Hi, I'm Kate and I just fixed a problem with my cookies in IE so now I can officially use my Queenzone account. I'm 15, I'll be 16 in 41 days or something like that. I'm a dancer, artist, and unfortunately a student, and I've been a Queen fan for a little over a year now, I'd say. Nonetheless, my obsession grows very fast. Um, yeah.
didnt realize how many younger people are on this forum (not that its a bad thing). im 21 and 15 seems like it was ages ago....must be getting old
anyways.....welcome aboard
No, we don't mind if you join us on our merry Q/Z ferry... It's just that BPP's pits stink so bad we're just a bit leery of having large, sweaty Albanian women hurling themselves abroad in fear of what stink waves they may bring unto us. A little bird told me that they also range in the hairiness level of a Sasquatch.
But, I guess that you are not of that caliber.
Welcome aboard.
Just another load of BS from your not so average 12 year old.
I have no idea what I just wrote means, so please, no one ask.