deleted user 22.06.2006 09:13 |
Ok here goes... Roger walked home in a perpetual sulk. It had all started when the filming for 'I Want to Break Free' had wrapped... the others had changed back to their normal afro'd big-haired and moustachioed selves when Roger burst out of his changing room still in his Schoolgirl attire. 'WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES' he bellowed Freddie blinked, 'Why Roger darling I've no idea but don't run in here naked please(!)' John and Brian had run away by this point. Roger perfectly fitted his role as schoolgirl, he threw fantastic strops and Brian and John could hardly stop laughing. After five hours of searching Roger decided reluctantly to go home. Fred had given up long ago. He consoled himself with the fact he looked so feminine that no one would recognise him. *Please God* he prayed *Please don't let Felix Luther answer the door when I get home I don't want to scar him for life!* Pulling off his ridiculous hat and socks to look that bit more realistic he set off home. He couldn't drive as his car had been confiscated when he drove off with John's young son Josh (whom he was babysitting) on his lap. It was getting dark and gangs of guys were out and Roger was getting fed up of the wolf-whistles and shouts. He was so worked up he did not notice a foot stick out of a hedge and tripped, landed bang on his head and felt dizzy. This nightmare was not over however as two big BIG men stepped over him and placed a big black sack over his head and bundled him up... |
deleted user 22.06.2006 09:30 |
... Chapter 2 Roger screamed, kicked, bit, but all he got was a mouthful of canvas. The sack was lifted only when the kidnappers had him in the car. They swiftly tied his wrists and his ankles and gagged him with a soaking wet hankie. 'Hello pretty lady,' one said sneeringly. Roger felt really sssllleeeepy... By the time the chloroform soaked hanky had worn off and Roger woke up he was in a wood tied firmly to a tree and still gagged. He had no hope of telling his captors his true identity. There they were watching him. 'Don't worry darling, we are not going to rape you or anything. You are a hostage and a potential sacrifice. Err Congratulations!! MWAHAHAHAHA! Suddenly the other man jumped up from behind a bush right in poor Roger's face causing him to nearly wet himself. In an evil voice he said, 'This young girl will um... dieahorriblepainfuldeath (gasp) yeah... if Queen do not split up and become slaves to us music haters. 'Twas then Roger heard grunts and wheezes from nearby. Three young men were sculpting a giant treble clef with a line through it. NO MUSIC would be the sign underneath. Roger recognised them all. Phil Lynott, Jimi Hendrix and Robert Plant!!! Robert's bare back was covered in red sore weals. He stood straight and stopped working. 'Look guys, a new hostage. Ain't she pretty. I say we get her free and get outta her-OW!!' 'GET BACK TO WORK SINGER-SLAVE'cried the man brandishing a whip. |
deleted user 22.06.2006 10:10 |
Chapter 3... Freddie was in bed with Jim telling him the story of Roger's missing clothes. The two were laughing and hugging when the phone rang. 'At two in the morning?' asked Jim. (It was daylight in no-musicland where Roger was being held a prisoner.) Jim shot a look at Freddie who returned the look with a pillow. 'Darling I don't know who's phoning,' he scrambled out of bed to find out. 'Yeah right,' said Jim, huffily. Freddie picked up the phone. 'Hello?' 'We know who you are...' 'Well I should hope so too, dear. One does not phone people at two in the morning if they don't know who they're phoning. Most unpleasant..' 'Enough, Mercury. We have a sweet young girl on tape waiting in the studio you share with May, Taylor and Deacon. Watch it together when you come in tomorrow and I'll tell you what to do next when you have.' 'Hmm, I don't know sweetie. It really doesn't sound my cup of tea (unless there are young men in the video, or it actually is a young man, or a young man dressed as a young woman hehe) or Brian's or John's... maybe John's. Are you sure you didn't mean to phone him or Roger?' but the line had gone dead. Freddie looked in bewilderment at the receiver. A cold call was the conclusion he came to. He put the phone down and went to bed to see Jim lying spreadeagled on the massive bed with all the covers in a tight grip. He was very huffy. 'Jimmy,' said Fred, 'Jim let me in I'm cold and naked...' Next day Freddie went in to the studio to find Brian and John with looks of sheer bewilderment. 'Hi Fred, did you get a weird phone call about this video late last night?' asked Brian, holding up the video. 'More like early in the morning, dears so if I'm grumpy or sound like crap you know why, and Jim nicked my bed, took a good half hours coaxing for him to let me in...' John cut him off in mid-flow. He looked at the tape like it was a bomb. 'Right guys so shall we watch it?' 'But Roger is a member of the band and he isn't here yet.' 'Well we'll watch it again when he gets here. Actually where is he. Its not like him to be late.' 'Yes it is' replied Freddie. 'You're right. I was just adding that for effect,' added John. Meanwhile Robert, Jimi and Phil the slaves were going to feed the music-haters' pet Beatles. If this wasn't a nightmare this would have been a dream come true for Roger. That's all for now. My imagination has dried up. But if you want any more I'll come up with something. |
deleted user 22.06.2006 15:16 |
They turned on the TV and put the video there... and they saw... they saw... Roger wearing only his skirt and doing the Fandango! Freddie: Wow! It's Roger! After words my dancing lessons have had some effect on him... John: What a nice surprise! Brian: Oh yes... Just imagine guys...He's going to be very useful for our next videoclips! Freddie: Thank's for remembering, Brian dear: Yesterday I had some new ideas for the next video: ...(he starts telling them his ideas)...and then comes Roger...etc. etc.... POOR ROG!!! |
deleted user 22.06.2006 16:08 |
'Brian,' 'And... and you and him could do a ballet duet, Freddie...' 'Brian,' 'And we'll put loads of makeup on you both...' 'BRIAN!'screamed Freddie 'Were you not paying attention to the video. These guys think Roger is a girl and have her hostage... oh, right, him, sorry. We have to get in touch with these maniacs and save him.' 'We... by 'we' you mean you and Brian, right Fred, hehe,' asked John from his crouched position behind the sofa. 'No Johnny. We need your Deakster moves,' replied Freddie 'Wh-wh-what Deakster moves?' he stammered 'Puking powers,' snorted Brian 'YYYEEESS!'cried Freddie in delight clapping his hands, 'And also karate chops you learn in your martial arts lessons I am enroling you in starting... this afternoon. You will be 'tough guy' and Brian will be 'smart guy' in order to defeat these baddies.' 'What about you Fred?' asked Brian. He thought this was all hilarious. 'I will distract the baddies with my dashing good looks.' The other two men spat out their morning cups of tea and whatever Brian drinks in the morning, Brian because he had creased up laughing and John because it had just sunk in, what Freddie said about karate. WILL THE BOYS RESCUE ROGER AND DEFEAT THE MUSIC HATERS?! I've no bloody idea but I will soon so give me some time to think. Anyone else is welcome to take the thread while I'm gone. I'm having fun!! |
deleted user 22.06.2006 16:49 |
Do not mis the next episode! |
deleted user 22.06.2006 17:24 |
You Like?? |
deleted user 22.06.2006 17:39 |
That story is amazing! The SuperQueenTrio (Fred, Deaky and Bri) saving the poor helpless dancing princess! (sorry Roggie...) HAHAHA! ; D |
DreaminQueen 22.06.2006 18:51 |
lol This is soo silly! haha i like it though... :D :D :D |
Bohemian MAY-niac/Deaconite 22.06.2006 19:02 |
I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-) |
