I've just bought this bootleg compilation, it contains live Brian's guitar solos (something what we usually call as "Brighton Rock") from 1973 to 1977. Vol. 2 would have solos from 1977 to 1982. Vol. 3 - 1984-2005.
This CD was released in October 2005, 10 tracks (over hour of unstopable guitar solo with little breaks between tracks... Imagine who I am and how do I look like after listening it!). Quality of the tracks are the same as on full recordings of the shows where they were taken from.
Sleeve contains some pics of Brian, one of Queen and details of release ("Bass: John DeaKon")
Nothing interesting (very boring, to be honest), but just wanted to let you know.
Yeah it sounds boring I mean, the variants are so small in the entire spectrum of the solo itself I don't understand why someone would put just that on a cd. that's like putting 15 somebody to love's on a cd. In the scheme of a concert the different versions are always fresh but as an entity alone, one after the other I could see it bocomming bland.
convengamos que Brian a lo largo de toda la carrera de Queen, siempre relizo el mismo solo en cada recital en donde tocó la banda.sólo lo cambio para este ultimo tour en donde toca last horizont.