workstour 08.01.2006 11:12 |
I search for the full Budapest 1986 Show (16 camera screen) and full TV Version of 20.4.92 FM Tribute. And have anybody full Show from Roger´s Cyberbarn Concert (NOT Making of), who showen on Internet. |
deleted user 08.01.2006 12:35 |
hint 1-use the right forum-i.e. request forum hint 2-these 2 shows (buda and FMTC) i eblieve are rare and trading circles only, + the FMTC is official so no chance or it being uploaded,s ame with budapest so try trading for them |
Flush_Gurdun 08.01.2006 13:43 |
FFS taylorgaga, thats all you do is pull people up like a little girl! You must sit and wait for new users to make a mistake, so as you can get in first to tell them off. lol. Why don't you go and play with the Queen collection that you worked so hard to accquire. (That handout you got has certainly made you a very knowledgeable and wise Queen trader. lol). |
workstour 09.01.2006 04:53 |
The complete FM Tribute is not official, because only 3,5 Hours are on Original VHS, the complete (whos shown on Pay TV) have 4,5 Hours. |
tilomagnet 09.01.2006 09:19 |
<font color=green>taylorgaga wrote: hint 1-use the right forum-i.e. request forumThis forum should be used for posting topics about "general swapping/trading", so he posted it in the right forum. He didn't ask them to be uploaded. |
Fat Lizzy 09.01.2006 11:12 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote:Agreed...Flush_Gurdun wrote: FFS taylorgaga, thats all you do is pull people up like a little girl! You must sit and wait for new users to make a mistake, so as you can get in first to tell them off. lol. Why don't you go and play with the Queen collection that you worked so hard to accquire. (That handout you got has certainly made you a very knowledgeable and wise Queen trader. lol).Get a life. Taylorgaga is completely right, and you are a pathetic wannabe-human. |
Flush_Gurdun 09.01.2006 14:42 |
Get a life. Taylorgaga is completely right, and you are a pathetic wannabe-human.Very grown up Thomas. As mentioned above, the original post is very relevant to this section. And as for being jealous Linda, I've been collecting/trading Queen for over 13 years, so I think I've surpassed being jealous of others' collections. On this occassion TG could have offered a less sarcastic answer, but as usual he chose to pull someone up for what was a relevant question, posted in the CORRECT forum. This is why new users may not feel confident enough to post in this forum. |
john bodega 10.01.2006 10:00 |
"As mentioned above, the original post is very relevant to this section." Fuckwit, this is the ANNOUNCE FORUM. If a request is relevant here, then my foot must be relevant to your arse, personally I'd like to test that theory. |
workstour 10.01.2006 10:43 |
Is doch jetzt egal, ob es nun im richtigen Forum ist oder nicht. Hat jemand eine der Shows???? Tauschmaterial ist natürlich vorhanden. For english Traders: it is really matter i´m in right forum or not. Have anybody one (or both) of the Shows? For trade i have a lot of Stuff from Queen and Solo. Thanx |
deleted user 10.01.2006 10:52 |
1-yes it does matter cos positng here makes ppl think you have the concerts and uploading them to share and 2, if you can trade dont just say you can you have to provide a email address or a link to your list. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 11:52 |
Zebonka12 wrote: "As mentioned above, the original post is very relevant to this section." Fuckwit, this is the ANNOUNCE FORUM. If a request is relevant here, then my foot must be relevant to your arse, personally I'd like to test that theory.Another very grown up reply. (And here was me defending the maturity of teenagers just the other day... oh well!). This section of the forum is called "Sharing the Music - Announce - The Queen Hub, Queen Bit-torrents - ALSO GENERAL SWAPPING/TRADING"... and as Workstour has not asked for any of the files to be uploaded merely to see if they are available, then I'm sure it is relevant to swap/trade! |
deleted user 10.01.2006 11:57 |
you are a fucked up idiot arent you, but he is still REQUESTING! asking for anything in any way is known as a REQUEST so therefore you go to the REQUEST forum shit head. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 11:58 |
<font color=green>taylorgaga wrote: you are a fucked up idiot arent you, but he is still REQUESTING! asking for anything in any way is known as a REQUEST so therefore you go to the REQUEST forum shit head.again, some lovely grown up words. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 12:03 |
it's ashame, I've been using this site for close to 4 years now, but never felt comfortable to reply to any posts, and as soon as I do I face rude assaults from kids. Good luck policing this site Taylorgaga, and good luck with your trading, if you wait and beg long enough, I'm sure someone else will give there collection away, save you doing any work. |
Maz 10.01.2006 12:33 |