DreaminQueen 22.06.2006 19:41 |
Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
Bohemian MAY-niac/Deaconite 22.06.2006 19:58 |
DreaminQueen wrote:I'm trying, I'm trying!! That story went a little wierd. It was fine up until Brian was about to get married, Roger and John come home on the bus, then the Geico Lizard shows up, then Brian calls off his engagement, then he goes to a burger joint, and..... Man that story has taken some WILD turns. I still don't know. Hasselhoff returned??!! Oy! My head is spinning just thinking about it. I'll add on to a story soon. I promise. That's OK, Queen_Rox hasn't been posting any on that story either. Are you OK, Queen_Rox? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hun.Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
Queen_Rox 22.06.2006 23:57 |
Bohemian MAY-niac wrote:Yes, I'm fine, Bohemian MAY-niac. Please, don't worry about me. It's only been a couple of days since I last posted a part. I did read other wild, yet well-written parts of the story after mine. I just need to think of another part, but I'm gonna need a little help on brainstorming, though. I'll try to post it soon in the days to come. Thank you for your concern, though.DreaminQueen wrote:I'm trying, I'm trying!! That story went a little wierd. It was fine up until Brian was about to get married, Roger and John come home on the bus, then the Geico Lizard shows up, then Brian calls off his engagement, then he goes to a burger joint, and..... Man that story has taken some WILD turns. I still don't know. Hasselhoff returned??!! Oy! My head is spinning just thinking about it. I'll add on to a story soon. I promise. That's OK, Queen_Rox hasn't been posting any on that story either. Are you OK, Queen_Rox? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hun.Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
DreaminQueen 23.06.2006 00:55 |
Queen_Rox<h6>We Will Rock You</h6> wrote:phew! i dont wanna lose you guys! you do so well! come back come back! i havent put anything in some time either... i cant even think of something to add to that craziness...Bohemian MAY-niac wrote:Yes, I'm fine, Bohemian MAY-niac. Please, don't worry about me. It's only been a couple of days since I last posted a part. I did read other wild, yet well-written parts of the story after mine. I just need to think of another part, but I'm gonna need a little help on brainstorming, though. I'll try to post it soon in the days to come. Thank you for your concern, though.DreaminQueen wrote:I'm trying, I'm trying!! That story went a little wierd. It was fine up until Brian was about to get married, Roger and John come home on the bus, then the Geico Lizard shows up, then Brian calls off his engagement, then he goes to a burger joint, and..... Man that story has taken some WILD turns. I still don't know. Hasselhoff returned??!! Oy! My head is spinning just thinking about it. I'll add on to a story soon. I promise. That's OK, Queen_Rox hasn't been posting any on that story either. Are you OK, Queen_Rox? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hun.Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
Queen_Rox 23.06.2006 01:03 |
DreaminQueen wrote:Thanks, DreaminQueen:)Queen_Rox<h6>We Will Rock You</h6> wrote:phew! i dont wanna lose you guys! you do so well! come back come back! i havent put anything in some time either... i cant even think of something to add to that craziness...Bohemian MAY-niac wrote:Yes, I'm fine, Bohemian MAY-niac. Please, don't worry about me. It's only been a couple of days since I last posted a part. I did read other wild, yet well-written parts of the story after mine. I just need to think of another part, but I'm gonna need a little help on brainstorming, though. I'll try to post it soon in the days to come. Thank you for your concern, though.DreaminQueen wrote:I'm trying, I'm trying!! That story went a little wierd. It was fine up until Brian was about to get married, Roger and John come home on the bus, then the Geico Lizard shows up, then Brian calls off his engagement, then he goes to a burger joint, and..... Man that story has taken some WILD turns. I still don't know. Hasselhoff returned??!! Oy! My head is spinning just thinking about it. I'll add on to a story soon. I promise. That's OK, Queen_Rox hasn't been posting any on that story either. Are you OK, Queen_Rox? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hun.Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
deleted user 23.06.2006 04:08 |
All the boys went off to tackle their stages of the plan. John went to his karate with a sinking feeling and Brian and Fred went home. They met up later. John was shaking from head to toe. 'How'd it go dear?' asked Freddie. 'She nearly bloody killed me. While I was at the lesson I suddenly realised I was late for Robert's football match and V-' 'No no I meant the karate lesson,' replied Freddie. John glared at him. 'You entered me in an experts class you eejit!' he cried, 'I had no idea what to do and was basically drop-kicked out of the class and I then went home to face Veronica's wrath. This has been the worst day of my life. I think the only thing that tops this is when you ran down Roger in that van and knocked me out. In fact... noooooo this is a worse day! Waaaa...etc.' 'Sorry Johnny. I thought if I entered you 'expert' you'd pick up the moves sooner,' said Freddie sheepishly. 'Well it actually takes years to get to the highest level in karate-'black belt'- John didn't stand a chance-' 'Yes I know that now Smartypants!' snapped Freddie interupting Brian's know-it-all speech. John was on the floor crying like a big ugly baby. 'What happened with you Freddie?' asked Brian anxious to avoid another fight. 'Well Jim isn't speaking to me, poofe! He's sure that I'm having an affair. The weird guy who's kidnapped Rog phoned me again, he had a ransom... now... what was it again...' 'Well,' started Brian. 'Dominique phoned me in tears. She's worried about Roger and rightly so it seems. The truth seemed so ridiculous so I might have said something about Rog going off with another woman...' 'This day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it dears(?)' groaned Freddie, 'First John gets chopped right out of karate, gets a second helping from Veronica, Jim's angry with me because he thinks I'm cheating on him, Dominique thinks Roger is having an affair and Roger is a prisoner by a bunch of loonies. Oh and I've just remembered the ransom. Oh God what a ransom. Guys, they want us to sign a contract, they are sending through the post, stating we won't make any more music, together or solo. We also need to buy all the albums back we've ever sold and put them in this...' he brandished a giant envelope, 'and post it, with the contract, to the address on the videotape,' Freddie picked up the packaging on the tape. He read aloud. 'Crazy Stone house, Cold St. London.' 'Never heard of it,' laughed Brian, 'But what happens if we don't give them the ransom?' Freddie bit his lip while trying to remember the rest of the freaky phone call *OK, so the pretty little girl we've caught is a boy, our bad, we've still got him. If you don't fufill the ransom we'll keep him dancing in his skirt and singing the highest falsetto he's ever sang until he vocal chords shatter and he falls to the floor with agonising discoloured swollen burning feet. Mwahahaahaaaa* 'OH MY GOOOOOOD ROGER'S GOING TO DIIIIEEEEEEE' screamed John and Freddie together. They danced around the room like crazed madmen going 'Roger's going to die, what do we do, where do we go, Oh God Oh God OH GOD!' FLUMP! An envelope had landed on the doormat. It contained the contract. Brian, the only sane Queen left, so it seemed, picked up the contract *I hearby declare that the musical group 'Queen' discontinue with their music making and never sell another record. Sign here......................... (members of Queen)* |
