apols if psoted before...but i just saw this, and think it's very funny link
please no comments about "why did they", "heresy" and other usual stepford-type rantings....this is a bit of fun people, and it works very well
I LOVE LOST too!!!! It's the best show ever!! Hey, Linda, what do you think the numbers mean?? I mean, yeah, I started to read on that website you've linked in your signature, but what do YOU think about?? How far in season two are you in Ireland??? Don't you think Jack and Kate should get together??
LOST is the best ever.
It took nearly 20 mintes to fully load....but was worth every minute.
Especially loved, the Galileo parts, when they actually showed the passengers with their carry on luggage during the lyrics ''carry on'', when ever the Oriental husband and wife ( I forget their names) ''sang'', there were oriental subtitles.
Very, very, clever. Reminds me of the work done by the folks at Jib/Jab.
YlvaDaJackass wrote: I LOVE LOST too!!!! It's the best show ever!! Hey, Linda, what do you think the numbers mean?? I mean, yeah, I started to read on that website you've linked in your signature, but what do YOU think about?? How far in season two are you in Ireland??? Don't you think Jack and Kate should get together??
LOST is the best ever.
We're not in series 2 yet! It's a joke! But I'm the number 1 fan who hasn't seen the second series..:P xD
I'm not sure what the numbers mean...I really don't know. Hurley thinks the plane crash was his fault because of the numbers, and that might be true because thats the same for Danielle but I'm not sure what they mean. The site in my sig is interesting though...I think it's just a load of fans noticing coincidental things though. I don't think the makers went into that much detail!
I have a lot of theories on everything on that show but we'll wait and see. Rumours are that second series starts in March over here so let's hope!
Lost rocks!
What?!?! You're not in series 2 yet??!?!?! I'm so sorry for you!!!!!! Here we've come to episode 7 in series 2, it has taken a break now, but starts again at january 25.
I really start to doubt that this island is actually an island, it just seems so wierd, you know, nothing-NOTHING- could surprise me anymore when it comes to LOST.
I mean, just look at it: The hatch, 'the others', the fact that something in the jungle is tearing up trees, those fucking numbers, those idiots that takes Walt, I mean come on!!! What is this fuckiong place???
But I love it. LOOOOOOVE it. And Jack is sooooo hoooot :)
Yeah, about those numbers and everything it said on that wabsite, some of the things might have a conection (for example, that the man who turned in Kate to the cops got 23 000 in award, or that the flight number was 8 15), but some of them were very, very... you know, unlikely.
LOST rules.
BTW, that parody with Bo Rhap is awsome. :)
like Linda...i too have only seen almost all of series 1
the Uk haven't started series 2 yet
but my own personal ideas are:-
1. the island is purgatory - or some kind of reincarnation where they all get a second chance to be different to what they were first time around
2. Locke is God - as in the real God - he has gone from Crippled to the master of everything....also i think he could be the "key" - (pardon bad pun) to the hatch (Locke/Hatch???)
3. my only other theory is that they could've all been kidnapped for soem kind of "reality TV" type documentary...think about it....they get on a plane....and a "crash" appears to have happened...but they could've been knocked out with some kind of gas leaked into the cabin and "dropped" onto an island that is rigged for filming....the remnants of the plane could've all been "planted there" to make it look genuine....the only think that i can think of to back up my theory is that i can't remember one instance of anyone finding their own property either washed up on shore or in the plane itself....but lots of stuff belonging to other people
I think that there is FINALLY a new Lost on this week...seems like it's been a month since I saw it last! I suppose I shouldn't say too much about any theories I have since y'all haven't seen any of season 2 yet. How on earth can you control the urge not to look up what happens online? ;-)
linda, think about it. just exactly how much small print do you think there is on plane tickets?
and how easy would it be to add more msall print?
it's possible that they are part of a reality tv skit....with the whole world watching.....and one or two people - Rousseau? could be plants - to stir things up...much like they do with big brother house
i'm sticking with my idea that it is reality tv