happened that started a fight* R-Wanna take this outside, punk?! B-Why outside? Lets fight right here, right now! E-*Separates the two before the bloody scene occurs* Stop fighting guys! R-I think she's right B-Yeah, she is. I'm sorry sweetheart *hugs Elizabeth* E-It's fine R-Are you trying to steal her from me!? B-Steal her?! She's been mine all along! E-GUYS! B&R-We're sorry honey So basically, nobody would win the fight because they would never have the chance to fight. xD |
FreMe 04.10.2006 02:42 |
<font color="darling">macbethswifedan wrote:Who is reddie, and who is the bitch who dares hitting him? I cant tell honestly :S<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote:link nya.<font color="33CC00">macbethscrazywife wrote:Mmmmmm, no I dont think so...too busy singing and taking his piano<font color=Blue>Retro<font color=1>Love wrote: As for the fight, I dunno, I'd seriously would crack up to see any of the Queen men (Even John or Freddie) fight eachother, cause it dont look like any of them can fight worth a damn...didn't freddie box when he was a kid? they should do a queen celebrity deathmatch...i would watch it. Roger would deffinately win, btw.. Drummer VS guitarist..It's easy to me.. :S |
Donna13 04.10.2006 11:17 |
Roger asks Greg Brooks to rub black eye liner on Brian's telescope. Later, a romantic evening has just begun, and Brian dims the lights while encouraging Anita to look into the telescope. Horrified at what happens to Anita's face, Brian is forced to give Anita a relaxing facial massage with plenty of calming herbal moisturizers. "Grrrr. No more trusting Greg Brooks in my house. I know Roger has Greg on his side now." Brian then stays up all night cleaning the telescope and checking all the viewfinders of his photographic equipment. He gets hungry and then has an idea. Next Queen concert - the show was great and Roger and Brian are on the catwalk waving to the crowd. Brian takes a slippery half eaten edamame out of his pocket and drops it in Roger's path. Roger slips and falls backwards into a pack of screaming girls. Two of the girls won't let Roger go. They've got an arm and a leg. Brian is temporarily stunned by what he has just done. He can't believe he has stooped so low. Paul, walking backwards while waving and smiling, bumps into Brian, and then Brian flies hair first into another screaming crowd of girls who refuse to let him go. "Grrrrr. I'm going to get that Roger if I have to stay up all night thinking of a way." |
Poo, again 04.10.2006 11:21 |
Roger would definately win. I don't believe Brian would ever hit a girl. |
Gone. 04.10.2006 15:36 |
<font color=pink>I love Freddie wrote: Roger would definately win. I don't believe Brian would ever hit a girl.*Cheers for Roger* W00T!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Katicas..(L) 05.10.2006 05:57 |
roger best coz he got blond hair. so HA! |
FreMe 05.10.2006 06:14 |
Roger in a tigh boxing suit.. Yums! :D |
RETROLOVE 05.10.2006 06:18 |
I dont want them to fight, I think they should just talk their problems out like |
mayniac316 05.10.2006 13:00 |
Donna13 wrote: Roger asks Greg Brooks to rub black eye liner on Brian's telescope. Later, a romantic evening has just begun, and Brian dims the lights while encouraging Anita to look into the telescope. Horrified at what happens to Anita's face, Brian is forced to give Anita a relaxing facial massage with plenty of calming herbal moisturizers. "Grrrr. No more trusting Greg Brooks in my house. I know Roger has Greg on his side now." Brian then stays up all night cleaning the telescope and checking all the viewfinders of his photographic equipment. He gets hungry and then has an idea. Next Queen concert - the show was great and Roger and Brian are on the catwalk waving to the crowd. Brian takes a slippery half eaten edamame out of his pocket and drops it in Roger's path. Roger slips and falls backwards into a pack of screaming girls. Two of the girls won't let Roger go. They've got an arm and a leg. Brian is temporarily stunned by what he has just done. He can't believe he has stooped so low. Paul, walking backwards while waving and smiling, bumps into Brian, and then Brian flies hair first into another screaming crowd of girls who refuse to let him go. "Grrrrr. I'm going to get that Roger if I have to stay up all night thinking of a way."ROTFL!! xD |
Killer Queenie 05.10.2006 14:23 |
Althought I am a Brian fan (my name says it all really!) But I think Roger would because they say good things come in small packages. No disrespect to Brian but Roger just strikes me as that sort of type if you know what I mean. |