Freddie's #1 Fan Forever 30.06.2006 19:25 |
To Queen fans, Here is a letter that I plan on e-mailing to Brian May as part of his weekly questions and answers: To Brian, Is it true that you are now officially credited as having written "I Want It All?" After all, you are listed as the sole writer on several official releases. I wonder if you legally changed the songwriting credits. If so, then why not also change the many songs from "The Miracle" and "Innuendo" albums that were written by Freddie Mercury over to his credit? Would that not be fair, assuming that you want sole credit for "I Want It All?" Thank you, My Name Although the question will probably infuriate many Brain May fans, I think that it is legitimate. |
Freddie89 30.06.2006 19:27 |
I agree, it's only fair!!!! |
deleted user 30.06.2006 19:37 |
ooooooooo i'll be waiting for the response! xD this has always puzzled me; does Brian read all the emails or does someone called Jen sort them out in to like suitable emails and non suitable..if not who is Jen and what does she do? :S thanks. |
beautifulsoup 30.06.2006 19:49 |
Why are you telling us this? If you want to e-mail Brian, just do it. Geez. I'm sure it won't be the first "controversial" e-mail he will have received in his life. Or are you maybe seeking validation? |
Freddie89 30.06.2006 19:53 |
^ because its controversial ( as john from the big brother house used to say) LOL :P!!! |
Freddie's #1 Fan Forever 30.06.2006 20:15 |
To Beautiful Soup, My goal in telling you all this is to see how mad you get. If you seem bored by it, then I will probably not even bother to send it at all. But if you get really mad and start calling me a fat pig or something, then I will definitely have to sent it A.S.A.P. |
its_a_hard_life 26994 30.06.2006 21:04 |
<font color=&#FF00CC">Lil*Queenie wrote: ooooooooo i'll be waiting for the response! xD this has always puzzled me; does Brian read all the emails or does someone called Jen sort them out in to like suitable emails and non suitable..if not who is Jen and what does she do? :S thanks.Jen sorts them out, if she sees emails that are stupid to her, like "OMG I LOVE BRIAN MAY YOUR THE BEST, YOUR SO SEXY" Blah de blah de blah...Which isn't really relevent to Brian. Or questions that has already been asked, which I guess there is alot of that too. |
deleted user 30.06.2006 21:11 |
If you want him to hate you then go ahead. |
Carol! the Musical 30.06.2006 21:13 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:<font color=&#FF00CC">Lil*Queenie wrote: ooooooooo i'll be waiting for the response! xD this has always puzzled me; does Brian read all the emails or does someone called Jen sort them out in to like suitable emails and non suitable..if not who is Jen and what does she do? :S thanks.Jen sorts them out, if she sees emails that are stupid to her, like "OMG I LOVE BRIAN MAY YOUR THE BEST, YOUR SO SEXY" Blah de blah de blah...Which isn't really relevent to Brian. Or questions that has already been asked, which I guess there is alot of that too. Do ya think he'd answer fan mail if it's written formally, and without any of that "OMG OMG, UR SO SEXY" crap?? I wanted to send him an e-mail, but I'm afraid it would be sorted out as crap... :P |
Maz 30.06.2006 21:18 |
Fat Queen Pig wrote: To Beautiful Soup, My goal in telling you all this is to see how mad you get. If you seem bored by it, then I will probably not even bother to send it at all. But if you get really mad and start calling me a fat pig or something, then I will definitely have to sent it A.S.A.P.At least you're upfront in your whoring for attention. Kudos |
beautifulsoup 30.06.2006 21:19 |
Fat Queen Pig wrote: To Beautiful Soup, My goal in telling you all this is to see how mad you get. If you seem bored by it, then I will probably not even bother to send it at all. But if you get really mad and start calling me a fat pig or something, then I will definitely have to sent it A.S.A.P.Pffft. Well, you do what you gotta do, I guess. Whatever your motivation is... |
john bodega 01.07.2006 00:22 |
Fat Queen Pig wrote: To Queen fans, Here is a letter that I plan on e-mailing to Brian May as part of his weekly questions and answers: To Brian, Is it true that you are now officially credited as having written "I Want It All?" After all, you are listed as the sole writer on several official releases. I wonder if you legally changed the songwriting credits. If so, then why not also change the many songs from "The Miracle" and "Innuendo" albums that were written by Freddie Mercury over to his credit? Would that not be fair, assuming that you want sole credit for "I Want It All?" Thank you, My Name Although the question will probably infuriate many Brain May fans, I think that it is legitimate.I'm not Brain but I have a very simple (and probably true) answer to this. I Want It All was one of the first songs they tooled around on when beginning work on the album. It was pretty much completely written when "Queen" got their hands on it - but I assume Brian forfeited the writing credit just because it was what everyone else was doing. A song like The Miracle has lyrical contributions from other people, doesn't it? And Innuendo was (despite being pretty much Freddie's song) partially based on riffs that Freddie heard the others doing? I wasn't aware the writing credit had been changed. Perhaps it's not a good thing. However, your example is shit because you use songs that have different songwriting percentages in them anyway! Your question shows you don't have a frigging clue. If I were you I'd find a magical program to 'unsend' it before you wind up looking a total dink. |
