I heard from a good source that there are no more dates to be added to the U.S. tour. I am so dissapointed. They didn't come within 1000 miles of Dallas, Texas. East, check; West, check; North, check; South... FUCK NO! Atlanta, Cleveland, Phoenix and Chicago are the Texas-friendly dates on the tour. I mean, it's only a 2 1/2 day drive to Phoenix.
What pisses me off the most is how there are so many shows that present the option of driving from one to the next. They just chose not to spread it out any.
What a major dissapointment!
I don't mean to nitpick, but I can drive From Utah to Ohio in a day and a half. Granted, that's all interstate, but why does it take so long to get from TX to AZ?
No more dates!
I thought this thread was about the romantic prospects for snow flunky, teakettleslittleerection, brian spermed pants etc. Of course they are all one person...
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
You r lucky!
Im from Costa Rica and I know that I have no chance of seeing queen live
Urs is a matter of driving, I have half a continent to cross if I was to go......
I don't mean to nitpick, but I can drive From Utah to Ohio in a day and a half. Granted, that's all interstate, but why does it take so long to get from TX to AZ?
Well, let me tell you why, not to sound mean or anything, but if you never noticed, Texasi s the 2nd biggest state in all of the US... so, it takes forever to get from here to there... see, i live in Fort Worth and so i know how the person who posted this feels... except, i get to go to a concert in like Ihio or something, but anyway, as from expirience, if you drive from Forth Worth to Amarillo, its actually a 6 hour drive... you dont even have to leave the state... your just going north, but it still takes a long time... so, do you knida see what im saying here?? just thought you should know that this is why we Texans feel as though we are being left out of all the excitment... we are too far away and it takes too freakin long to get to any of the locations of the concert
I don't mean to nitpick, but I can drive From Utah to Ohio in a day and a half. Granted, that's all interstate, but why does it take so long to get from TX to AZ?
Well, let me tell you why, not to sound mean or anything, but if you never noticed, Texasi s the 2nd biggest state in all of the US... so, it takes forever to get from here to there... see, i live in Fort Worth and so i know how the person who posted this feels... except, i get to go to a concert in like Ihio or something, but anyway, as from expirience, if you drive from Forth Worth to Amarillo, its actually a 6 hour drive... you dont even have to leave the state... your just going north, but it still takes a long time... so, do you knida see what im saying here?? just thought you should know that this is why we Texans feel as though we are being left out of all the excitment... we are too far away and it takes too freakin long to get to any of the locations of the concert
Especially Newcastle...
All those people who moan about them not playing Scotland- get a fucking grip... They didn't play South America, they didn't play many places... And Newcastle was close freaking enough, wasn't it?
snow flakey wrote: Good. Looks like they got a bunch of disappointed fans with their new Q+PR experiment. (Which was a major failure, HA!)
Maybe, there might be tiny hope for them in the future if they go under a different name.
Oh yes - everything else being exactly the same, if they'd just used a different name, then the world would be a paradise. The name made ALL the difference in EVERYTHING.
Moron. You don't have a fucking clue.
snow flakey wrote: Good. Looks like they got a bunch of disappointed fans with their new Q+PR experiment. (Which was a major failure, HA!)
Maybe, there might be tiny hope for them in the future if they go under a different name.
Oh yes - everything else being exactly the same, if they'd just used a different name, then the world would be a paradise. The name made ALL the difference in EVERYTHING.
Moron. You don't have a fucking clue.