Togg 10.08.2006 07:21 |
In the latest Fan Club mag Brian confirms that Queen+Paul will be working in the studio shortly and they are also looking at further tour dates!!! Yeaaaaaaa, long live Q+PR Boooooo to the naysayers! |
radio_what's_new 10.08.2006 08:24 |
That's AMAZING!!! -Ducksoup and Jeroen here we go!!!- |
liam 10.08.2006 10:11 |
im sorry but i cant support new studio material. |
Lester Burnham 10.08.2006 10:21 |
liam wrote: im sorry but i cant support new studio material.Ahh, well project's canceled then. Sorry folks, but if it hasn't gotten liam's support, then what's the point? |
Serry... 10.08.2006 10:52 |
Then add Serry to liam - maybe it stop them. |
PieterMC 10.08.2006 11:17 |
I say bring it on. It's been WAY to long since we have had a studio album. |
Phill the Thrill 10.08.2006 11:18 |
personally i would like to see new material. there is only so much stuff out there (most recently I got the furia soundtrack) and there is not much left for me to get, but if i can be given the opprotunity to get new material, and possibly see Brain and Roger live again...then i'm all for long as they continue to do old stuff too. |
Boy Thomas Raker 10.08.2006 11:25 |
Prepare for the onslaught of "it's not Queen" threads if they record. |
Daburcor? 10.08.2006 12:15 |
I'm all for the album IF Paul doesn't sing EVERY track. THE draw to it, for me anyway, is Brian and Roger singing a few tracks. You know... the whole 'Queen' thing, and me being a 'Queen' fan? I'm anxious to see what they produce. |
thomasquinn 32989 10.08.2006 12:35 |
People who don't support this are automatically ignorant; here's my reasoning: - if they don't record anything, they won't record anything good - if they DO record something, there is a chance that they record something good - 'A chance' is much more than 'no chance' So people who fanatically oppose this are screwing themselves. |
Micrówave 10.08.2006 12:58 |
Lester, you are one funny MF. I smell a $12 CD single here. A whole album, I don't believe it, won't believe it, can't believe it. But I'd sure buy the hell out of it if it's true. |
Mr Faron Hyte 10.08.2006 13:01 |
I got the same magazine and he didn't "confirm" anything in my reading of it. Everything was qualified: "We've talked about", "we've all expressed interest in", "maybe", "its possible", "perhaps" - but nothing stated as a definite. Which is par for the course with Brian May. So don't hold your breath, folks. |
Lisser 10.08.2006 14:11 |
I will buy it and I'm sure it'll be pretty cool. Bring on the new tour dates and please come to America!!! |
MOANZONE TWAT 10.08.2006 14:14 |
I will buy 1 for my home, & 4 for my cars. lol How could someone not want this? |
ilvcats 10.08.2006 14:14 |
It's just not Queen without Freddie. :O( |
Vykk Draygo 10.08.2006 14:21 |
I agree, TQuinn. I don't hate Paul Rodgers, for me he did a quite good job touring with Brian and Roger. Of course, I'd like a new "Brian&Roger" album, but if they record with Paul, I'm happy to hear it too, because I love their fantastic sound, I support every chance to hear them again...ok ok, forget about 5ive! |
Vykk Draygo 10.08.2006 14:25 |
ilvcats wrote: It's just not Queen without Freddie. :O(Yeah, never gonna be the same. But if they call themselves Queen + Paul Rodgers, I think it's ok. They didn't called Paul "the new Queen lead singer" |
rocks. 10.08.2006 15:06 |
i'll buy it, if it ever does happen, but i'll be wary of it. Thats all im gonna say. Haha, that and BRI AND ROG BETTER SING. Fuck, throw Felix in there, he's quite good, LOL! As for the tour, it's most likely going to be south america and other countries they didnt visit before, as well as some england dates, but PLEASE bring on another north american tour!! This time, i'll get better seats. |
AlexRocks 10.08.2006 15:15 |
Oh! I get it! Those who want to buy the new studio l.p. can buy it!! Those who don't want to...don't have to! |
Hooligan's Holiday 10.08.2006 15:45 |
I'd buy it like as soon as I could! I'm looking forward to it! |
1bigdaddycool 10.08.2006 15:59 |
Any word on John being involved? |
Rick 10.08.2006 16:00 |
Nice. I hope Greg Brooks will sing too with them: "Baby you can drive my car, oehoee, it's property of Queen Productions. Oehoe!" |
Jakobe 10.08.2006 16:40 |
ilvcats wrote: It's just not Queen without Freddie. :O(Really!? Thanks for enlightening us with this new information! |
Micrówave 10.08.2006 16:59 |
Yeah, well it's not Queen + Paul Rodgers with Freddie (& John). Yadda yadda yadda. I tend to believe this is no longer happening now. What magazine did you all find that in? and when? |
rocks. 10.08.2006 18:32 |
Mircrowave! wrote: Yeah, well it's not Queen + Paul Rodgers with Freddie (& John). Yadda yadda yadda. I tend to believe this is no longer happening now. What magazine did you all find that in? and when?roflmao, i like that first line. It was in the Queen Fanclub Magizine.. |
Deacons 1st Choice 10.08.2006 18:37 |