Mr Faron Hyte 01.07.2006 01:53 |
Zeni wrote:Beautifully said.Fat Queen Pig wrote: To Beautiful Soup, My goal in telling you all this is to see how mad you get. If you seem bored by it, then I will probably not even bother to send it at all. But if you get really mad and start calling me a fat pig or something, then I will definitely have to sent it A.S.A.P.At least you're upfront in your whoring for attention. Kudos |
Fireplace 01.07.2006 06:53 |
Fat Queen Pig wrote: To Beautiful Soup, My goal in telling you all this is to see how mad you get. If you seem bored by it, then I will probably not even bother to send it at all. But if you get really mad and start calling me a fat pig or something, then I will definitely have to sent it A.S.A.P.Oh no! You are holding Queenzone hostage! Our fate is in your hands! We all know Brian will quit the music industry immediately and become an astromomer when he gets your email. Writing credits for all Queen songs will then move on to Paul Rodgers, eventually ending up in the greedy hands of Ben Elton. So go ahead, make my day fat pig! |
Who Needs You 01.07.2006 08:20 |
I will bet you a million bucks Brian never sees that e-mail. And besides what do you care? Either listen to the music or don't. The writing credits have nothing to do with you and are none of your business. |
Asterik 01.07.2006 08:45 |
Who Needs You wrote: I will bet you a million bucks Brian never sees that e-mail. And besides what do you care? Either listen to the music or don't. The writing credits have nothing to do with you and are none of your business.That's just the kind of pathetic attitude that we ought to see less of. This is a case of pricipal and you'd do well to understand that. |
deleted user 01.07.2006 10:24 |
Why all of this fuss around that e-mail??? I really don't understand. The song itself won't change a bit when the credits go to Brian. It's a great song, stick to that! And if that e-mail should be sent according to the writer, then please send it and don't bother us with it! I bet Brian won't read that mail anway! |
FreddiesGhettoTrench 01.07.2006 10:38 |
What's the big deal? I mean everyone could reasonably figure out I Want it All was a Brian song anyway. It's just confirming the obvious. I mean, come on, it's like if Freddie changed the credit for Delilah. OOOH! THUNDER LIGHTENING! |
queensmyworld 01.07.2006 10:53 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote:Thanks..i thought that's what she does..but i wasn't sure.<font color=&#FF00CC">Lil*Queenie wrote: ooooooooo i'll be waiting for the response! xD this has always puzzled me; does Brian read all the emails or does someone called Jen sort them out in to like suitable emails and non suitable..if not who is Jen and what does she do? :S thanks.Jen sorts them out, if she sees emails that are stupid to her, like "OMG I LOVE BRIAN MAY YOUR THE BEST, YOUR SO SEXY" Blah de blah de blah...Which isn't really relevent to Brian. Or questions that has already been asked, which I guess there is alot of that too. xD |
Who Needs You 01.07.2006 11:39 |
Asterisk, a matter of principle? That is pathetic and laughable! Go out and feed some starving children instead of worrying about a controversy where there is none. Brian will never read the e-mail, bet me. |
deadbird 01.07.2006 13:42 |
Why do you care that you're emailing him? Does it involve you? are you bothered by some kind of INJUSTICE? is this not his business.... of which he has the knowlege that you do not.... whatever. it just seems kind of weird to send that. Like.... waht? Ok. who are you, "fan" person? |
Want To Live Forever 01.07.2006 17:13 |
Brian Wont give a Fuck. simple. . |
deleted user 01.07.2006 17:22 |
What makes you think he's going to tell you anyway? Why do you care so much? |
Asterik 01.07.2006 17:26 |
Who Needs You wrote: Asterisk, a matter of principle? That is pathetic and laughable! Go out and feed some starving children instead of worrying about a controversy where there is none. Brian will never read the e-mail, bet me.Don't tell me, you're another Bono maniac- don't give me that weepy rubbish about starving children, it has nothing to do that. It is principal here, Brian May has tried to gain credit for a song that was credited to Queen. If he wishes to do that, then every song on the album should be re-examined in that way. You can't have it both ways. The only people who are pathetic and laughable are the ones who sit idly by and let Queen productions get away with murder. |
Who Needs You 01.07.2006 18:47 |
Couldn't care less about Bono, just as Brian May couldn't care less about whatever bug you have up your ass about songwriting credits. Were you there? Do you know? It seems like you don't have enough to do. You sound more like a Bono do-gooder than me, fighting for truth, justice and correct songwriting credits, standing up for your right to.... right to what? |
Bambi 01.07.2006 21:32 |
when Freddie became ill the band along with Freddie decided to have credits to the songwriting listed as queen, the whole group not just anyone member, it was something they decided on as a foursome. |
