Shaun Alexander went to high school in my county. I work with his mom, Carol. She was swamped with reporters yesterday at work. She left last night for Detroit.
I gotta go with the Seahawks because of Shaun and because the damn Steelers knocked the Bengals out of it.
Go Seahawks!!
Lisser? in what Hospital do you work at? I saw the news when they were interviewing Shaun's mom. I live in MD but I'm in OH spending time with my wife and family (Milford).
I can never, EVER, root for a team with Kimo "The Assassin" Von Cheap Shot.
Even though Big Ben is a fellow Miami boy, with Shaun Alexander being from here, P-Dub, and Marquand Manuel being ex-Bengals, I have to root for Seattle.
Is Terry Bradshaw still the Steelers Quarterback?
If so... than it´ll be the "Steelers" all the way over those "Seagulls"!
If not... well, than it will be... the Steelers winning "XL"!!!
PS: At least I hope so... :-)))
@iron eagle: "Ford Field" will be packed with patriots anyway!!! ;-)
iron eagle wrote: there is no superbowl this year
cause the patriots aint there ;(
Boo Patriots. And boo Tom Brady.
Lester Burnham wrote: The Flyers! Go Philly!
You just went up about a lot of notches in my book. Gagne + Forsberg + New Rules = Stanley Cup.
There's no way I'm settling for anything less this year. I've been very disappointed in the lack of Stanley Cups over the past ten years. It's all or nothing now.