Guys, not to come off as a kill-joy or anything, but the letter in the FC Mag in question was obviously written a long time ago! It's not NEW NEWS! We have already heard all of this already from Bri regarding the album ideas, and possible future dates. My guess is the letter was written earlier this Summer, around the time Q+PR just got off from touring the States. Bri has'nt suddenly confirmed anything now. He did this MONTHS ago! Anyone who has been keeping up on the Forums over the past few months should know this already. Let's not get ourselves too wound up in a tizzy over something that is still off in the distance for the moment. Then again, we are Queen to hell with it and get as excited as you want! LOL! :) |
ilvcats 10.08.2006 22:10 |
Jakobi Nairobi wrote:You're welcome. :oPilvcats wrote: It's just not Queen without Freddie. :O(Really!? Thanks for enlightening us with this new information! |
deleted user 10.08.2006 23:18 |
That would be cool =] |
DreaminQueen 11.08.2006 00:24 |
Deacons 1st Choice wrote: Guys, not to come off as a kill-joy or anything, but the letter in the FC Mag in question was obviously written a long time ago! It's not NEW NEWS! We have already heard all of this already from Bri regarding the album ideas, and possible future dates. My guess is the letter was written earlier this Summer, around the time Q+PR just got off from touring the States. Bri has'nt suddenly confirmed anything now. He did this MONTHS ago! Anyone who has been keeping up on the Forums over the past few months should know this already. Let's not get ourselves too wound up in a tizzy over something that is still off in the distance for the moment. Then again, we are Queen to hell with it and get as excited as you want! LOL! :)Amen hun, amen! Although it not new news, i'm behind it. The Q+PR show was the most riviting night of my life and i'll never forget it. I never thought i would see Queen in any form in my lifetime outside of DVD's. So needless to say, i was stoked!!!!!! (ect !!!) And id positively love to rack up the numbers of seeing them more than once. So hopefully they will return to North America again. But i'm completely game for new studio material. And yes id hope that Rog and Bri will sing on it also, because they've still got it! I enjoyed Paul's vocals as well. I was a fan of his prior to the Q+PR thing. So the fact that one of my other favorite singers behind Freddie was working with my favorite band, needless to say, i couldnt be more pleased! anywho, i suppose we shall play the waiting game. With time, all good things do come. And Paul's got a solo tour, so perhaps they're working around such outside projects, and Bri's working on his thesis, which from talking to college students, is highly time consuming. So i suppose we shall have to be excited and patient... |
Rick 11.08.2006 02:04 |
ilvcats wrote: It's just not Queen without Freddie. :O(Freddie is dead, he is dead, gone, forever, any way the wind blows, to heaven. Amen. |
Ready_Coddie 11.08.2006 03:05 |
They should call themselves Bad Smile or Smile Company. The name Queen expired in 1992 along with the tribute concert and its memories were refreshed in 1996 Made in Heaven Brian and Rog dont make Queen, so Queen + shouldnt be there... John isnt there Freddie aint there These two old hags cant live up to the name! |
The Mir@cle 11.08.2006 03:35 |
<b><font color = "crimson"> ThomasQuinn wrote: People who don't support this are automatically ignorant; here's my reasoning: - if they don't record anything, they won't record anything good - if they DO record something, there is a chance that they record something good - 'A chance' is much more than 'no chance' So people who fanatically oppose this are screwing themselves.I think I kinda agree with you Caspie! |
Serry... 11.08.2006 03:40 |
"Freddie is dead, we must deal with that, bla bla bla, don't live in the past". Well, okay, so don't live in the past! Queen is in the past. That smells like famous "double standards"... |
RETROLOVE 11.08.2006 04:08 |
Ready_Coddie wrote: They should call themselves Bad Smile or Smile Company. The name Queen expired in 1992 along with the tribute concert and its memories were refreshed in 1996 Made in Heaven Brian and Rog dont make Queen, so Queen + shouldnt be there... John isnt there Freddie aint there These two old hags cant live up to the name!Blah Blah Blah |
Rick 11.08.2006 04:12 |
Ready_Coddie wrote: They should call themselves Bad Smile or Smile Company. The name Queen expired in 1992 along with the tribute concert and its memories were refreshed in 1996 Made in Heaven Brian and Rog dont make Queen, so Queen + shouldnt be there... John isnt there Freddie aint there These two old hags cant live up to the name!Are you the reincarnation of BPP? |
Togg 11.08.2006 04:33 |
