is the sharon osbourne autobiography it states when they where having trouble with money when they where with that manager who done them out of money and stuff. Sharons dad was a manager for bands and they sign them up on her dads label but John reid got there a month afterwards. This is the Quote out of her book which i will type out for you all..
Adrian my boyfriend was also attracted to men, and ther was one guy who i knew was trying to fuck my boyfriend. I first met him at the stall in kensington market when he used to sell trousers he'd made himself, and his name was Freddie Mercury. At the time he was bisexual and living with a girl called mary austin. Freddie and i just hit it off right from the start.
Several years later, it must have been just before christmas 1975 when queen were already selling huge numbers of records, Freddie asked if he could speak to my father. They were unhappy with their manager, he said, and needed some advice about what to do. So Don talked to them and succeeded in getting them out of their management deal with whoever it was, and then it was like, "Would you look after us?" With 2 hit albums behind them, this was a offer you could not refuse. But less than a month later, at one of our famous christmas parties, I introduced Freddie to another one of my gay friends, John Reid, who id got to know when he worked at EMI, And who was then managing elton John.
When Freddie phoned the next day, it wasnt to say thank you for the lovely party.
"Darling, I hope you're not going to be MAD with me. But i want to change see, I LOVE John!
He had fallen for him instantly. I was heartbroken. We had managed them for a little over a month and Queen were - And honestly still are - My favourite band ever.
That is a bit out of Sharon osbournes autobiography. EXTREME
MrsMercury2005 wrote: is the sharon osbourne autobiography it states when they where having trouble with money when they where with that manager who done them out of money and stuff. Sharons dad was a manager for bands and they sign them up on her dads label but John reid got there a month afterwards. This is the Quote out of her book which i will type out for you all..
Adrian my boyfriend was also attracted to men, and ther was one guy who i knew was trying to fuck my boyfriend. I first met him at the stall in kensington market when he used to sell trousers he'd made himself, and his name was Freddie Mercury. At the time he was bisexual and living with a girl called mary austin. Freddie and i just hit it off right from the start.
Several years later, it must have been just before christmas 1975 when queen were already selling huge numbers of records, Freddie asked if he could speak to my father. They were unhappy with their manager, he said, and needed some advice about what to do. So Don talked to them and succeeded in getting them out of their management deal with whoever it was, and then it was like, "Would you look after us?" With 2 hit albums behind them, this was a offer you could not refuse. But less than a month later, at one of our famous christmas parties, I introduced Freddie to another one of my gay friends, John Reid, who id got to know when he worked at EMI, And who was then managing elton John.
When Freddie phoned the next day, it wasnt to say thank you for the lovely party.
"Darling, I hope you're not going to be MAD with me. But i want to change see, I LOVE John!
He had fallen for him instantly. I was heartbroken. We had managed them for a little over a month and Queen were - And honestly still are - My favourite band ever.
That is a bit out of Sharon osbournes autobiography. EXTREME
Sharron Osbourne is talking pish.
John Reid had to buy the contract from the Sheffields, and in return the Sheffield's demanded a slice of the next three or four albums.
In otherwords Queen never left the Sheffields - there was an overlap between them and John Reid, and no-place for Sharron Osbourne to fit inbetween.
I sometimes wonder who is the more spaced out - her or her husband!