This is my idea for a new Queen album. I am sure that there must be tracks like this floating around the Queen basement. For instance, why would Queen do '39 with Freddie so many times without at least once recording a Freddie sung version.
1. Procession II(a new Brian intro of some kind)
2. We Will Rock You Fast
3. Jailhouse Rock
4. Nobody Understands Me
5. '39(Freddie vocals)
6. Hammer To Fall(slow)
7. The Darkness(rumoured Brian Nelson Manela song)
8. The Prophet Song(early take Greg Brooks raves)
9. Love Of My Life(acoustic studio version)
10. Say It's Not True
11. Brighton Rock(studio version focusing on solo)
12. Last Horizon(new bassline/like ROTC version)
13. Man Made Paradise(Queen version I know exists)
14. No One But You(just to put it on an album)
15. Polar Bear
16. In The Lap Of The Gods(guitar version)
17. God Save The Queen(new version more like roof)
I'm dreaming, but it seems like if Brian and Roger wanted to, they could produce an album like this one, and I would smile my ass off(though the critics would whine as usual). It would be a great way to cap off the original four's recording career, while still offering a future of anthology/box sets and new studio work with Paul(or whomever else).
yes, there is. the demo i heard was only a short sample, but it was different, and reportedly, a Queen version. It didn't sound as interesting, but how could it really not be?
Anyways, these mental ramblings come from a mind thirsting for more Queen material. I think this album could be done, as described. I would rather see them suck their resources dry than to not produce another album. That being said, a Queen + Paul album would freak me out in a very good way.
Vive Le Queen!