What made me laugh was in the magazine Brian was talking about the recent tour of America, (therby scothing the rumour it was written a long time ago) and commented on how they used to go down in the states, when he said words to the effect of 'when it was Queen+Freddie' that made me laugh thinking of all those nitwits that hate the Queen+ tag. Either way old news it maybe, but looks like they will be back sooner or later, he claimed Jim wa in the process of doing deals!!! |
Queenfred 11.08.2006 04:34 |
A MESSAGE TO THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS WEB SITE; Okay- it's time to solve this ugly mess. There's really no way that those who like the new incarnation of Queen are going to get on with those who don't. It just ain't gonna happen. It's become such a serious issue that it's starting to make global terrorism and George W. Bushes' Third Reich look like a non-issue. So here's the plan. Why don't you create a new web site? Yeah- it could be called 'Queenzone II'? Or, better yet ''?? Hey- now THAT'S got a ring to it! That way, those who came to the party late can enjoy themselves over there, and those who actually began the party, can stay here! Simple. Of course there are those annoying ones who will refuse to leave and, as a consequence, will want to be at both site at once- but these people are not to be trusted- under ANY circumstances- for these folk are what as known as 'hangers on'. |
Jjeroen 11.08.2006 04:38 |
I realy don't care what people think of Paul in QPR anymore. If they do an album, I'll be out there first in line to buy it. No doubt I will love it. If they do a tour, I'll be out there first in line -again- to buy tickets for all the shows. No it's not Queen, It's QPR; a totally different band, but a hell of a good one -on a good night- in their own right. All contra's are allowed to save money and stay home, but At least ME and some friends will have a damn good time! |
Serry... 11.08.2006 05:00 |
jeroen wrote: No it's not Queen, It's QPR; a totally different band, but a hell of a good one -on a good night- in their own right.jeroen... We're not kids or crazy extreme fanatics. Not you, not me. We don't need to chout on each other (unless we're talking about cigarettes). We both know it was promoted as NEW QUEEN tour, we all have heard the charming story about where "QUEEN spirit lives in", "QUEEN is back in Japan/Spain/Sheffield etc.", we know what Queen+ means (no matter whose name after + Robbie, Britney, George, Paul, it's still Queen AND someone else...), we know that ALL QPR releases were released by QUEEN Touring Ltd (which was incorporated in 1976 (!) under the other name by QUEEN...) and was promoted on, we know that they played only one NEW - non-Queen/Free/BC - song... They did everything to let us think that it's Queen and (plus) Paul Rodgers. Queen + Fish on one show from Magic Tour. Queen + Rick on one show from The Works tour. Queen + Paul Rodgers on tour. The same story... This is not about quality of their performances, this is not about how good or bad is Paul, this is about the name. Life goes on. Without Freddie and John. Without Smile, Wreckage, Ibex and Reaction. But why life still goes on with the band whose time is over in 1991? Don't live in the past they told us, but THEY live in the past more than anyone else... |
RETROLOVE 11.08.2006 05:04 |
I wish I had gone to see them while they were here in Milwaukee...but I think its great that their doing a new studio album, congrats to them! |
dsmeer 11.08.2006 05:31 |
I would like a new studio album. Queen was always a mix of 4 people and that made the music so good. Personally I think that Roger and Brian need at least one more person to get more out of their ideas. There solo albums were nice but not great pieces of art. Roger brings the Queen material to a more rocking stage, I think he would be a good choice as a singer of Queen with ... And in the live shows he is very enthousiast ( example TYMD in Munich). Let then proof that they can still make great music, and please one more tour. |
dsmeer 11.08.2006 05:33 |
When i said roger brings , I ment Paul Sorry |
teleman 11.08.2006 12:34 |
Queen + RIP 1991 Who's RIP 1991? Gotta laugh at those who say that whatever Queen+ records it WILL be great. It is possible it will be garbage. Or it might be better than any of us could hope for. Either way if they want to record it's up to them to decide. I enjoyed the Q+PR tour. I'll keep an open mind and hope for the best. BTW Freddie is dead but Queen as a business entity still exists. If that entity sends Brian, Roger and a singer out touring then they can call it whatever they want. They own the trademark rights. |
The Mir@cle 11.08.2006 14:51 |
If you like to read what he said... -> link |
Bambi 13.08.2006 09:39 |
never will happen. |
Bambi 13.08.2006 09:45 |
I agree with |
AlexRocks 13.08.2006 10:37 |
