well - let's put it this way.
If it doesn't work out, I will send my hired goon's to this guy's address........
ps...half-kidding about the hired goon's
I just hope Dark doesn't get accosted by muggers again in Vancouver, when they ask him to empty his pockets and out pops hundreds of tour sixpences I wouldn't want to be in his shoes ;-)
Just out of interest, and I know it's a little off-topic, I went to see Brian on his Back to the Light tour, many moons ago.
I bought one of those sixpence things then...is it worth anything? Was thinking of ebay-ing it as part of a general life-tidy-up...?
The obvious smart answers of "it's worth sixpence" and "it's worth whatever a sixpence sized piece of plastic is worth" are hereby anticipated and neutralised...