<font color=green>taylorgaga wrote: you are a fucked up idiot arent you, but he is still REQUESTING! asking for anything in any way is known as a REQUEST so therefore you go to the REQUEST forum shit Then perhaps, Paul, you'd like to go post the exact same message to Fenderek in that thread? Apparently, this section has changed and you can no longer set up trades in here. Or is that just your decision? Just relax, Paul. No need to get in such a huff and throw around insults. |
deleted user 10.01.2006 13:23 |
im not going to bother, all im saying is in the first place it was nto a request to trade btu a general request, but i also think there should be another section to this music bit, trade requests, announce, and general requests. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 14:53 |
link Then perhaps, Paul, you'd like to go post the exact same message to Fenderek in that thread? Apparently, this section has changed and you can no longer set up trades in here. Or is that just your decision? Just relax, Paul. No need to get in such a huff and throw around insults.Thank you Zeni, my point exactly. And there is no need for such insults aimed at me for making the same point. I hope that the other teenagers on this forum are not tarred with the same brush. Such a vulgar attack from Taylor Gaga, and Thomas Quinn was certainly not called for. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 16:44 |
<font color=FF0099>Linda Of The Valley wrote: Oh my God how stupid can you get? *sigh* I will say this once and then leave this thread. Paul did nothing 'rude' as this dimwit says. He answered correctly nothing but pure information. I believe the author is REQUESTING these concerts (and/or information on them). Therefore, this should go in the REQUEST forum. It's hard to understand, isn't it? If, Flush_Gurdun, you have visited this site for 4 years and have never brought up the courage to reply *rolls eyes* than WHY did you do it this time, simply to slag off someone? You're pathetic and just as bad as these 'teenagers' you complain about. Paul was not rude in his first post, he did get angry after he was randomly attacked and for that he deserves an apology. Of course, Flush_Gurdun doesn't seem the kind of mature enough person to do this and he's got his head too far up his arse to do this but I still think he can manage to swallow his pride.Are you having a laugh. I've been called a 'pathetic wannabe-human' from Thomas Quinn, a 'fucked up idiot and shit-head' from Taylor GaGa, and now a 'dimwit' by yourself. The author is not REQUESTING those, he originally says, "I search for the full Budapest 1986 Show (16 camera screen) and full TV Version of 20.4.92 FM Tribute". He did not say can anyway UPLOAD these files, merely that he seeks to confirm that they exist and if anyone had them. And as said by myself and in the post by Zeni, this is the part of the Queenzone forum where you can seek info on swaps/trades, is that not correct Linda? My original annoyance was that too many folk like TaylorGaGa jump in too hastily and scare new users away before they even become part of this community, as he has done in many posts before. I could go through all past posts and quote the many times that he has self-policed this site for wrongdoers and those making mistakes. So please don't jump the gun. And if my first post is too do this, then that is my business is it not? |
deleted user 10.01.2006 16:57 |
yeh but he also is not mentioned anywhere abotu a trade, if they want information about htings you go to queen serious or general, you go to annoucne to upload music, and request for requests, and fan mixes for your mixes its simple, so therefore the original post should have been in either request, general or serious. |
Flush_Gurdun 10.01.2006 17:13 |
if THEY want information about htings you go to queen serious or general, you go to annoucne to upload music, and request for requests, and fan mixes for your mixes ITS SIMPLE,"you go to announce to upload music". If its that simple, why did you REQUEST for more seeders in this section.(A thread found currently on the front page of this part of the forum). Why did Fenderek put his trade list up? You should ask Richard if you could change the rules of this site to your own, that would surely save the confusion. ... and who are "they"? |
deleted user 10.01.2006 17:40 |
you really are a simple minded idiot arent you, 1-people including me made a seed request in here at a time when NO ONE ever seeded! 2-the reason for puttin a trade list in here is to adveritse the fact people can trade, at no point did her request and i say it again i SUGGEST A TRADING REQUEST FORUM! 3-im not saying they are MY RULES! these are rules ALOT OF PEOPLE AGREE WITH, i.e. REQUESTS go in REQUEST FORUM UPLOADS go in ANNOUNCE FORUM QUESTIONS AND INFO SEEKING go in GENERAL OR SERIOUS DISCUSSION is it so difficult to understand? |
darcy 10.01.2006 19:56 |
2 pages of bitching and no real solid answer for the guy.. some people on this forum need to grow up! |
john bodega 11.01.2006 00:22 |
"Are you having a laugh. I've been called a 'pathetic wannabe-human' from Thomas Quinn, a 'fucked up idiot and shit-head' from Taylor GaGa, and now a 'dimwit' by yourself." Let's be fair, I called you a fuckwit as well. |