Hey! I for whatever it is worth consider Queen + Paul Rodgers as Queen! Yes! That's as in the the new lineup of Queen! Get over it and stop posting if you have a problem with it! As in the Who are a duo! Fleetwood Mac now have only two original members who write and sing NOTHING!! As in KISS who only have two original members, as in Whitesnake who only have ONE original member, and as in Guns N' Roses who only have one original member!!! Now GO AWAY! |
Serry... 13.08.2006 10:55 |
If it was to me then no - I won't go away, don't ask me even anymore... Get over it and stop asking me. But I have never heard about Slash playing in the band "Guns'n'Roses+" - I don't know why but he formed Velvet Revolver... And even Paul Rodgers himself have never played in the band "Free %" - it was Bad Company due to some "unclear" reasons... Macca played in The Wings instead of "The Beatles /"... What a stupidity - using new name for new band! |
Knute 13.08.2006 14:06 |
So apparently Brian confirmed that studio time is booked in October to coincide with Paul's UK tour. He said this in a video message to the Breakthru '06 convention. Now THAT is not an old message. Straight from the man's mouth. |
MOANZONE TWAT 13.08.2006 16:55 |
Ready_Coddie wrote: They should call themselves Bad Smile or Smile Company. The name Queen expired in 1992 along with the tribute concert and its memories were refreshed in 1996 Made in Heaven Brian and Rog dont make Queen, so Queen + shouldnt be there... John isnt there Freddie aint there These two old hags cant live up to the name!I hate to bust your bubble, BUT... Brian And Roger ARE the only founding members of Queen left, John was NOT a founding member, and Freddie is gone, and Freddie's family gave thier blessing, so These two old hags CAN live up to the name, and will, get over it! :) |
Donna13 13.08.2006 20:13 |
Grantcdn1 13.08.2006 21:06 |
Anything that Brian Roger and Paul come up with will be better than having no new material at all from any Queen members....let's face it..the tour was fantastic....and Freddie hasn't written or sang anything in a really long time.......people just let Brian and Roger make new music for fans that actually care about Brian and Roger (Queen members) and not think that the world ended in 1991...can't wait to any new recordings!! and yes they can call themselves anything they like including Queen + Paul Rodgers....Brian and Roger started the whole thing and are here to keep it going....they are also keeping Queen alive in all it's formats....70s 80s 90s and 00s....Queen lives on forever!! The Show Must Go ON!! |
Saint Jiub 14.08.2006 02:21 |
Knute wrote: So apparently Brian confirmed that studio time is booked in October to coincide with Paul's UK tour. He said this in a video message to the Breakthru '06 convention. Now THAT is not an old message. Straight from the man's mouth.Brian said in the video message ... "We shall see what happens" Hopefully something good evolves from this studio time ... |
Isis 14.08.2006 03:11 |
Knute wrote: So apparently Brian confirmed that studio time is booked in October to coincide with Paul's UK tour. He said this in a video message to the Breakthru '06 convention. Now THAT is not an old message. Straight from the man's mouth.So sounds like it is not bullshit hey Knute - wonder what fd will say over this one? |
Crezchi 14.08.2006 04:34 |
I can't wait! :) |
Deacons 1st Choice 14.08.2006 17:59 |
Knute wrote: So apparently Brian confirmed that studio time is booked in October to coincide with Paul's UK tour. He said this in a video message to the Breakthru '06 convention. Now THAT is not an old message. Straight from the man's mouth.Yes, this information is correct. I saw the video greeting myself and it was very nice....recorded early last month based on the topics he was covering. Yes, Bri did state in the video message for the BT Convention that studio time IS booked for October to coincide with Paul's upcoming solo tour in the UK. He also seemed very optimistic of future show dates in the coming year if things go well. Since this was a special message exclusively for the US Convention attendees ( not the usual replayed message originally made for the UK Con) Bri addressed the viewer as a US Fan and said: " We will be seeing you soon". I suppose one could feel he ment future US dates down the road. This was my take on it, as i already feel he has interest to come back and the Band themselves seemed to enjoy there time here. We shall see....but it won't be anytime soon. We just all have to be pateint. Still not "new news" this has been covered before. I suppose it's "new" in that it has now been officially confirmed by Brian himself. |
DreaminQueen 14.08.2006 23:48 |
