ranto 27.01.2006 20:43 |
sorry to post in this section, but I guess it's no coincidence that folk finally got fed up with the greed and selfishness on this site, and finally stopped uploading material. I for one think it's a well needed break so that people can reflect and see that by not sharing and playing the game, those who upload will eventually stop. Bring on the RATIO. |
THE D@Z 28.01.2006 16:51 |
well said |
pcgenius9 28.01.2006 16:54 |
Its true. But there is also the fact that the same bootlegs keep getting recycled. One day, there isnt going to be anything to share that is a new bootleg! |
john bodega 29.01.2006 00:09 |
What a lot of toss. There's a sharing drought because they practically uploaded everything around Christmas. :D (Not really, but I must admit I was impressed and honoured by the amount of uploading that went on, all this stuff I hadn't heard before... I offer up a big thankyou, in case I forgot to post individual ones in each thread). |
bitesthedust 29.01.2006 05:49 |
With regards the recent furore over Mannheim 1986, I, along with a lot of people I'm sure who have this show in mp3 would love to have the opportunity to download a FLAC version. But at the same time I completely understand the stance of Dimeadozen and Queen Zone. Unfortunately now this show has been released as part of Queen Productions' 100 Best Bootlegs project and is therefore available to be bought legally, therefore anyone sharing it here or on Dime could cause problems for the respective sites. Unfortunately it is also apparent that most people have the same shows to share as well, so until some kind person decides to offer a "new" show, this will be the case. |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 08:48 |
What are you kidding me? We can't even get people to reseed a damn show, never mind putting up new posts. A handful of people here (including myself) have been trying to complete Melbourne 85 FLAC for a couple of months now and not one out of possibly 1017 people who downloaded it, seeded. This is why I stopped adding new posts. |
bitesthedust 29.01.2006 08:58 |
people are obviously greedy.... whenever I have downloaded a torrent here I have always tried to seed for as long as possible. |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 09:54 |
It's not so much that there aren't enough new posts, I myself was in the leecher status for a while and built up a respectable collection thanks of QZ and Dime. Though I created many torrents here at QZ. I'm mostly getting discouraged about the ones who download, run and change their user names so they don't be called leechers. We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here. Another thing that really bothers me here at Queenzone is when someone goes out of their way to help others, they get accused of trying to gain hero status. What the hell is that all about? This is a sharing forum folks, so don't bite off the hand that feeds you. |
Ginger01 29.01.2006 10:11 |
Well said, Sithmarauder. I don't have anything rare either but I'll happily share what I have- for instance things I downloaded last summer and don't appear to have been shared since then. But the lack of reciprocity in the form of seeding is rather discouraging. As you so rightly said, this is a SHARING forum! |
Maz 29.01.2006 12:13 |
Sithmarauder wrote: We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here.He was also selling alot of what he downloaded for free from here. I wouldn't exactly point to him as "good member." |
TheGame 29.01.2006 14:05 |
Zeni wrote:Agree with you there.Sithmarauder wrote: We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here.He was also selling alot of what he downloaded for free from here. I wouldn't exactly point to him as "good member." About the general sharing issue; I hope the ratio are coming to this forum. Good example is Melbourne 85. Over 1000 downloaded this, but no seeders for a long time.... If he ratio comes, i also think people will upload more concerts in lossless also. Now that's just my thoughts regarding this issue. |
bitesthedust 29.01.2006 14:15 |
what about those people who prefer not to use torrents? |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 14:20 |
Zeni wrote:So what, he shared more than most current members.Sithmarauder wrote: We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here.He was also selling alot of what he downloaded for free from here. I wouldn't exactly point to him as "good member." |
John S Stuart 29.01.2006 14:30 |
Sithmarauder wrote:QUALITY - not quantity.Zeni wrote:So what, he shared more than most current members.Sithmarauder wrote: We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here.He was also selling alot of what he downloaded for free from here. I wouldn't exactly point to him as "good member." And I agree with the original poster - the quality stuff has dried up because people finally got fed up with the greed and selfishness on this site. |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 14:45 |
John S Stuart wrote:Okay so maybe there were a lot of MP3 sharing, but I've downloaded MP3 files that sounded a lot better than some FLAC files. I have Mannheim 86 in FLAC and MP3 and there isn't much of a difference. There were Audiophiles who failed to tell the difference in sound when they performed a test between the two last year.Sithmarauder wrote:QUALITY - not quantity. And I agree with the original poster - the quality stuff has dried up because people finally got fed up with the greed and selfishness on this site.Zeni wrote:So what, he shared more than most current members.Sithmarauder wrote: We lost a good member of QZ (Roger37) because he was discouraged by the greed here.He was also selling alot of what he downloaded for free from here. I wouldn't exactly point to him as "good member." I recall many members requesting MP3 over FLAC because MP3 is 5 time smaller and the sound quality dosn't differ that much to the human ear. I personally wouldn't have a problem sharing FLAC only. I think that if people here want MP3 they should down load their own converters and make their own MP3s. It's not hard at all. |
John S Stuart 29.01.2006 15:26 |
QUALITY - not quantity. Actually I was refering to the rarity of the material - rather than the sound source. |
A Word In Your Ear 29.01.2006 16:22 |
