I have made this mash-up between Queen's 'Radio Ga Ga' and Tupac's 'Changes.'
I know this is a fan mix but I couldn't upload my torrent in that section.
I know that a lot of people here hate rap and will avoid this but please give it a chance. This is one of the only rappers who speaks of positive things and promotes peace and love. I also worked very hard on it.
Enjoy and tell me what you think!
thenplayon wrote: Okay. As I wanted to say until I accidentally hit the "new thread" button, I thought you meant the Bowie song.
"All We Hear Is Ch-Ch-Changes!"
Thanks for sharing this. Its very interesting. A bit odd, but I enjoyed listening to it. The beginning when its just Tupac and the drum beat sounds like early, early rap.
And, by the way, I agree with you. Tupac was phenomenal. I really don't like rap but I love Tupac.
Not bad at all.
For those that are in to mashups should look out for
"A Night At The Hip Hopera" by The Kleptones
and also for
"Q-Unit: Greatest Hits" by The Silence Experiment
both full albums.