I am contemplating purchasing the FM Tribute DVD but I am not sure I really want it. Without Freddie, the concert really is pointless. I have seen it before and found some parts freakishly strange (eg: Elton John struggling with the beginnings of BoRap). I've also been told that the best parts that were on the televised version are not on the DVD. Although there are 2DVDs with extra features (that looks promising,) I'm not sure it is worth it? Who has it? What does everyone think?
Weak sound, inferior vocals throughout and a thouroughly depressing experience. I own it, because it is a Queen item. That being said, I watch it approximately once for every 10 times I watch Wembley '86 which is my least favorite official Queen concert.
no don't buy it.....brian and roger as i stated in the previous thread made the concert to gain publicity and had nothing to do with freddie. If you check the songs you will notice that only 5 freddie songs are sung out of the overall 21...whats worse is that john was also part of it, i think it's a disgrace to queen and to the music industry!!! :)
I like this DVD but I maybe a bit biased as I was there on the day and for me the DVD serves as a nice reminder of the event.
It would have been better if it was uncut but I still think it is worth buying.
worse DVD i have aver bought, roger, brian and john were amazing, they played the best! now george michael had a good day :) and seal did a great job, well 2-3 other songs were ok too, but c'mon i don't know, for me was it waste of money...
I, like many others, taped this in its entirety when it was aired on TV. I kept the video for years - about 10 in fact. I never watched it after that original time. One day, while looking for another video, I found the Tribute tape and tossed it.
I found nothing uplifting or precious about it. When I want to hear Queen songs, I listen to Queen. Hearing others perform where Freddie should be performing is depressing and painful. Speaking for myself, I would never buy the DVD.
deleted user 14.06.2006 08:47
You shoiuld buy it is a great concert with a few extras
it’s a great DVD i have the 2 dvd set at home.
there is only one who can sing the songs wright.
because this was a tribute in separite ways
i see it in different ways.
one it was for freddie to say goodbye.
spreading AIDS awarenes around the world.
that it is an dangerous dicease.
effects everybody in the world.
in quality of singing the songs sounds almost
this is not being in the place of freddie but instead it¥s an farewell to freddie.
so in this way it is great.
one major minor is the first half is missing.
magicalfreddiemercury wrote:
I found nothing uplifting or precious about it. When I want to hear Queen songs, I listen to Queen. Hearing others perform where Freddie should be performing is depressing and painful. Speaking for myself, I would never buy the DVD.
Hear, hear.
deleted user 15.06.2006 06:15
ilvcats wrote: I am contemplating purchasing the FM Tribute DVD but I am not sure I really want it. Without Freddie, the concert really is pointless. I have seen it before and found some parts freakishly strange (eg: Elton John struggling with the beginnings of BoRap). I've also been told that the best parts that were on the televised version are not on the DVD. Although there are 2DVDs with extra features (that looks promising,) I'm not sure it is worth it? Who has it? What does everyone think?
In what way does Elton John struggle with the beginning of Bohemian Rhapsody? In my opinion they should have left the singing of that song to the crowd anyway. They were loud enough.