I know it's a rant, and that there is nothing I can do about it (and that I am turning into a grumpy old man), but why oh why does it take artists like 'Queen' so long to upgrade their succesful back catalogue into modern, user friendly formats?
I mean, I am not asking for something new or unreleased - just updated DVD versions of old VHS favourites like 'Rainbow '74', or 'Budapest '86' - or how about 'Magic Years vols 1 -3'?
I know that we all possess home-made DVD back-ups, but there is still something special about an officially released (easy to use) product - and the fact that they are still VHS (and bootleg DVD) available, kind of kills the 'limited audience' idea.
Even if such DVD's were limited by shelf-life, why not release as a budget range, or as 3 x DVD sets (as they do with John Wayne or Elvis Presley movies)?
After a serious accident last-year, I still ponder the limitations of my own mortality, and while Queen (amongst others) may have a rolling-stock 5 year plan, I find that, for previously available products anyway, time may not be on the side of everyone.
I'm in complete agreement here. There doesn't have to be a ton of extras, 5.1 remixes.. nothing.. just release good quality DVD versions of the stuff from the best possible masters.
I bought a pirate version (DVD-R) of Magic Years on Ebay and I love it. Taken from laserdisc I believe, because the quality is excellent. And I did my own 'Champions of the World' DVD-R which I was somehow able to squeeze into a standard "2 hour" recording though it goes over by about 4 mins.
Queen has too much control over their stuff if you ask me ;) Record companies would gladly make & sell the stuff I'm sure.
doeeyes wrote: Quenn does control almost all the stuff that is released, they are very choosey about what is seen and what is not.
Yes but were talking about stuff that has already been released but only on older formats.
So I don't understand why it's so hard for them to release these on new formats such as DVD.
I wonder how much of the Rainbow March show is in the archives. It's one of their best concerts for sure. And there are some nice snippets in excellent quality in some documentaries.
There is not enough greed incentive (potential sales) to get QP off its lazy ass to re-release these videos onto DVD ... and of course Jim Beach does not want to flood the market.