I hit the Queen jockpot tonight. Decided to look hard in the World Wide Web for some good Queen stuff. I found a ton. This however did something to me. I am a tough guy. This broke me.
Bonus! While I was looking. Queen and PR came on TV. Condensed into 1 hour but who cares. link
and for fun link
seen it before so i aint moved, and i believe its done like this:-
that was intended for the TV audience, i.e. those watching it on TV
the audience there could see it wasnt Freddie, for a man came out dressed exactly the same as him, hence how he was able to walk on and off stage, his face would of been pure white, and he would of watched how Freddie did his moves during that particular music video to recreate every move.
then through art of TV editing (as nothing is ever Live now, its delayed) they are able to place Freddie over the top of that person, mainly the face, and it then looks like Freddie was there on stage, thats why when he walks on the colours go black and white, the colours of the staging plays a vital role, its tricky to do byut very clever. its more complex than i explained it.
Oooh, youtube. What an obscure corner of the net you have found. Thank God you were able to get to a forum and share the joy of your discovery. Without it we may never have known of this site.
Why are we supposed to be moved? Because some goons re-did that video, but kept Freddie in it via After Effects? Sorry, that doesn't come within a million miles of seeing Freddie singing Bo Rhap on the big screen while Brian, Roger, Paul and the band support it live on stage. I find this video dorky.
The commercial, however, was hilarious.
<font color=gold>SMI<font color=1>TTY™ wrote: This actually moved me more...
What is this? It won't let me view it, saying that I have to click on a button to "confirm" that I won't be offended by it, but when I hit the button, the screen doesn't change.
<font color=gold>SMI<font color=1>TTY™ wrote: This actually moved me more...
Holy f$%k! I wonder if it's some sort of record. Normally someone isolating ever F bomb in a movie would be immature, annoying, etc. In this case, it was totally interesting. Oliver Stone had a potty mouth when he wrote Scarface.