All Texans and other South/centralized Queen fans out there unite! Follow this thread with your complaints about how Queen + PR will tour the U.S. with 23 shows but come nowhere within 700 miles of Texas! WHAT UTTER CRAP!!! This tour is an outrageous dissapointment to The Lone Star State. We are the 2nd largest state in the nation with two of the top 10 largest cities in the nation(not even to mention San Antonio and Austin).
If they did a show in Memphis, Nashville, Tulsa or even St. Louis, it might be one thing. We would have the opportunity to go, it would just be a long drive. But no, they have to make Duluth(Atlanta) the closest place on the tour, Phoenix being 2nd. Whoever made it this way for us Texans, all I have to say is...
F#(K YOU!!!!!
Didn't you make a post about this in the tour forum already? I'm driving 874.02 miles to see a Queen+PR show. You don't see me bitching. I'm making the most of what I've got to deal with. Do the same, you'll enjoy life a lot more.
Okay, crap I'm driving to Cleveland. That's about all I can stir up here. Texas is still the best place to live if you're any kind of fan of music or sports.
AmeriQueen wrote: All Texans and other South/centralized Queen fans out there unite! Follow this thread with your complaints about how Queen + PR will tour the U.S. with 23 shows but come nowhere within 700 miles of Texas! WHAT UTTER CRAP!!! This tour is an outrageous dissapointment to The Lone Star State. We are the 2nd largest state in the nation with two of the top 10 largest cities in the nation(not even to mention San Antonio and Austin).
If they did a show in Memphis, Nashville, Tulsa or even St. Louis, it might be one thing. We would have the opportunity to go, it would just be a long drive. But no, they have to make Duluth(Atlanta) the closest place on the tour, Phoenix being 2nd. Whoever made it this way for us Texans, all I have to say is...
F#(K YOU!!!!!
BM and RT dont pick where they play....the promoters do, so deal w/ it
I will agree with every word you say!!! being someone who lives in Texas, i cant even go to the fucking concert because its so far away... im 17 and therefore, i still attend school, so leaving the state is out of the question even though it is the last tour they probably will ever do, i am unable to go... if only it were closer, then i would have no problem buying tickets to go... they need to at least show up in Dallas where the really big Theaters are for them... there are many places her in Texas to play and yet they probably never considered even trying to come here... this really sucks and i feel your pain... im dealing with it as well...
I wish they would play somewhere near Connecticut. AND TO THINK THEY ACTUALLY PLAYED ON THE PALACE IN WATERBURY TWICE!!!!!!111. I was thinking of emailing Brian and begging him and the guys to come to the Palace again but I think the tour dates are already all set. :( It is cool though, because I was once in a musical on the Palace stage and I can say I was once on the same stage as Queen!!( but er not at the same time) lol
as it began wrote: I wish they would play somewhere near Connecticut. AND TO THINK THEY ACTUALLY PLAYED ON THE PALACE IN WATERBURY TWICE!!!!!!111. I was thinking of emailing Brian and begging him and the guys to come to the Palace again but I think the tour dates are already all set. :( It is cool though, because I was once in a musical on the Palace stage and I can say I was once on the same stage as Queen!!( but er not at the same time) lol
as I said earlier, they dont choose that dates, the promoters do
AmeriQueen, grow up. It's not like they got together and decided to deliberately screw you. Do you have any idea what it takes to put a tour of the US together? Maybe this is your karma for what Texas did to the Dixie Chicks.
Oh, the promoters pick where. Ahh... Like I didn't know that. Who do you think I am giving the finger to?
The bleedin' promoters!!!
Of course I am going to deal with it, what else am I going to do, declare war? I am merely complaining as is my right to express my opinion of the ridiculous choice to abandon my region completely.
As for the Dixie Chicks, what did they do exactly? Express their political opinions? What's more stupid, their political opinions or someone in the public actually giving a shit about their political opinions?
Anyways, all I am saying is it would seem pretty weak in so many ways, including the profit potential for B and R, to not schedule at least one or two shows within a day's ride of the 2nd largest state in the U.S. I guess that complaint is too difficult for some of you to take.
"What's so great about dumb ole Texas?"
Patrick Star
Is there a concert in Alaska or Montana?
Why make Texas the central point of your complaint, when the whole south central US was ignored?
I believe Queen refuses to play there because Bush lives nearby ;) (wink wink)
More seriously, stop complaning, put all you effort in getting to a Queen + PR concert, you won't be dissapointed!
whilst I understand how you feel, I would guess there was a logical reasonwhy they aren't coming, either lack of audience, or lack of time and schedule conflicts with other artists.
However as someone that has been known more than once to get on a plane to see a band I liked, get over it and go see them!
As for the last ever tour, I doubt it, I think you will see at least one more after the studio album, however that will depend on the success of this tour and following album sales.
Q+PR ain't over yet, the album will follow just maybe not for six month to a year.
They're skipping Texas because they don't want to get off'd like JFK.
Nah, in all seriousness I can't see why they'd leave Texas off their itinerary, it's not quite fair at all.
Kind of reminds me of their decision to omit Australia... (sighs).
Zebonka12 wrote: They're skipping Texas because they don't want to get off'd like JFK.
Nah, in all seriousness I can't see why they'd leave Texas off their itinerary, it's not quite fair at all.
Kind of reminds me of their decision to omit Australia... (sighs).
Lame joke... plus the tour schedule came out like 4 months ago if no longer. Ameriquen is like so late with this post. I say that because I brought up the fact that they're not coming to Dallas months ago... so there :P