(sorry, meant to make this a post in another topic)
What exactly is a soundboard recording? (I'm assuming it's an audio recording of the show, but I'm not sure...) Do the people at the mixer give them out if you just ask?
LOL Erin!! tsk tsk!!
The sound board recordings are not just given out. I'm not saying they never have been given out or haven't leaked..bc they have. But it will take Trip or whoever is running the sound board to be in an extremely GREAT mood to just hand it over to a fan. I am not an expert on this at all but I know it is not an easy task at all to obtain a sound board recording from the mixer at the show. Scully, YV, or Jeroen would be better suited to answer though.
Having known Trip for over 20 years I can tell you he will NOT give out recordings ever! Just to avoid dissapointment , same with setlists he uses his computer iso a setlist. He does keep copies though in his desk.
guest wrote: Having known Trip for over 20 years I can tell you he will NOT give out recordings ever! Just to avoid dissapointment , same with setlists he uses his computer iso a setlist. He does keep copies though in his desk.
If you know him, maybe he'll give you a sound board and you can give it to little ole moi?
;) heee heeeheheheeehee *snort* I'm still gonna ask though.
This is him in NY, last sunday, sick as a dog but still doing his job ah bless him.
If I had had any recordings ( yes I did ask ..) I could have been rich by now...maybe you have more charm than I do Lisser ?? At least you're a lot younger! He might fall for that...let me know haha link
He does look pretty swollen in that picture. Hope he is feeling better by now. I've got some charm in my back pocket but Trip is a stubborn fellow. He's good at what he does and follows the rules. That still won't stop me from trying to get him to break them.
bwuahaahaha la la nee ner!