workstour 11.01.2006 04:49 |
My english is not good enough for so much words. So i think, nobody have this Shows and i must search again... Thanx |
Mkls 11.01.2006 06:12 |
workstour wrote: My english is not good enough for so much words. So i think, nobody have this Shows and i must search again... Thanxsent you a mail |
Flush_Gurdun 11.01.2006 07:34 |
Zebonka12 wrote: "Are you having a laugh. I've been called a 'pathetic wannabe-human' from Thomas Quinn, a 'fucked up idiot and shit-head' from Taylor GaGa, and now a 'dimwit' by yourself." Let's be fair, I called you a fuckwit as well.yeah, you're a classy guy to remind me... well done for you. Bet you get many laughs for that! |
john bodega 11.01.2006 08:54 |
"yeah, you're a classy guy to remind me..." (tips hat) Always a pleasure. "well done for you. Bet you get many laughs for that!" I get more laughs when I trip over midgets and steal from old people, but that's hardly relevant to the conversation. |
workstour 11.01.2006 10:22 |
One Fan have send me a email. He have BOTH shows and maybe we can trade. If still some other Fans who have one/ both shows, so please contact me. I have over 300 Queen+Solo Shows and around 300 Shows from other Bands. For webmaster: Sorry, so i´ve written in wrong Forum. |
Flush_Gurdun 11.01.2006 10:26 |
<font color=green>taylorgaga wrote: hint 1-use the right forum-i.e. request forum hint 2-these 2 shows (buda and FMTC) i eblieve are rare and trading circles only, + the FMTC is official so no chance or it being uploaded,s ame with budapest so try trading for themClearly such a sarcastic and unhelpful post like this was surely not called for, especially since the original poster has since added that his english is not great. Secondly, it's funny that TG likes to now over give advice on trading, which is a little bit of a joke, as he only recently got his full collection from either this site or more precisely, the donation from The Hero. Since coming here earlier in the year, TG - who also started off in this forum as a rather naive user just like all other new users (eg. he once posted that he wanted more seeders, even though he was trying to download around 14 torrents at the same time which is ludicrous), has learned the "rules" through being helped by others, not through another user jumping in with unhelpful remarks. Lastly, surely I have the right to my opinion just like anyone else, even though I don't back it up with needless insults like you and your friends have done. Surely the apology, which I do not seek, should be aimed towards me for being called a dimwit, a pathetic wannabe human, a fuckwit, a fucked up idiot and a shithead. All because I vented my opinion. it is only natural for friends to jump to the defence of each other, but surely on this occasion your friendship has led to a needless degree of abuse to another user. |
Flush_Gurdun 11.01.2006 10:31 |
workstour wrote: One Fan have send me a email. He have BOTH shows and maybe we can trade. If still some other Fans who have one/ both shows, so please contact me. I have over 300 Queen+Solo Shows and around 300 Shows from other Bands. For webmaster: Sorry, so i´ve written in wrong Forum.Indeed you have not posted in the wrong forum. This is the correct part to discuss trades as you have done. I will email soon as I also have both of these shows for trade. Just to clarify then. To TG and Linda who were so sure that the original post was a request for these files to be uploaded, surely now you will agree that it was a TRADE request after all? To Thomas Quinn, Don Geralmo and Zebonka, who all chose to back there friend up by insulting me, surely you can also agree that TG replied with an incorrect response? |
Flush_Gurdun 11.01.2006 16:12 |
I'm sorry for prolonging this thread, but now that it has been made clear that Workstour did intend to make a TRADE through his own written admission, would it be too much to ask for any of those who were only too quick to respond before, to apologise for the insults they made towards me. |
deleted user 11.01.2006 16:46 |
not a fucking chance mate, cos HIS ORIGINAL post was nto asking for a trade, as he gave no contact details etc as linda said, its only in his last posts he said he can trade, PLUS he did NOT have his email addy visible to start with, therefore NO1 could contact him about trades so its YOU who should eb apologising to US you fucked up tit! YOU are the one to JUMP on us, none of of original post was sarcy, it was seriosu and TRUE, many agree! its only you that disagrees, maybe you should do hte wise thing and SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A FEW MORE YRS! cos the first time you say something you say something false and make yourself look like a complete fool and make enemies with a Hell of a lot of ppl. so dont expect one from me cos you aint gettin it! |
Maz 11.01.2006 17:00 |