FreMe 23.06.2006 04:39 |
Dahmn, this story is AWSOME :D!!!! Keep em comming :D! |
deleted user 23.06.2006 05:23 |
Brian tried to think. Roger would like to be free (duh) but not if Queen never made any music ever again. *Come on Brian, you're one of the most intelligent guys on this earth (such modest thoughts too) think. There must be a loophole in here somewhere.* The paper was laminated. No hope of ripping it up. They couldn't forge another. Brian eventually decided that their best hope of saving Roger would be to confront the baddies themselves. But how... He looked at the massive envelope. The one which all the Queen records ever released would go in. Or would they. It was huge, big enough for a grown man to fit in, even two... 'Guys,' Brian was sure a lightbulb had popped above his head but Freddie and John were still panicking 'AAAAAAH!!' 'Guys,' 'GOOOOOD!' 'GUYS!!' Freddie and John stopped crying abruptly. 'Yes Brian,' squeaked John. 'I've an idea,' Brian said 'Ok, what we'll do... etc etc... 'I dunno about this guys,' said John. 'Yeah the envelope is only big enough for 2 people,' said Freddie 'Even better,' replied Brian. 'The 3rd guy takes the envelope to the house, containing us and gives it to the mainiacs. They'll think its the all the records we've ever sold they open it and Boom, time to kick some crazy butt!' 'Boom! Time for Brian to stop talking like he is in a cheesy American film and focus on real life,' retorted Freddie 'If this is real life then I'm a monkeys uncle. Touche, huh? Brian shot back. 'So,' said Fred, ignoring Brian, 'I'll go in the envelope with one of you. Who will it be?' 'NOT me!' John said immediately. 'I'll do the posting *speaking to himself* this is some crazy dream blah blah blah...' 'Looks like it's you and I sharing close quarters then Brian. said Freddie with a seductive glance. |
FreMe 23.06.2006 05:33 |
LOL!!! xD!!! AWSOME! |
deleted user 23.06.2006 08:56 |
'OUCH!' 'Oh God, Fred I'm sorry... there isn't much space...' 'OW! Ow ow ow!' 'Freddie curl up tighter,' 'Darling I'm curled up as tight as I can. There just isn't enough room for the shortest and tallest members of the band. Get out. JOHN,' John, for once, looked cooler than the others as he had watched the two grown men fit themselves into a giant envelope. Up and down the huge piece of paper went. That coupled with the voices would spark dirty thoughts in anyone's imagination. But when Freddie called out John's heart sank, 'Fred what do you want?' he called. 'You need to come in instead of Brian dear. Hes too tall.' *oh* John felt his insides curl up. 'I'm-I-I-I'm... er...what's the word for someone whose afraid of small spaces?' 'Claustrophobic, and you have to get over it if you want to help save Roger,' replied Brian who was out the envelope now. 'Y'know come to think of it, I don't actually remember saying that I did care for Roger's pli-' but John was being pushed by Brian and pulled by Freddie into the black, papery hole. * * * Roger was dancing and singing. His throat hurt and he was dying for a glass of water. With sweat pouring down his back and a face turning red to purple he wasn't looking so feminine anymore. The two slaves in charge were Jimi and Phil. If only we were allowed to talk to them. He was not allowed to stop dancing or singing. A well, at least he might get a fantastic trim bod... Then again if he died, what did it matter? He fell again. The two legends were forced to whip him and drag him up again. Groaning, Roger started dancing again. Robert walked by, he had felt so sorry for the cutie-pie that he had refused to be in charge of whipping him. He instead had dedicated his chores to feeding Paul, George and Ringo the pet Beatles whom weren't as pretty as Roger and he therefore didn't feel as sorry for them. hehe, sorry couldn't resist the last part. Don't worry more to come love Tessa |
deleted user 23.06.2006 09:14 |
'Where is Cold St.?' asked Brian. If I'm to come with you, then I have to drive us there. I don't know where it is.' 'Ask someone,' came Freddie muffled voice from the envelope. 'The Post Office might know,' 'I'm not going to lug this thing into the post office!' snorted Brian, 'I'll look a right twerp,' 'I'm not saying you do that my dear,' replied Freddie in a very patronising voice. 'Just ask for directions,' *I know* murmured Bri. It turned out cold street was the nickname for the grubby little backstreet in London nearby where John's mum lived. She never left her suburban semi. No-one did. No one knew what went on in that Back-street. 'Are you sure that's where you want to go sir?' the clerk looked surprised. 'Yes that's right,' said Brian. It sounded spooky. Just right it seemed for a weirdo kidnapping. On the way came a news report 'News just in,, world famous singer and vocalist of one of the most influential bands of British rock music-' 'THAT'S ME!!' screamed Fred popping out of the envelope like a deranged Jack-in-the-box and causing Brian to nearly crash... '...Bert Plant...' *oh* 'Has gone missing from his home in (insert Plants place of residence here)' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! RRRROOOOBEEEEEEEEEERRRRT!!!!!' This time Brian really did crash! |
FreMe 23.06.2006 10:32 |
LMAO xD... Oh my god, youre awsome! :D |
deleted user 23.06.2006 15:17 |
'Oh.... ho oh my god my back, my arse, everything is in agony...' 'Do you ever stop complaining John?' 'Where are we?' This question was the best one so far. They were not by a roadside in a tangled heap of car wreck. They weren't lying in hospital beds. They were lying in a forest amongst trees with birds singing and insects humming... Oh wait no thought Freddie Thats Brian and John. Those two must have taken quite a blow to the head. The feelings he was experiencing were confusion, fear, worry and guilt for causing the crash. But the one question which Brian had asked was burning in his mind. Where the fucking hell are we? Suddenly Brian started screaming incoherent nonsense. Freddie fled back to the spot his two friends were lying. 'Brian, Brian, oh Brian-y darling don't cry sweetpea, where does it hurt?' But then it became all too apparent too Freddie what Brian was shrieking 'I'M NO FOOOO-OOOO-OOOOOLLLLAA! ITS IN DA LAP O' DA GODS. THE LAP I TELLS YA! WOAH WOAH LA LA LA LA!' And John started to join in and that never meant anything good. Freddie felt like crying. He had never heard such a God-awful racket. He felt alone in a dark scary (and noisy) forest. Then... 'What in God's name is that screeching? (groan) make it stop my head... Freddie?' At the sound of a voice he recognised Freddie span around. 'Down here Fred,' the voice sounded weak and tired and it belonged to ROGER! YAY! |
DreaminQueen 23.06.2006 18:20 |
lol! haha this is like the comic book adventures of Queen! lol i love this! haha I wonder what they would think of this craziness! lol Keep it up! |
Bohemian MAY-niac/Deaconite 23.06.2006 18:46 |
