Oh yes! :) I still remeber though when on the begining I opened a thread where I basically took a piss of all thsoe "Queen RIP 1991" posts with the MOST RIDICULOUS and unbelievably stupid post I've ever written. What BPP said? That that was the best thing he had read for years! I wouldn't mind digging it up, actually :)
deleted user 26.09.2005 06:37
I do not mind ppl having them point of view, but I do mind people being repeating things just to have his way...
anyway what do you want it's only a puddle perm, they only do them way .... you know about bad hair day...
No. I need someone on this board with good English who'll provide me some rude and explicit words - I'll learn them. Who else can help me, besides BPP and his thoughts about ROTC?!
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: "Should BPP go and fuck himself?"
No, that would be rape.
I can't imagine ANYONE enjoying fucking him...including himself.