1st things first: I HATE CATS.
2nd: if cats always land on thier feet then they wouldn't need 9 lives becuase they would never die.
3rd: why can't cats swim
I LOVE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to have 3 cats growing up and all 3 LOVED water. They used to jump in my neighbor's swimming pool, and run through our sprinkler on hot, summer days.
They also loved playing in the snow in the winter.
They also never POOPED in the house, and I never had to step in thier POOP which I have done in various homes I have rented or of friends who owned dogs.
Cats also don't BARK all night for no damn reason and keep me awake and from getting a good night sleep like the DOGS of my neighbors through the years.
Cats never have bitten me like the flea ridden mongrel DOGS who have done so through the years as I walked down the road, sidewalk, park, etc.
Cats also never sniff each other's BUTT like dogs do or hump your leg like DOGS do.
Take THAT dogs of America and the world!
Cats and X-Men UNITE I Say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<font color=brown>poop dude wrote: well i just started this tread to say: Cats must by legend be immortal.
I wish! Then I'd still have my first cat Honnie (pron. Honey - I know, I know) a beautiful orange tabby. She was so smart and pretty. I miss her. Here's a picture of her and I when I must've been ... 8 or 9 link
Here's a funny one of her ... XD link
Then to show you how pretty her coat was :) link
Yay :D
"she came without a calling a babe without a name."all dead is about a cat that brian had as a child. "of course i don't beleive your dead and gone all dead." i think that i would like that song played by my closest friends at my funeral.
<font color=brown>poop dude wrote: well i just started this tread to say: Cats must by legend be immortal.
I wish! Then I'd still have my first cat Honnie (pron. Honey - I know, I know) a beautiful orange tabby. She was so smart and pretty. I miss her. Here's a picture of her and I when I must've been ... 8 or 9
Here's a funny one of her ... XD
Then to show you how pretty her coat was :)
Yay :D
well if they always land on their feet (never fail) and have 9 lives (incase of cancer or stds) then they must be immortal.
<font color=brown>poop dude wrote: well if they always land on their feet (never fail) and have 9 lives (incase of cancer or stds) then they must be immortal.
<font color=brown>poop dude wrote: well i just started this tread to say: Cats must by legend be immortal.
I'm no cat expert or anything, but I am pretty sure that death by falling is not a number one cause of death for cats.
deleted user 01.01.2006 13:01
<font color=brown>poop dude wrote: 1st things first: I HATE CATS.
2nd: if cats always land on thier feet then they wouldn't need 9 lives becuase they would never die.
3rd: why can't cats swim
Cats CAN swim. God did you go to school? Cats are cute. I have some and they all have personality's. I prefer dogs but cats are still cute. So leave em alone.
Cats rock!
As I have pointed out before even rock and pop loves them.
The Stray Cats (and their song Stray Cat Strut)
Faster Pussycat
White Lion
All hell...see this thread, it says it ALL!!!!!
Meow!!!!!!!!! link
Yeah, I love cats, not. They lye about all day, go out all night, shit on your garden and only want you when theyre hungry. Waste of time, there are carpet grips on my next door neighbours fence! Cant fault him.