DreaminQueen wrote:You aren't kidding!! That story did go crazy didn't it? Thank goodness you're OK, Queen_Rox. I don't want to loose a close Queen fanatic who love adding on to crazy stories!! :-)Queen_Rox<h6>We Will Rock You</h6> wrote:phew! i dont wanna lose you guys! you do so well! come back come back! i havent put anything in some time either... i cant even think of something to add to that craziness...Bohemian MAY-niac wrote:Yes, I'm fine, Bohemian MAY-niac. Please, don't worry about me. It's only been a couple of days since I last posted a part. I did read other wild, yet well-written parts of the story after mine. I just need to think of another part, but I'm gonna need a little help on brainstorming, though. I'll try to post it soon in the days to come. Thank you for your concern, though.DreaminQueen wrote:I'm trying, I'm trying!! That story went a little wierd. It was fine up until Brian was about to get married, Roger and John come home on the bus, then the Geico Lizard shows up, then Brian calls off his engagement, then he goes to a burger joint, and..... Man that story has taken some WILD turns. I still don't know. Hasselhoff returned??!! Oy! My head is spinning just thinking about it. I'll add on to a story soon. I promise. That's OK, Queen_Rox hasn't been posting any on that story either. Are you OK, Queen_Rox? Haven't heard from you in awhile, hun.Bohemian MAY-niac wrote: I like it. Keep it coming. What happens to Roger? If you're wondering what's happened to me, because I'm not adding on to any stories. I'm taking a break. That last story with the amusement park was alot, and I now have severe writers block! I'll continue soon, don't worry. :-)Unblock you writers block! I've been having it too... i duno what to put! that story's taken some crazy turns!! haha |
DreaminQueen 23.06.2006 19:02 |
well ive added something rather boring to the other one, but atleast now maybe we can get something else going from it lol! |
Sergei. 23.06.2006 19:04 |
You know, we should start a book. With all our great works. |
DreaminQueen 23.06.2006 20:41 |
<font color=&#FF0063><b>Cookies! wrote: You know, we should start a book. With all our great works.haha! Itd be only the few of us whod buy it! unless we made it a comic book... *ponders* lol SUPER QUEENS to the RESCUE! |
FreMe 24.06.2006 04:43 |
DreaminQueen wrote:Hell yeah! I volunteer for some of the illustrations! :D:D:D:D<font color=&#FF0063><b>Cookies! wrote: You know, we should start a book. With all our great works.haha! Itd be only the few of us whod buy it! unless we made it a comic book... *ponders* lol SUPER QUEENS to the RESCUE! |
deleted user 24.06.2006 05:28 |
I'm glad you like my story. A massive book of crazy Queen stories would be fun. |
DreaminQueen 24.06.2006 12:20 |
woot! lol Keep it coming The GIRLZ are Back IN TOwn! |
deleted user 24.06.2006 12:59 |
Roger was filthy and lying on the ground. He looked exhausted. 'ROGERPOOS, OH ROGER DARLING I'VE MISSED YOU!' Freddie flung himself down on Roger 'Ugh. Geroff!' he grunted. 'And could you tell those two to shut up. You'll blow my cover.' 'WOAH LA LA LA LA!' Brian and John yelled. 'WOAH WOOOOO-' Freddie thunked them both hard on the head and knocked them both out with a boxing-style punch. 'Mm, still got it then,' murmured Rog. Freddie stood up and tried to pull Roger up too but he was too weak. 'Oh baby, don't worry Rogie, I'll carry you... wait... wait just a cotton-pickin' minute...' Roger screamed as Freddie flung his entire bodyweight at him. Freddie was yelling 'YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD. YOU RUN AWAY AND GET US SO WORRIED WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION?! WHAT COVER!? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? HOW'D YOU GET HERE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!' 'FREDDIE!' Roger was panicing. He might pass out under Freddie's weight. 'FRED I'M SORRY. I NEVER MEANT TO WORRY YOU GUYS! I NEVER MEANT FOR IT TO HAPPEN! I DIDN'T RUN AWAY SOMEONE KIDNAPPED ME! THEY HATE MUSIC AND MUSICIANS! THEY WANT US TO BREAK UP FOREVER! THEY HAVE ROBERT AND PHIL AND JIMI HEND-' 'WHAAT!!!!' Freddie sprang up of his friend. 'Robert who, Phil who, Jimi WHO???' he asked as Roger sucked in breath. '(gasp, gasp) Robert-Plant (gasp) Phil Lynott and Jimi Hendrix...' Freddie burst out laughing. 'You are such a wind-up merchant Roger, Jimi and Phil are dead. They died of overdoses remember? You're delirious. How long has it been since you had a glass of water or anything to eat or drink? God Almighty you're burning up dear, you need to get home, you've been through such an ordeal...' 'B-b-but its true, stammered Roger weakly. 'They've been enslaved and they also feed the Beatles in a cage...' these were the last words he uttered before he passed out and lay stone cold next to Roger and John. This is the wierdest day ever Fred thought to himself. What's a guy to do. Eventually he decided on temporarily abandoning his friends to find a payphone and call for help. He'd completely forgotten about the car crash earlier. He didn't think about the missing wreck or the completely strange surroundings. Giving all his poorly friends a light kiss on the forehead he went off in search of a phone. He walked until the trees thinned out. Then he heard an all too familiar voice. 'Well hello Freddie my dear, Mwahahahahaha!' |
7 seas of Rhye 24.06.2006 14:03 |
EXCELLENT!!!!! Write more! I must find out what happens! |
deleted user 24.06.2006 14:06 |
:D It turned out to be a dream :D xD |
deleted user 25.06.2006 13:53 |
'You, you're the weirdo that phoned me at 2am!' gasped Freddie. 'That's right darling,' sneered the man. 'I'm the one who kidnapped your friend Rogerina too...' but before he said anything else Freddie knocked him to the ground senseless in a boxer-style punch. 'YOU FREAK, YOU HAD MY BOYFRIEND THINKING I WAS CHEATING ON YOU. D'YOU KNOW HOW LONG I SPENT SHIVERING IN MY UNDIES TRYING TO GET BACK INTO BED YOU-YOU...' as Freddie screamed this he knocked the living hell out of this guy. Not known for his violence, Freddie took the man by surprise but this wore off him now. He was powerless against this new macho (not that I condone violence in any way, except of course if its towards a nasty guy who hurts Roger) Superfred but managed to yell for help. This came to him, in the form of two supercool dark-skinned men. One carried a guitar upside down the other carried a bass the-uh normal way. 'NO-ONE KIDNAPS MY FRIEND AND DEPRIVES ME OF A GOODNIGHTS SLEEP AND GETS AWAY WITH I-JIMI HENDRIX AND PHIL LYNOTT!!! WHAT THE FUCK??!! YOU GUYS ARE MEANT TO BE DEAD!!! Freddie was in shock Without a word the two living dead stepped forward and dragged Freddie off their master. They then raised their guitars, 'That's right my slaves, put these things to their proper use!' said the evil man who'd recently kidnapped Rog and even more recently received a Freddie-beating. He was eyeing the fine instruments in disgust. BANG BANG! Poor Freddie was knocked stone cold like his buddies still back in the woods and dragged away. When he woke up he saw Jimi and Phil standing over him they were in the process of tying him up. 'Oi!' he ducked under the ropes and stood up and looked at the guys. Phil towered over Freddie. 'Get the queer,' he snarled. 'Ph-Phil, its me Freddie. I toured with you guys, I know I've changed a lot but it's me. We're friends, a-aand Jimi, I'm like your biggest fan, I love you, I love you both, Oh not like that!' He saw their faces. 'As friends uh- and idols. That's all. And I'm sorry about the dead thing. If you aren't dead that's fine by me, just please don't hurt me, HELP ME, BRIAN, ROGER, JOHNNY H-' but Phil pinned Freddie down and stuffed a piece of silk in his mouth. Freddie yelled and struggled but couldn't form any coherent sentences. 'We aren't dead,' Jimi was speaking, 'And we aren't who you think we are.' Both of them pulled at the skin on their faces. Freddie screamed as it came off. Underneath the mask was... |
DreaminQueen 25.06.2006 14:21 |
deleted user 25.06.2006 14:37 |
deleted user 25.06.2006 14:40 |
Mwahhaha. No not really. sorry. |
7 seas of Rhye 25.06.2006 23:35 |
Maybe it's Queen's old management, like the guys who "Death on Two Legs" is dedicated to. |
deleted user 26.06.2006 03:27 |
you know, even though Roger is a good looking girl, dont you think they'd relise that he was a man? well... then again thats comming from me, and i know Roger's a man... or is he...? |
7 seas of Rhye 26.06.2006 10:25 |
Please add more to the story! I want to know who it is! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE! |
deleted user 26.06.2006 11:09 |
