Does anyone have decent audio (or video I spose) of Queen+ Paul Rodgers doing Bad Company, Rock and Roll Fantasy, or Fire and Water....and for that matter any other songs they didnt play on UK soil - Im intruiged as to what these sounded like when done by the guys, and I cant remember if they did anything else apart from the three above.
If anyone has these and would be willing to share Id be much obliged - Ive had a look, but I cant see them elsewhere in the forum.
Well, actually fire and water WAS played in UK- I always thought Belfast was within United Kingdom :P
That's I WAS BORN TO LOVE YOU (soundboard- 27 10 2005) link
That's TEO TORRIATTE (audioence- 27 10 2005) link
That's BAD COMPANY (audience- 26 10 2005) link
That's FIRE AND WATER (audience 27-10-2005) link
Someone else could upload LONG AWAY, SEAGULL, A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE and ROCK'N'ROLL FANTASY- I don't ahve CDs with me at work...
Ah yes - Fire and Water in Belfast! Apologies to anyone in Belfast, for some reason I had Dublin in my head....
But thanks for these, youre a star.
If anyone's got Rock and Roll Fantasy anywhere Id be much obliged, found Long Away before - must have downloaded it a while back, and I was at Brixton for A Little Bit of Love and Seagull, and Ive paid for offial downloads of those.......
Cheers again!