Hi everyone, i am new here to Queenzone.com, i am enjoying my first day here very much! :)
I have a request for someone who would be so kinda to upload Sao Paulo in DVD format, or whatever they have but using a Torrent, i know this is alot to ask, but i have never seen this concert. :( Please someone? I don't have anything very rare to share, but i will share something if i get some ideas of what users here would want. I could post Argentina DVD with Menu, & Dolby 2.0 Great video quality, i know it's not much of a rarity, but i will share it if anyone wants it. So anyone who has this Sao Paulo, i beg of you? :) Sorry to come off as a beggar, just anxious to see this concert.
Crezchi wrote: Hi everyone, i am new here to Queenzone.com, i am enjoying my first day here very much! :)
I have a request for someone who would be so kinda to upload Sao Paulo in DVD format, or whatever they have but using a Torrent, i know this is alot to ask, but i have never seen this concert. :( Please someone? I don't have anything very rare to share, but i will share something if i get some ideas of what users here would want. I could post Argentina DVD with Menu, & Dolby 2.0 Great video quality, i know it's not much of a rarity, but i will share it if anyone wants it. So anyone who has this Sao Paulo, i beg of you? :) Sorry to come off as a beggar, just anxious to see this concert.
Try this link from Queenzone: link
It probably has what you´re asking for, but only on Rapidshare.
Torrents die to quickly on this site, so you better get used to Rapidshare.
Hope it helps!
Take care
Take care
pcgenius9 wrote: Just a suggestion...
Torrents do die so quick - people could start posting them on other torrent sites to get more peers.
But many sites have restrictions. You can't post a torrent here and on Dime at the same time, for example. But someone could post the torrent ONLY there and post a link to the thread here. So Queenzoners who love torrents could get a Dime account and have fun.