OK my dear... A man with greasy blond hair and cold grey eyes and a dull dark-haired sidekick. Freddie spat out his gag at the sheer ugliness of the two men. It wasn't that he was look-ist but the two men seemed to think they were gorgeous. Their names were Lee and a dude with the initial 'H'. They hated music, were not talented at all and had been torpedoed back from the 90's to help bring down the music from the 80's. They were of course half of the most dire band ever to grace this planet. 'Who the hell are you?!' asked Freddie, 'And what is with the yellow leather? Your outfits are blinding me!' But he could just make out a badge of one of them amongst the epileptic-fit-inducing material. 'H' STEPS. IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO MANUFACTURER HEARSAY & CO. The two buggers grabbed Freddie and recommenced their tying him up. Their leader came to oversee this. 'You see Freddie, music is not about individuality. People need to be doing other things with these new techno stuff that's coming out, other than using it in songs and music. I mean come on... millions of ways to use a smoke machine and its used in clubs and concerts and shows for effect,' he scoffed. Freddie couldn't think of any other ways to use the machine but couldn't say anything if he wanted to. But the man was still going on. 'Fades, echoes, synths... music was going out of control, ready to take over the world with all these different types. You don't just have popular music, you have rock, folk, classical, jazz...' But what was wrong with that, Freddie thought, 'You and so-called groups such as Led Zepplin embodied nearly all these musical types and it needed to be stopped. So here's my plan. I abolish all bands such as the aforementioned and all others who write their own material and go among the region of popular music. Because I cannot allow that. I design new bands of about four or five, seven at the most, and they'll all look the same, sound the same and they'll do whatever I want them too. Meanwhile you, your bandmates, Plant, his bandmates and McCartney and his bandmates will be disposed of. You'll never think without me again. You'll spend your life singing along to some stupid track with a bunch of prettyboys and girls all wearing the same clothes saying the same things... can you have the ability to sing a note? Well that's up for me to decide. And when you're not in your pop-group then I'll send out for more musicians to brainwash. Mick Jagger, Roger Daltry, Bowie, Elton, No-one is safe. Soon the world will be teaming with my manufactured pop groups and there's nothing you can do about it. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHARHAHA!' the brainless robots laughed along with their master. That's all for now folks. As you may have guessed I am a seriously warped child |
DreaminQueen 26.06.2006 19:24 |
NOOOOOOOO! DONT LET IT HAPPEN! I'll bury myself in a hole and die!! SAVE THEM, SAVE THEM!! Maybe i'm a dumbass, but who are the people?? |
deleted user 27.06.2006 06:38 |
Oh sorry I didn't make that clear.# Right in my story so far... There are a bunch of weirdos who want to abolish all music apart from manufactured pop bands that are all the same like STEPS S Club and Hearsay. They are doing this 'cos they want to destroy music forever. Roger was briefly kidnapped and held for ransom but instead of paying the ransom (giving up making music) the Queens tried to save Roger and now are in a load of trouble. Roger did escape and the bad guys are after his blood. Now the fate of the boys is that unless a miracle occurs they will be turned into a pop band. By the way I don't know who the ringleaders of these phsycos are. They don't have names. You're welcome to make one up. |
deleted user 27.06.2006 13:15 |
The robots finished tying Freddie up. They then wrapped him up in bubble wrap,ready for him to be packaged and sent off to the 'pop band' factory. Poor Freddie was unable to move or speak. He was wrapped up too tightly. 'Take it to the storage room,' commanded the ringleader. 'I must go and find the other Queens. Taylor will pay dearly for outsmarting us,' he went off into the woods nearby and found the other unconcious Queens in a heap. He clicked his fingers and the two robots came running. Same with these two as before. Out of nowhere a couple of lengths of rope were produced and Bri and Deaky were tied up. Quite by chance Roger awoke. He saw the other two's pale faces, just as they were covered with bubblewrap like Freddie. 'What the hell?-' 'Ah Roger, nice of you to rejoin us. I don't believe we were quite finished with the torture routine now were we? How did you escape?' 'Easy,' replied Roger, 'Once you went to de-road my friends' car I was so exhausted I fell down. Jimi and Phil missed me and I crawled away. No-one noticed, hehe...' Roger's voice trailed off. 'Jimi and Phil? Who the hell... oh right that's you guys,' The ringleader jerked his head at the robots. 'What? Y-you-you mean that they were disguises? Why, why would you impersonate a dead person for that purpose that's just cruel!' cried Roger. 'To intimidate you, I don't know if you've noticed but these guys ain't exactly threatening,' the ringleader nodded to the robots, who had now finished wrapping John and Brian up and were taking them away to the storage room also. 'I wanted you to know how powerful I really was. I'm going to destroy music forever. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRA!' 'Nah, not so long as I'm around,' replied Roger. 'Yeah see that's the thing, I do believe you... which why I'm just getting rid of you once and for all,' returned the ringleader. 'Pardon,' Roger had no idea about what was going on. 'See Roger, I own a factory where music is manufactured, Girl bands, boy bands, kid bands, we have 'em all. Any excess material such as souls, minds, thoughts, stuff which isn't necessary to a pop group gets rid of. I'm afraid that's where you're headed Roger,' 'Huh?!' Roger was bundled up by three more robots. 'It's a shame... y'know you could have been big in a pop group Roger, got the right looks...' That was the last straw. Roger yelled and kicked but the robots held firm. 'But you'll never look in the mirror as Roger Taylor again. When we are finished with you you'll be in a coma. You'll wake up in 2020 as a blond girl named Geri. Roger Taylor, Queen, will be no more...' Roger was lain on the ground and before he passed out he saw a strange white instrument flash before him, 'No No No, Don't...' He pinned down and beaten about the head. Then the gruesome operation to send him comatose began. |
DreaminQueen 27.06.2006 19:56 |
NOOO!! ILL SAVE YOU RO-RO!! lol I can see the theme music for this story "MODERN TIMES ROCK n ROLL" and "MACHINES" lol |
Bohemian MAY-niac/Deaconite 28.06.2006 13:24 |
OH NO!! What happens? Please keep it coming. Don't let anything bad happen. I love my boys!!! HELP!!!!!! SAVE THEM PLEASE!!! |
FreMe 28.06.2006 15:06 |
deleted user 29.06.2006 06:34 |
