I just wanted to voice my opinion about this psychotic fuck who is bad mouthing Queen and Paul Rodgers!
My message:
This is not a real fan...He is a man who has a really small penis. It was people like him who contributed to the Queen backlash in the 80's.
Really! Go and get run over by a car you useless fuck!
Queen + PR, thank you so much. Do not listen to this turd who was never a Queen fan to begin with.
jasen101 wrote: I just wanted to voice my opinion about this psychotic fuck who is bad mouthing Queen and Paul Rodgers!
My message:
This is not a real fan...He is a man who has a really small penis. It was people like him who contributed to the Queen backlash in the 80's.
Really! Go and get run over by a car you useless fuck!
Queen + PR, thank you so much. Do not listen to this turd who was never a Queen fan to begin with.
oh please. everyone has their opinions and you calling them a cunt for speaking their mind must mean your 2
Jamie, this isn't speaking your mind...when a person is constantly posting attacks and calling the band members names that takes it a step futher. If you don't like the tour, fine. I can understand that. But don't post topic after topic of repetitive garbage about how you wish that the tour will bomb. I mean this guy is obsessed.
jasen101 wrote: Jamie, this isn't speaking your mind...when a person is constantly posting attacks and calling the band members names that takes it a step futher. If you don't like the tour, fine. I can understand that. But don't post topic after topic of repetitive garbage about how you wish that the tour will bomb. I mean this guy is obsessed.
i agree with that, but what about people on the other side who obsess no one is complaining about them or anything? Otherwise those are my thgouts exactly but you didnt write that in your main post- you said nothing of the sort, otherwise i would have kept my trap shut
jasen101 wrote: Jamie, this isn't speaking your mind...when a person is constantly posting attacks and calling the band members names that takes it a step futher. If you don't like the tour, fine. I can understand that. But don't post topic after topic of repetitive garbage about how you wish that the tour will bomb. I mean this guy is obsessed.
I agree with all that has been said. I saw the show in Jacksonville and it was good. I'm not a fan of Paul Rodgers, but he is doing a fine job. He isn't trying to replace Freddie, because we all know that is impossible! I'll give Paul Rodgers an A for effort! I hope the rest of the tour is a huge success so they will come back and do it again!