bitesthedust<br><h6>The QZ gentleman... wrote: what about those people who prefer not to use torrents?What about us? I gave up trying to get torrents to work, but still shared & will share, using rapidshare. I also mess up trying to zip the files. So what I do is pain-stakingly upload the individual tracks. Honestly, I don't mind to do it this way & even better when other Queen Zoners convert them & re-post them as a Torrent for me. I know some people like torrents & don't like rapidshare, but I think as long as other Queen fans can get free downloads, GREAT!!! What I don't like is the whole EBAY thing!!!!! Sharks!!!!! Now going back to the whole Sharing drying up & people getting pissed off, with the greedy. That has most likely happened to some extent, but some people who are in full time employment & have a family & home and such, find it a bit difficult to find the time, we try our best. I will find time to upload more in the future, Hopefully I will have got something that someone else hasn't. Also at Christmas time when there was a flood of stuff to download, people were in the "Christmas is a time for sharing" feeling & most likely had time off work for the holidays & hence, have more time to sit in front of their PC. Let's all keep our fingers crossed, but I'm sure that sharing will come back. |
Roy ® 29.01.2006 17:07 |
A Word In Your Ear wrote: Let's all keep our fingers crossed, but I'm sure that sharing will come back.why will come back ???, a lot is shared the last weeks: 1984 rare recording Tokyo DVD Q&PR Brian Barcelona DVD Queen Manchester DVD Earth Reunion Video Queen Vienna DVD these are only the "big" ones. I see also a lot of "smaller files" and a lot of mp3 files. Please be satisfied whith what you get !!!!!!! |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 18:43 |
John S Stuart wrote: QUALITY - not quantity. Actually I was refering to the rarity of the material - rather than the sound source.Oh, I see. I'd love to get my hands on Queen's first gig at MSG again. I had it in it's entirety and lost it to water damage. I was never able to get another copy from the original source tape because that person no longer does that kind of business and I have no idea whre he is =(. The sound quality was close to excellent. There were quite a few excellent bootleggers in Brooklyn New York many years ago. |
Sithmarauder 29.01.2006 18:46 |
A Word In Your Ear wrote:I give you a lot of credit for sharing through Rapidshare. I use it occasionally to share smaller files. I just don't have the time and patience to use it.bitesthedust<br><h6>The QZ gentleman... wrote: what about those people who prefer not to use torrents?What about us? I gave up trying to get torrents to work, but still shared & will share, using rapidshare. I also mess up trying to zip the files. So what I do is pain-stakingly upload the individual tracks. Honestly, I don't mind to do it this way & even better when other Queen Zoners convert them & re-post them as a Torrent for me. I know some people like torrents & don't like rapidshare, but I think as long as other Queen fans can get free downloads, GREAT!!! What I don't like is the whole EBAY thing!!!!! Sharks!!!!! Now going back to the whole Sharing drying up & people getting pissed off, with the greedy. That has most likely happened to some extent, but some people who are in full time employment & have a family & home and such, find it a bit difficult to find the time, we try our best. I will find time to upload more in the future, Hopefully I will have got something that someone else hasn't. Also at Christmas time when there was a flood of stuff to download, people were in the "Christmas is a time for sharing" feeling & most likely had time off work for the holidays & hence, have more time to sit in front of their PC. Let's all keep our fingers crossed, but I'm sure that sharing will come back. |
bohemian 11513 30.01.2006 12:37 |
John S Stuart: QUALITY - not quantity. And I agree with the original poster - the quality stuff has dried up because people finally got fed up with the greed and selfishness on this site.So sad but soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true.... ! |
Sithmarauder 30.01.2006 13:13 |
Sorry but I'm not aware of his dealings and his demands. I'm only speaking from my personal experience since I became a member and the response from this thread: link. If it's true that he was selling concerts that he downloaded from here, shame on him. But he never did wrong to me so I stick to my words. You even complimented him for his sharing efforts in this thread :link BTW "And maybe a bit more politeness and less greed will come out of it." You hit the nail dead on the head LindaOfThe Valley |
Sithmarauder 30.01.2006 13:51 |
Barry © wrote: Someone made a post about super-seeders. What this entails is people keeping the downloads on their HD's and helping out when there are no seeds. I myself would be prepared to do that because I have nearly 300gb free space. I am currently seeding Brian May Big Mama 98 and have so far uploaded that over a dozen times. I am going to leave it on my HD for months. Anyone prepared to do this with me?I too kept all my downloads on my HD as well as burned backups. So whenever someone needs a seed I will do it.It's not about being a super seeder,it's about sharing with those who missed out. There are quite a lot of good people who are quick to seed upon request but I noticed that when they make a request all you hear are crickets (figure of speech). |
Ginger01 30.01.2006 14:27 |
Hear hear. I too keep everything I download on my HD and seed whenever I can. It’s less about being a “super-seed” than about sharing the music, which is what I thought this site was all about... It would be nice if someone would help us out too in times of need! I rather enjoy seeding torrents that have gone dormant for a while (as well as those that never seem to go away). I have uploaded the Argentina 1981 VCD over nine times and there are always peers looking for this – 12 are downloading as I write this – and I will keep it going as long as the interest is there. I’m also thinking of “re-announcing” some torrents I downloaded last summer and which don’t seem to have been shared for several months (on the assumption that people may have missed them at the time, or are new to QZ). |
Ginger01 30.01.2006 14:27 |
Hear hear. I too keep everything I download on my HD and seed whenever I can. It’s less about being a “super-seed” than about sharing the music, which is what I thought this site was all about... It would be nice if someone would help us out too in times of need! I rather enjoy seeding torrents that have gone dormant for a while (as well as those that never seem to go away). I have uploaded the Argentina 1981 VCD over nine times and there are always peers looking for this – 12 are downloading as I write this – and I will keep it going as long as the interest is there. I’m also thinking of “re-announcing” some torrents I downloaded last summer and which don’t seem to have been shared for several months (on the assumption that people may have missed them at the time, or are new to QZ). |