Suddenly a blast of music interupted the work on Roger. A song was playing on a car radio. It was from Brian's car wreck. Robert Plant had the radio in his hands and was singing along as loudly as he possibly could in that incredible woice. 'I'VE GOTTA BE COOL, RELAX, GET HIP, GET ON MA TRACKS, TAKE A BACK SEAT, HITCHHIKE, TAKE A LONG RIDE ON MA MOTORBIKE, 'TILL I'M READY...' BANG, BANG! The door to the storage room burst open. Freddie and Brian rolled out, 'READY FREDDIE? yelled Brian. all together now... the two singers and the guitarist sang at the top of their lungs 'CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOOOOVE OOOH YEAH!' 'NOOOOO, MUSIC, ARGH, MAKE IT STOP! MY ROBOTS CAN'T HANDLE IT! MAKE IT STOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT! PLEASE NO, NOOOOOOOO...' The ringleader fell to the ground twitching and screaming. The robots had sparks flying in all directions. They were boiling up. They were melting, 'Keep singing guys show no mercy!'Robert cried. But it didn't seem to be working on the robots. They weren't backing down. They left Roger where he was and approached the three singers, 'YOU NEED COOL AIR, BABY I'M NO FOOL, WAY DOWN INSIDE HONEY YOU N- AH SHIT IT'S NOT WORKING HELP, HEEEEEEELP!' Grunts and squeaks came from inside the storage room. Some giant bubblewrapped phenomenon exploded out. It was struggling frantically. 'Guys please help me, I cl-cl-cl I can't say it... please get me out of this please please PLEASE! OH I'M GONNA PUKE!' John had partially unwrapped himself but had gotten twisted up and was panicking madly. But he had gotten everyone's attention, including the robots. Everyone's except Roger who was still unconcious. The robots picked John up. 'No, God no don't do that I feel sick, oh oooh...' John fell on the ground beside Roger, narrowly being missed by the putrid puke-stained peices of metal falling towards the ground. With an almighty clang of metal on metal the robots landed with a thud. Deaky's puking powers had upset their systems so much that they crashed completely. The ringleader looked at his ruined creations. Gone were his dreams of the manufactured pop group. Gone were his dreams of no more Queen, Plant, Rolling Stones. Or was it? 'OK, so you've destroyed my masterpeice, Fine but I can still kill- 'Pressure, pushing down on me, pressing down on you...' they began to sing 'OK, OK I give in,' the ringleader sighed, 'But how can you make music without a drummer? Robert, Freddie, Brian and John looked and saw all the robots had collapsed on Roger. |
mercury_sparrow 29.06.2006 07:39 |
omg you need to finish this story! best and funniest thing i have ever read!! you're awesome. updaaate!!!! xxemmxx |
deleted user 30.06.2006 07:11 |
'ROOOOOGER, NOOOOO!!' Freddie flung himself on the massive pile of metal and tried to drag all the dead robots off Roger. 'Roger darling, speak to me if you can hear me,' No answer. 'Oh no,' Bri murmured 'Oh God,' gasped Robert 'Now who'll drum for us-OWW!' John had received a painful kick from Brian. The ringleader looked at all this mess with an insane grin on his face. He grabbed Freddie by the scruff of the neck. 'HELP!' cried Freddie. Robert burst into song yet again. 'Guys help me, #BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I ROCK AND ROLLL'D...' Brian joined in. John joined in (quietly) and Freddie, despite his worry over darling Ro-Ro and the pain in being manhandled by this beast, joined in too. 'AARGH!' the ringleader (I'll reveal he was Roger's worthless quarter brother Pamela Anderson) dropped to the ground and began to spasm. Brian jumped to where a coil of rope, used to tie one of them up, lay. He grabbed it and tied Pammy up so tightly she could barely move. Freddie got up and dusted himself down. 'Nice work Planty,' he said 'Yeah got on you too Fred, and Bri, and eh John,' 'Call me Deaky,' Beamed John. He'd had a crush on Robert ever since he'd heard Rock and Roll. Freddie cringed on John's behalf. 'Right,' Brian snapped into action. 'Guys let's help Roger,' They heard noises from under the pile where Rog was trapped, what was going on? 'Ooh-er, let me get it back let me get it back, let me get it baack,' Roger was singing. Roger was alive. 'Ro-ro don't panic darling, we'll get you out,' Freddie cried, he was so happy to hear Roger's voice and wanted to see his beautiful face again. 'OOOWWWW oh God I'm in pain!' Roger moaned. The others finally shifted the last of the mess of him when- 'Sorry lads I've gotta run,' Robert waved up to the sky, 'Or fly, hehe,' An almighty roar sent the dead bodies of the robots flying in all directions as well as the unconcious ringleader. 'WAIT!' all the Queens cried. 'Take us with you.' 'Soz guys no can do!' Robert jumped on the helicopter that had landed and it took him away. Roger croaked,'Where are Jimi and Phil?' before passing out. |
7 seas of Rhye 30.06.2006 11:20 |
deleted user 30.06.2006 11:40 |
deleted user 02.07.2006 15:45 |
Jimi and Phil? Jimi and Phil who? Freddie shook Roger but he was out for the count. 'I think he needs to get to hospital but how are we going to do that without a car and without a clue of where we are?' questioned Bri. 'I dunno but we'll probably be alright. He isn't bleeding after all,' said John. 'Yeah but he might have internal injuries,' sighed Brian. 'No he needs hospital attention,' 'AGAIN!?' You boys are never out of hospital!' Freddie was upset but knew his friend was ill and also knew there'd be no hospital within several miles of this woodland. 'Now'd be a good time to have a really tiny form of communication, like a phone or something! Something to carry around in your pocket!' The boys fantasised about these amazing peices of technology. John went into total rhapsodies as he loved electric stuff. He looked at the heap of metal that had once been a manufactured pop band and wished it was something more useful, like those teeny phones or... wheels... tiny ones... sticking out like feet... 'We're done for...' Freddie moaned. He fell to the forest floor like a wounded animal and howled. 'There there,' Brian patted Freddie awkwardly on the back. John was completely ignoring this mini scene and the unconcious Roger on the ground. He was absorbed in his experiments. Eventually Brian left Freddie and went to check on Roger who was in a bad way by this time :-((. Freddie badly needed a tissue, or a cigarette, or both. The one most likely to have both was Johnny. So Freddie went over to him. 'What are you doing darling!?' Rog was in a near coma-like state, they were lost and John was tinkering with peices of metal! He must have gone mad! John looked up. He looked a little more than slightly annoyed for being disturbed. 'This is a masterpeice I'm creating, Freddie and I'd thankyou to leave me to finish this. Fire. I need fire!' Freddie deciphered that the wilderness had turned Johnny into an arsonist. Brian looked up and replied to John's wishes by picking up two dry stones and scraping them together rapidly. Sparks were created and soon a fire was created one a campfire erected by a camper from years ago. John was now able to weld his creation together. Brian realised what Deaky was doing and helped him out with the Physics side of things. Freddie designed a logo (the Q fire and a car roaring by) on a peice of leaf and BOOM! they had a brand new car. Roger was bundled into the back and off they went. Of course it didn't go like a proper car but surprisingly well considering the desperate circumstances that John was working under. ********* 'Roger,' 'Roger,' 'Hmm?' 'Roger, darling...' 'Wake up dad!' 'Huh?' |
deleted user 02.07.2006 16:05 |
Roger's eyelids felt heavy. His entire body was aching. He opened his eyes with some difficulty. Dominique was leaning over him with shiny eyes. Fred, Deaky and Bri sat on the other side of his bed. And Felix was sitting on his knees. 'DAD! YOU'RE AWAKE!'Felix leapt forward and hugged him hard, 'OOW, yeah good to see you sonny, Cor, where am I ?' Roger felt as if he'd done twelve rounds with a pack of Alsations. 'You're in hospital, you've been in coma for three weeks,' Dominique replied. She looked at Brian reproachfully. 'Yeah sorry 'bout that mate!' Brian scratched the back of his neck with an uncomfortable expression. All of a sudden Roger remembered everything after leaving the set for IWTBF. He tried to sit up but he was too weak to shake Felix off. 'Oh my God, did you get them?' Everyone else looked confused. 'Who?' they all asked. 'Jimi, Phil, Robert, STEPS, Ohh Freddie you explain I'm too tired.' Roger flopped onto his pillows. Freddie looked baffled 'UUUHHH, just what am I supposed to be explaining dear?' he asked. 'The stuff that happened, I was kidnapped, they thought I was a girl, I did the Fandango, I sang. They were torturing me. They invented manufactured music, and Jimi Lynott and Phil.. I mean Phil Lynott and Jimi Hendrix were slaves and- and - and don't you know what I'm talking about?' Roger stared at all the faces who shook their heads. 'Dad needs a sleep,' young Felix declared, 'Clear the room, he won't be mad when he wakes up!' 'But-but-' 'Felix is right Roger,' 'The robots fell on me and-' 'No Ro-Ro you were hit by a car you were most seriously injured darling,' Dominique gave him a kiss and picked their son up. 'Now get some sleep to clear your head.' Roger was astonished. He was right, he knew he was, or was he???? |