<font color=green>taylorgaga wrote: make enemies with a Hell of a lot of ppl.Not me, just your little gang it appears. He chided you for a miscommunication (which, based on the fact that English is not workstour's native language, is not that uncommon), and then received several hostile and insulting responses in return. At no time did he call anyone names, yet he gets called "fuckwit," fucked up idiot," and "pathetic wannabe human" by the peanut gallery. It's entirely possible that workstour was requesting a download, and it's entirely possible that since he does not speak the best English, he was asking for a trade in awkward terms. Either way, this got out of control and you are as much to blame, Paul. Before you demand an apology and say that Flush has pissed off "many" people, re-read your posts and the others and see who got more hostile. Or is calling people a "fucked up tit" just in good fun? |
Flush_Gurdun 11.01.2006 17:35 |
English may not be Workstour's native language, but what little he does know, does seem to be that much better than Taylorgaga's grasp of it. As for the "us", I guess it's no coincidence that you "Hell of a lot of ppl" are friends, so I will not be worried to have alienated myself from the rest of the forum. As for pulling "us" up, I actually questioned your response solely, the "us" came out of the blue with their petty replies. From Zeni's reply, I guess that it is not the first time your little "gang" has conducted itself with such profanity and hostility. If you had a problem with my initial reply, you could have replied in a far more mature manner, as could your friends, instead you resorted to pointless name calling in place of a valid argument. I did think after the overwhelming evidence that Workstour was indeed trying to trade that you may have accepted you were wrong on this occasion and apologised, but you decided to instead use it as a chance to insult me more... "SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A FEW MORE YRS". (charming). I hope I haven't looked too foolish in prolonging this "debate", as Paul has so eloquently pointed out. |
Ale_Pisa 11.01.2006 19:24 |
darcy wrote: 2 pages of bitching and no real solid answer for the guy.. some people on this forum need to grow up!I have write an email to him! :) |
Ale_Pisa 11.01.2006 19:25 |
<font color=FF0099>Linda Of The Valley wrote:Go in his profile and you find all the info that you want! :)Flush_Gurdun wrote:You honestly think this wasn't a request? Ok, for some reason let's agree with you, and SAY this was a trade thread...sheesh...*rolls eyes* If he wanted to trade these WHY did he not give any information to contact him? Surely traders usually have their email in their profile, or at least in the post? After all he's willing to trade for it according to you! You know what? No matter what I say it won't get through to you. Goodbye, have a nice life. It's a pity you couldn't be a big enough man and apologise to Paul who did nothing wrong. Why can't you see that? His first post wasn't jumping to conclusions or scaring the author of the thread off. It. Was. Giving. Information. Get it? Goodbye EDIT: Now, he has an email address in his profile.<font color=FF0099>Linda Of The Valley wrote: Oh my God how stupid can you get? *sigh* I will say this once and then leave this thread. Paul did nothing 'rude' as this dimwit says. He answered correctly nothing but pure information. I believe the author is REQUESTING these concerts (and/or information on them). Therefore, this should go in the REQUEST forum. It's hard to understand, isn't it? If, Flush_Gurdun, you have visited this site for 4 years and have never brought up the courage to reply *rolls eyes* than WHY did you do it this time, simply to slag off someone? You're pathetic and just as bad as these 'teenagers' you complain about. Paul was not rude in his first post, he did get angry after he was randomly attacked and for that he deserves an apology. Of course, Flush_Gurdun doesn't seem the kind of mature enough person to do this and he's got his head too far up his arse to do this but I still think he can manage to swallow his pride.Are you having a laugh. I've been called a 'pathetic wannabe-human' from Thomas Quinn, a 'fucked up idiot and shit-head' from Taylor GaGa, and now a 'dimwit' by yourself. The author is not REQUESTING those, he originally says, "I search for the full Budapest 1986 Show (16 camera screen) and full TV Version of 20.4.92 FM Tribute". He did not say can anyway UPLOAD these files, merely that he seeks to confirm that they exist and if anyone had them. And as said by myself and in the post by Zeni, this is the part of the Queenzone forum where you can seek info on swaps/trades, is that not correct Linda? My original annoyance was that too many folk like TaylorGaGa jump in too hastily and scare new users away before they even become part of this community, as he has done in many posts before. I could go through all past posts and quote the many times that he has self-policed this site for wrongdoers and those making mistakes. So please don't jump the gun. And if my first post is too do this, then that is my business is it not? |