does anyone know what Fred thought of his real name?
did he hate it when people called him forrokh? becuase o dont hear people using it a lot at all. you know branch off on curious to hear about the subject
JamieSureWould wrote: ok yea sorry?
thnk you? that helps?
Yes, it helps. It's Freddie's birth certificate with written Freddie's real name.
And - no, he didn't like to be called as Farrokh, he liked Freddie, not Fred even.
JamieSureWould wrote: ok yea sorry?
thnk you? that helps?
Yes, it helps. It's Freddie's birth certificate with written Freddie's real name.
And - no, he didn't like to be called as Farrokh, he liked Freddie, not Fred even.
yea i know ive seen the birth certificate b4- i just was in a rush because someone else needed the computer so sorry for miss spelling his name.
but yes thank you for answering my question- did his family call him freddie?
Hi Serry... It's interesting that you brought up that Freddie never like to be called Fred. My cousin toured with the band in the late 70's and when he would come back from tours and tell stories of the band he would almost ALWAYS refer to Freddie as "Fred". This was also written in Freestones' book as well that the crew would call him Fred much to his disliking.
deleted user 31.10.2005 03:07
For a view months ago I spoke a girl, and I was saying that I was going to see Queen. She (not a Queen fan) asked me wether it was right that Freddie's real name was Fahrok. I said it was right and she said she thaught the name Fahrok is a hunderd times better than Freddie.
I mean if he just simpeld his name how to pronounce it. So pronounce it like Ferok. It would have been a wonderful and original name in music busines.
I read an interview with John of all people who refrerred to Freddie as Fred, and it was a personal statement where when John was asked if he socialized with Freddie, he replied that he ''would never think of just ringing Fred up or stopping by Fred's'', something to that affect.