DreaminQueen 02.07.2006 17:32 |
YAY!! Aww this would be hilarious as like an animated cartoon! woot! aww Felix is all cute :-D |
Bohemian MAY-niac/Deaconite 05.07.2006 11:08 |
Keep going! This is really good!! |
deleted user 05.07.2006 15:07 |
Aww crap my imagination has run dry, I don't know what to put. But I'll try. I'm glad you like it. |
deleted user 05.07.2006 15:43 |
Roger did fall asleep eventually. When he woke he saw a man in a leather jacket standing beside his bed. He would have been scared if there hadn't been a blue police box standing there too. 'Doctor Who!' he cried for joy. He rubbed his eyes. Again, and again. Nope he wasn't dreaming. 'Are you for real- OW!' Roger rubbed his shoulder crossly 'You wouldn't have felt that pinch if I weren't real,' the Doc said simply. 'Listen Roger, your friends are in trouble. The weirdos who came to kill you have your bandmates. They will turn them into robots if you don't hurry up and save them,' Roger was confused. 'Come again?' The Doctor tried again, 'Y'know those freaks that tried to turn Queen into a manufactured pop group?' 'Uh-huh...' 'And tried to dance you to death?' 'Yeah...' 'While singing?' 'Go on...' 'And when that didn't work they tried to put you to sleep for-' 'Right I've gotcha but what about my friends?' Roger didn't fancy reliving the torture he'd been put through. 'Well,' The doctor began... 'The ringleader dude is back, we thought your band members had killed him with Robert Plant but... (sigh) turns out he's back... he recruited our deadliest enemies to fight them,' 'Daleks?' Roger asked. The doctor nodded. 'And Cybermen,' he added 'Cool..' Roger thought. He received a thunk on the head. The Doctor was annoyed 'They aren't cool, Roger and if you don't stop them not only are your pals goners but the music world is wiped out forever, do you want that, do ya huh, huh do ya?!' the Doc challenged him. ''You', don't you mean 'we'? hehe...' stammered Roger. Doctor Who shook his head. 'Nope, I can't stop them,' he said. 'Only you can. They need someone musical to stop them. It's the only way Roger. You might be just the one because these people believe good looks and talent just don't go. You've got the double Whammy. You'll blow them away.' 'Ah geez...' Roger blushed and footered around with his bedclothes. He thought of something. 'I can't get out of bed,' he said, 'Nurse said I'm to stay because of my terrible car accident, yeah and what about that what car accident?' 'Well,' replied the Doctor, 'In response to the second question, someone drove into the back of the makeshift car that Brian and John drove you to the hospital in and you were spreadeagled in the back. And as for not being able to move I give you...' The Doctor gestured the blue police box. Roger tried to jump up but failed because he was too weak. Instead he cried 'The TARDIS. OMFG are you serious????!!!!!!' he was too excited. The doctor smiled 'Yes I'm serious. Just be sure to return it when visiting hours begin tomorrow. That's at 8am. They're finished for now but just be sure to be careful with her.' He helped Roger into the Tardis. 'See ya Roger. Hope to hear more music from you guys soon.' He waved breezily and strolled out. 'W-w-wait,' Roger grew worried, 'Aren't you coming,' 'I told you no. Don't worry it's easy to work once you know how. Good Luck grasshopper.' The doctor walked out. Roger was left, in a wheelchair, in the Tardis, staring at the flashing buttons. 'Once you know how'? What if you don't? Roger thought to himself. |
7 seas of Rhye 05.07.2006 19:27 |
Wonderful! Keep writing! |
deleted user 07.07.2006 12:56 |
Roger looked at all the dials and buttons. It all seemed complicated. Where was Deaky when you needed the guy. He would know how to work this stuff. Roger shivered. He wished he'd thought to change out of his hospital nightie. He decided to go back to his room to see if he could get some warmer clothes. He opened the door. 'Ah crap...' he was staring into blackness. They were going so fast that the wind was pulling at his hair and face. He shut the door again. 'Wait Tardis, where are we going, stop!! AAAAGH!!' THUD!! Roger landed face forward. The Tardis door opened and seemed to tip him out. Hardly the most graceful of dismounts. He was so much better with cars. He felt the hairs standing up on the back of his neck. He had a funny feeling he was being watched. He felt goosebumps rising on his arms... no wait, that was because of the cold. Where was he? He was lying in front of an enormous building. It was emitting a helluva lotta noise and smoke. It would look like a normal factory of mass production, except that the chugging noises were mixed with what seemed to be Ogre-Battle like screams. That lead Roger to a horrible thought. What if there were ogres inside? He presumed that this was a pop-group manufacturing place. This must be where his friends were being held prisoner. There was only one way to find out. Roger gritted his teeth and went through the big ENTRANCE sign hanging over the door. |
PieterMC 07.07.2006 12:59 |
Roger decided to take a look on QZ and noticed how sad some people are that they feel a need to create fictional stories about Queen. |
deleted user 07.07.2006 13:03 |
A long corridor faced him. He could see a room with multicoloured smoke pouring out. He leant into the shadows and crept along the wall. If I were a kidnapped rock-group where would I be??? he thought to himself. The obvious answer was at the end of the corridor behind a door marked 'STORAGE ROOM'. Getting to the end of the corridor was relatively easy. There was so much smoke pouring out the open doors that no-one could see a thing. Roger turned the door. To his surprise it came open easily. Something big, Something MASSIVE stood in the doorway. Thats all folks. I'm on holiday for two weeks and I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger. AAAHAHAHAHA. SEE YA!! HOW ANNOYING I AM!! |
PieterMC 07.07.2006 13:15 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger.Please don't the suspense is killing me..... |
deleted user 07.07.2006 14:21 |
Fuck off Pieter and stop insulting other people's stories (mine and FreMeats) just because you are too lazy to make up your own doesn't mean you need to spoil other people's fun. |
PieterMC 07.07.2006 14:45 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: Fuck off Pieter and stop insulting other people's stories (mine and FreMeats) just because you are too lazy to make up your own doesn't mean you need to spoil other people's fun.Too lazy? More like I have better things to do with my time. |
Erin 07.07.2006 15:16 |
Yeah,'re like SO lazy! Why don't YOU make some stories instead of doing your job! Asswipe! ;-D Shit, this is out of order..LOL |
FreMe 07.07.2006 16:11 |
the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: Fuck off Pieter and stop insulting other people's stories (mine and FreMeats) just because you are too lazy to make up your own doesn't mean you need to spoil other people's fun.YEah! You´re fucking anoying, did you know that??? Roger would be more frightended to see how little selfesteem some people have since they feel an iresistable need to ruin other peoples fun! Get a life before telling other people what to do! |