rocks. 04.07.2006 10:39 |
Oh, I hope you've sent that to him :) I've been wondering that myself :)Let us know if anything pans out... |
Queen-Obsessed 16.10.2006 16:58 |
This may seem like a REALLY stupid question but what is the e-mail you send this to? because I want it. |
Emilio 19.10.2006 15:27 |
Well, there´s nothing wrong or disrispectful about this question. I hope the answer would be as honest as the question. |
thenymphinyellow 20.10.2006 07:14 |
...there was a little spanish flea... dananadadananana... |
deleted user 21.10.2006 14:24 |
I think that's a great idea! I cant wait to hear the respnse! |
Deacon Fan 21.10.2006 14:52 |
I think he wanted it finally credited properly because he's still pissed about the whole "Queen" as songwriters thing. You see, Brian's last top tenner had been 1980's "Flash" (and barely at that). Meanwhile he sees Roger & John having huge writing hits through the 80s.. then they change the writing credit to "Queen" and guess what happens? The very first single as such, written by Brian, becomes a top 3 hit! Hilarious actually. The poor guy :( But no... I wouldn't bother him about changing the credit unless you just want to piss him off. Go for my angle instead, ask him if he saw the irony in what happened there after he hadn't had a major hit in awhile :-P |
Bambi 21.10.2006 23:03 |
I love your little bunny Bubbles! |
Deacon Fan 21.10.2006 23:47 |
Thanks Bambi :) I love your movie. |
kirkpatrickuk 23.10.2006 06:55 |
On what releases does Brian get the sole credit on IWIA? |
Katastrophe Mercury 23.10.2006 09:55 |
i read somewhere that when Freddie was sure he had AIDS, he told the Queen boys "lets just say 'written by Queen'". example of why: lets take ANATO. Freddie wrote 5 songs, Brian wrote 4 songs, Roger wrote 1 and John wrote 1. And since Freddie wrote the most songs, he got the most money out of the deal. Then there were the singles, like Bo Rhap b-sided with I'm In Love With My Fred and Roger split the money for that... but it wasn't really fair, especially to poor John (definately during the first few albums where he hadn't written any songs). it was usually Freddie or Brian that got the most money at times, and when the Miracle was being produced and Freddie was sure that he had AIDS, he wanted it to be fair. so he said "lets split the money four ways." thats why the later songs say "written by Queen." |
Adam Baboolal 23.10.2006 10:28 |
I don't remember Freddie coming up with that idea. I remember reading that it was a joint decision because they thought it would solve a lot of problems. Adam. |
Deacon Fan 23.10.2006 10:44 |
kirkpatrickuk wrote: On what releases does Brian get the sole credit on IWIA?It was first spotted (at Queenzone anyway) on Greatest Video Hits 2.. check the booklet. And perhaps some other releases since (though I can't find any others at the moment). But it's not absolute yet. Stone Cold Classics (which has the 'Rocks' re-edit btw) has it as 'Queen' like before. So does Return of the Champions and the Super Live in Japan DVD. |
Micrówave 23.10.2006 12:30 |
<font color="#FF00FF">its_a_hard_life wrote: Jen sorts them out, if she sees emails that are stupid to her, like "OMG I LOVE BRIAN MAY YOUR THE BEST, YOUR SO SEXY" Blah de blah de blah...Which isn't really relevent to Brian. Or questions that has already been asked, which I guess there is alot of that too.Actually, these days, those "OMG" letters are the only ones he really reads. You might send a cute picture with it. I know if I was 60 and getting those letters from hot twenties, I'd respond to each and every one. |
gnomo 23.10.2006 13:47 |
un conejo nombrado Bubbles! wrote:... silly question: since that's the only place where the BM credits seem to appear, are we sure the song is not a somewhat "different" version, that he altered for that specific release?kirkpatrickuk wrote: On what releases does Brian get the sole credit on IWIA?It was first spotted (at Queenzone anyway) on Greatest Video Hits 2.. check the booklet. I can't check since I haven't got the DVD. Or: can't it have been just a mistake in the booklet editing? IMHO the conspiracy theory might make sense if the credits had been consistently changed all over the place; I for one find it a bit preposterous to get all worked up about a single instance. |
carboengine 23.10.2006 13:56 |
QUEEN OBSESSED wrote: This may seem like a REALLY stupid question but what is the e-mail you send this to? because I want it.I'd like it, too. When I go on Brian's website, I can't link to it. |
Micrówave 23.10.2006 15:17 |
send (controversial) emails to |
Lester Burnham 23.10.2006 17:03 |
The song may also have been credited as a Brian track on the 46664 project, but it's hard to tell because it was part of a medley with a few other songs (can't remember off the top of my head) that were written by John, Roger, and Freddie; so the entire medley was credited as "May / Deacon / Taylor / Mercury" or something, which could either mean that 'I Want It All' was credited as Brian's song, or that the four-song medley was credited to Queen. Either way, nothing to get worked up over; I doubt Brian would be so vain to insist that a song that he wrote be re-credited, and if he is, then is it really that surprising anyway? |