I like the bootlegs of Newcastle and Hammersmith Odeon very much. Does anybody know about other recordings from the Crazy tour apart from those two?
On link there's a bootleg mentioned from Glasgow 1.12. Every now and then there are rumours about this concert. Must have been an awesome performance.
I couldn't find a download of that on QZ, has anyone of you heard of it?
I like the setlist of the tour and Freddie's energetic performance that was typical then. What a pity if there were no additional recordings from that tour.
Yes, Glasgow 1979 recording exist, although not in great quality. There are not many bootlegs of the Crazy tour so far, pity indeed, because they were in brilliant shape.
<font color=blue>Rick<h6>Queenboots</h6> wrote: There are not many bootlegs of the Crazy tour so far, pity indeed, because they were in brilliant shape.
You mention "so far" :)
Every now and than I wonder myslef- how many more recording are out there, still undiscovered, still laying somewhere in the basement...
Oh yes, that's true indeed. I once knew a man who traded with bootlegs back in the 70s and 80s (Vinyl only, of course). He had his garage filled with records, must have been ten thousands. In his living room, where he had only the most valuable ones, a big shelf was stuffed with bootleg LPs. Unfortunately there were some Nazi bands' records among the bootlegs (I think he didn't even know that) and he went to prison for a few months. And what's more tragic, he had to give up the whole trading business and all his records were spread throughout the world. I wouldn't be surprised, if some of the rarest bootlegs still were hidden in his garage or basement or anywhere else no-one has access to. Bad, so far. Worse, that he passed away some years ago. Who knows, what his son, his wife or the next owner of the house may find some day.
<font color=blue>Rick<h6>Queenboots</h6> wrote: There are not many bootlegs of the Crazy tour so far, pity indeed, because they were in brilliant shape.
You mention "so far" :)
Every now and than I wonder myslef- how many more recording are out there, still undiscovered, still laying somewhere in the basement...
1.12.1979 Glasgow
3.12.1979 Newcastle
4.12.1979 Newcastle
26.12.1979 Hammersmith Odeon, London
Only 4 have been leaked in the world of bootlegs. I hope more will follow! All are superb performances.
Hmmm ... I see that I only have two of the four. Namely the ones that were offered here on QZ for free ;-) (Newcastle 4.12. and Hammy). Is there a chance to get the other ones?
Don't need to answer, I know, time will tell ...
there is a recording existing but it is locked up cause it was recoded by the radio station broadcasted only oncee but still in existance the
show is from the first night of the crazy tour in
dublin i heard this from a story i heard but its belivable since many queen fans agree with me.
I attended the Dublin show on 22nd November 1979 which was the first night of the Crazy Tour. Some or all of the gig was recorded by one of the audience because some songs from the show were played the following night on the Radio Dublin pirate radio station. However I have not been able to track down a recording of that show.
The show is especially unique because it was the one and only time that Queen played Danny Boy live. Anyone who ever comes across it please contact me!