I receive a present from my in-law and it was a CD called "Babies Go Queen" which is basically Instrumental Queen music for Babies. My new-born son seems to like listening to it. Have you guys heard it before? If you haven't I fully recommend it (for those who have babies or planning to). The artist name is Mariano Yanani and I thinnk he's from Argentina. I also got two "Babies go Beatles" CD's by the same artist. Th track list of the CD is:
1. Somebody to Love
2. Play the Game
3. One Year of Love
4. Love of My Life
5. We Are the Champions
6. Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Las Palabras del Amor
8. In Only Seven Days
9. Jealousy
10. Let Me Live
11. Save Me
12. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
13. Too Much Love Will Kill You
Yes, somthing different but nice, queen music for babies, and it really sound like baby music!! just with the Queen melodies. My favorite one is Somebody to Love. I live in Maryland, if you guys live close by I can make copies and send them to you.
Now theres one way to get your kid into Classic Rock music. I cant wait to have kids someday and get my hands on that! Actually, i wouldnt mind listening to that right now for myself, itd be soothing to hear before i go to sleep, cuz i get the adrenaline pumping with QUEEN's normal albums before i got to sleep.
Now maybe we can turn the music of this world around from hip-hop and chords of crap back to when music was music.
And the beatles too! SWEEEETTT!!!!
deleted user 11.01.2006 07:45
im only 16 so im not intrested in having kids in teh near future
but OMG!
I am so gunna get me one of them for my kids!
must train them in the ways of the queens!