Hi Guys,if you are not happy with your seats,you may want to check ticketmaster out again ans the ArtistArena unsold seats have now entered the system.Venues like Washington and Philly had floor seats available again today (as of 10am).
Yes. Somebody told me about it some days ago and I managed to get section BBB, 5th row, for the San Diego Cox Arena show at 130 USD. I checked the Platinum Package and they have AAA second row and the Gold one has BBB 4th row. But paying 395 or 595 dollars for them? That's just crazy.
I mean, the system indicates that AAA section is better than the BBB one, yet both of them are just next to the stage, one in each side of the catwalk. BBB section is actually better since it's Brian's side of the stage, so you can't trust Ticketmaster's or Artist Arena's assignation of seats as being the best of the best. Better check the map of the venue twice before buying your tickets. :S
How can I change my seats? I bought my tickets thru artistarena.com but when I tried that link it doesn't work...I will apprecciate if you can help me with this.
Thank you... by the way, on the billing they sent to my email confirming the purchase of tickets they say this:
"You should receive your tickets one week prior to the event. If you have not received your tickets, please contact (212) xxx-xxxx. All sales are final. There are no refunds, no exchanges for any reason".
Would they allow to update the seats?
I hope we get tickets more than a week from the show...a few us will be on the tour and not home to receive tickets. I received my NJ and LA tix from them 3 weeks before. I don't see why they can't send them now. I bought extra tickets for MKE through ticketmaster and I received those weeks ago.