Deacons 1st Choice wrote:Thanks Deaky's 1st Choice.Knute wrote: So apparently Brian confirmed that studio time is booked in October to coincide with Paul's UK tour. He said this in a video message to the Breakthru '06 convention. Now THAT is not an old message. Straight from the man's mouth.Yes, this information is correct. I saw the video greeting myself and it was very nice....recorded early last month based on the topics he was covering. Yes, Bri did state in the video message for the BT Convention that studio time IS booked for October to coincide with Paul's upcoming solo tour in the UK. He also seemed very optimistic of future show dates in the coming year if things go well. Since this was a special message exclusively for the US Convention attendees ( not the usual replayed message originally made for the UK Con) Bri addressed the viewer as a US Fan and said: " We will be seeing you soon". I suppose one could feel he ment future US dates down the road. This was my take on it, as i already feel he has interest to come back and the Band themselves seemed to enjoy there time here. We shall see....but it won't be anytime soon. We just all have to be pateint. Still not "new news" this has been covered before. I suppose it's "new" in that it has now been officially confirmed by Brian himself. |
Isis 16.08.2006 08:56 |
deleted user 19.08.2006 20:29 |
I'll be first in line to buy the cd and I will certainly go see them live again, too (which may mean traveling, but I did that before and would do it again). As for the naysayers - go ahead and live in the past. It doesn't hinder Brian, Roger, or Paul in the decisions that THEY will make in terms of the music they produce or the places that they may or may not tour. As for as you all are concerned, I think you are just missing out by remaining in what you to be. |
Jjeroen 19.08.2006 22:08 |
During the tour, did you ever consider that the name QUEEN PLUS PAUL RODGERS does not have to represent a specific BAND-name but the repertoire of the show that is being staged? And Brian indeed said several times it was good to see the SPIRIT of Queen is still alive. Of course he and you know that the majority of the people present at the shows are QUEEN fans and they are there to hear the QUEEN songs. And apart from that: he is right! If you are at such a show, with friends and fellow fans together with whome you prior to the show have anjoyed an pleasant day in pubs or in ques talking enthousiastically about your favourite band of all time (QUEEN), ... yes everybody will admit that the SPIRIT of Queen is indeed there. Now with the cd, of course you are right about the fact that it no longer stands for the repertoir but indeed should be considered a BAND name. Now bare in mind, you know what kind of a fan I am, right? Serry? I'm one of the old-school die-hards and also a critical one. Just to remind you that I don't say this lightly: Abou the name... I don't care. I realy don't. Changing their name now would commercially be just stupid. Yes, commercially. Queen has always been a commercially 'aware' band and made no secret of being in it for the money to a certain level. And right they are. Please, don't forget that they are just doing their JOBS. That's what they do for a living. Simple. I have seen the recordbusiness from the inside and have all understanding for the descision. But even if I hadn't... screw it. I understand the descision and I accept it. Had they changed the name? Wonderfull! I hope it would have been the kind of name that would have appealed to me! They didn't? Fine. Now I have TWO NAMES that appeal to me at the same time! Because, yes, I already was an admirer of Paul Rodgers ages before he joined forces with the founders and great musicians of my all-time favourite band. Because, of course, I hope the music will ALSO appeal to me. Will it appeal to me as much as QUEEN? No, of course not. That is never possible. QUEEN was QUEEN WITH FREDDIE. Nothing in the world will ever do more to than that. Nothing will ever move me more. It will always remain my numer one all-time band. But this new project (PROJECT: 'Queen plus Paul Roders'!) might maybe end up in the top ten, lord knows. I CINSERELY hope it will! I'm not to sure it will, in reality and in all honesty. But I would still be excitited to hear the new material and maybe have a new album in my collection that I would enjoy listening to every once and a while. -- Heard the rumour on holiday - JUST returned and just had to respond immediately when I saw the rumour confirmed. -- Oh, and by the way: Brian did indeed, in the past, SUGGEST that something MIGHT happen at some point. That's also the tone he uses in the magazine letter. With reservations. These days on his website he OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED that studo's have been booked for recordingsessions. I'm already looking forward to next year when they tour! |
its_a_hard_life 26994 19.08.2006 22:46 |
NEW TOURS DATES???????????!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER... FIRST NEW ALBUM... NOW TOURING????? I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I'm gonna go to as much dates in the UK as I can now. This only happens once in a life time... they are getting old now... soon they won't be able to do this anymore... I'm going to take the chances I have at this present moment of time!!!! :D :D :D :D |