someone requested these so here they are. these are the demos i have:
Staying Power
Back Chat
Action This Day
Life Is Real
Las Palabra De Amor
Cool Cat
Feel Like
Under Pressure
the upload links are .zip files but the torrent isnt link link link
Thank you so much for uploading the zipfile of Queen Demos. I really appreciate it. It is so much easier downloading from Send Space rather than using bitorent.
I also trust Send Space as I have never had anything go wrong with any uploads or downloads.
I wish a lot of the other Queen fans would share their demos and live recordings this way.
Once again, thank you Habalushy!!
Panza Pedraza - FER wrote:
Thank you very much, but i need it in rapdishare, cos I'm having several troubles with bittorrent.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
Not only are you greedy, you are also to lazy to look, apparently. The first link from the top is a rapidshare link, my friend. Look before you whine.
"Not only are you greedy, you are also to lazy to look, apparently. The first link from the top is a rapidshare link, my friend. Look before you whine."
That's not really fair is it? They at least used the word 'thanks' twice. It's not the same as please but it's a step in the right direction.
Panza Pedraza - FER wrote:
Thank you very much, but i need it in rapdishare, cos I'm having several troubles with bittorrent.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
Not only are you greedy, you are also to lazy to look, apparently. The first link from the top is a rapidshare link, my friend. Look before you whine.
Well, when i put this, "The first link from the top is a rapidshare link" wasn't there, "my friend"...