It's in America in the caribbean. So you can ask about it nicely, because if i ask in this way "where the hell is England" you won't fucking like it. So think first before you post
I think it was a Dutch colony in the past and now is part of political entity called 'the ABC-islands'.
A= Aruba
B= Bonaire
C= Curacao
You should ask a dutch guy to answer that question. :)
yeh theres a question where the hell is england? iv heard of it but where the hell is it? i heard it was in Great Britain, United Kingdom and Africa, which is it?
and Dennis you a twat so shut up and dont reply to any of my posts/ threads.
Aruba is still part of the Dutch kingdom... And yes, it's an island nearby Venezuela... only 15 km away from that country. You can ask Mari where Venezuela is ;)