7 seas of Rhye 08.07.2006 20:28 |
PieterMC wrote:If you have better things to do with your time, why are you insulting people's stories? Is that really a valuable use of your time? No one cares what you have to say. Your just mean and negative.the GIRLZ are back in town wrote: Fuck off Pieter and stop insulting other people's stories (mine and FreMeats) just because you are too lazy to make up your own doesn't mean you need to spoil other people's fun.Too lazy? More like I have better things to do with my time. |
deleted user 22.07.2006 15:40 |
OK... I'm kind of worried. Should I continue with this story. Only I don't know if everyone hates these stories and wants no more fictional stuff about Queen. |
deleted user 22.07.2006 17:01 |
The guy was huge and erm... green. No it's not a misprint. Roger's first instinct was to scream a huge Ogre-Battle style scream. How appropriate as... as Roger opened his mouth he said, 'Hi I'm Shrek.' His voice then became panic-stricken. 'I-I I I haven't taken anything, I swear, I'm in the wrong room I-I' It was then Roger realised this guy was a bigger coward than he himself was. 'That's OK,' said Roger. I'm looking for my friends. They've been kidnapped by these evil manufactured Robot things. They are going to be brainwashed by them if I don't stop them.' Shrek looked down at Roger. He was still in a hospital nightie. He'd forgotten to change and it was flapping open slightly. Roger blushed and pulled it shut. 'Sorry,' 'That's OK its just... how do you plan to stop these people?' So Roger explained the whole story. About how proper music would bring them down He had a great singing voice (he didn't say tha, Roger is a little more modest than that)and how they were taking over the music industry. 'Cool,' said Shrek. 'You are in the wrong place though. This is the Faiy Godmother's office. I'm trying to find a potion to woo back my Princess Fiona. But FG and I don't get on. So I need to be secretive.' Suddenly the door to the potion room burst open. Freaky green people were brandishing guns at the two. They ran (Roger under Shrek's arm) to the tune of Ogre Battle. What else? trying to get away from them. They ran right into the potions factory were they were made |
deleted user 22.07.2006 17:05 |
May I make a suggestion ? Perhaps you could have paragraph breaks, a line of white between the paragraphs ? I'm just mentioning this since I find the story a little hard to read with just a glump of text ! I hope I don't sound critical or anything, that's not what I meant ! Have fun => :D |
deleted user 22.07.2006 18:06 |
Oh Ok thanks for that and sorry about the difficult reading |
7 seas of Rhye 22.07.2006 19:28 |
I really like it! |
eenaweena 22.07.2006 23:18 |
woah. it's so funny how people can relate queen to animated characters. i love your story by the way. :) |
deleted user 24.07.2006 10:05 |
Shrek grabbed Roger and tucked him under his arm. This was the real reason Roger began to scream. He was not liking this at all. Shrek barged right into an enormous vat of a potion that was being concocted. The thing fell over and spilt everywhere. The potion was made out of Spider's From Mars and it was an insanity potion. Or at least soon to be an insanity potion. As the bright red liquid splashed through the hallway washing over people some were affected some weren't. A mixture of crazy laughter and loud incoherent nonsense (not unlike the way this story is going) followed them down the hallway. Roger was struggling not to breathe in order not to inhale the stench of Shreks armpit when suddenly he felt a gust of wind on his face. He opened his eyes and realised he was soaring through the air. 'WEEEEEEEEEEEE,' he screamed, 'I'M FLYING, LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE-AAAAAAAAAH CRAP!!!' As Roger saw he was headed straight towards a plate glass window. 'I'M GOING TO DIE!!' he shrieked. 'It's OK Roger,' screamed Shrek who was about to be engulfed by the potion. 'Just curl up in a ball as you hit the gl-' but Shrek was lost forever in the red swirling whirlpool. Roger screamed out for the loss of his brand new friend just as he hit the glass. His mouth felt like it was on fire as the glass shattered on impact. And he hit the ground with a dull thud. |
7 seas of Rhye 26.07.2006 16:34 |
I like your story! Keep writing! I got to know what happens! |
deleted user 27.07.2006 04:59 |
'OOOh-er' By now Roger should be used to waking up feeling every inch of his body aching as if he'd been beaten. Poor Rogie. He stirred to find he was on the floor of the Tardis. And someone else was at the controls! He was muttering, 'Now how the hell do you work this thing? Hmm, oh Roger's awake maybe he'll know,' the man turned towards Roger, who breathed an enormous sigh of relief when he recognised the strange man. 'David Bowieeeeee' he cried in delight. David looked confused 'Eh? The name David... rings a bell... but sir my name is Ziggy Stardust!' 'Oh yeah of course,' said Roger trying not to laugh, 'Cos he's real of course!' David-no sorry-ZIGGY fixed Roger with a glare. This was quite scary judging by the asymetric eyes. 'Roger, ever since that potion hit me I'm a changed man,' Ziggy said, 'I've changed for the better, I play guitar you know and I can help you save your friends. Because... if you go the way your going, there'll be nothing left of you by the time you reach them' Ziggy finished his monologue with a flourish. Roger was now scared. He sat in a corner sucking his thumb just like Felix did when he was scared. Felix... He would know how to work this damn machine. He was an expert on Dr Who, not just a fanatic like Daddy. He had no idea what the time was on this weirdo planet that he was on but hopefully Felix would still be up. He stayed up till eleven on weekends. Roger tried to remember, it was Saturday. Brilliant. There was a phone in the Tardis (well it has everything else. Roger used it to call his home. His assistant answered it. 'Hi Sally, listen is Felix in bed yet... No? Great put him on please I uh... Suddenly Roger realised he was meant to be in hospital. I want to say Night-night' Roger was a good dad he decided he'd say that too. |
deleted user 27.07.2006 06:43 |
Little Felix came to the phone. 'Night-night dad,' he sounded sleepy. 'Felix hi, listen kiddo, you know the Tardis in Dr Who?' Roger began 'Yes???' Felix sounded confused, 'What about it??' 'Oh I'm watching it now and I thinking about a question for you seeing as you are so Dr Who smart.' 'Oh yeah, I am,' Felix sounded happier now. 'What do you wanna know?' 'How d'you drive it,' 'WHAT!!' He was baffled, 'I DON'T KNOW THAT!!! No-one knows that except the Doctor,' Felix was scandalised that his dad would even think to ask such a question. 'OK, OK, I'm sorry... Jeez...' Roger was holding the phone a foot from his ear. He couldn't help admiring the lungs his son had on him though. 'Shh, you'll wake Mummy up. Don't worry about the Tardis, I'll sleep on this one (literally) Goodnight, love you loads...' 'Eeww,' Felix put the phone down in disgust. But secretly he was happy his dad had said that. He always worried 'cause his father was often away doing something kinda... Queenly. Now what. Roger knew he only had till eight the next morning before he returned the thing but he had a sinking feeling he was stuck here... 'Uh uh uh... don't think that Taylor. We are saved. I found some instructions left by the Doctor himself,' Ziggy was well chuffed with himself. 'Easy as pie,' he said reading them. 'We're on a roll now!' 'Cool,' said Roger, 'How'd you know what I was thinking?' 'I heard you,' said Ziggy, 'You're thoughts reverberated around the ship. I guess it's just built that way. You can imagine how loud you're phone conversation with your son was.' Roger flushed scarlet. Loudness was a fault of his family. Ziggy grinned, 'Hold tight!' |